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  • 4 0
 Sadly this photo is all to real.
  • 4 0
 Effeminate cunts, haharrrrr.
  • 4 1
 lol Beer lol It truly is insane that they think they'd be successful at leaving the US lol
  • 3 0
 lol guy on the right chillin over there with his night vision goggles ready for action
  • 4 0
 the few, the brave
  • 2 1
 Hah!!! The many, the spineless. lol lol
  • 2 0
 the future is bright, nothing to worry about, carry on people.....
  • 2 1
 The feared California 97%ers!!! lol lol lol lol lol
  • 2 0
 @therealtylerdurden: lol 97%ers...that's so funny!
  • 2 0
 Cool Scottish camouflage. I think the gruesomes skipped leg day.
  • 2 0
 Dude, I got hella shit to say about this, ya feel me?
  • 2 0
 Thank you.
  • 2 2
 For what?
  • 3 3
 You didn't need to neg prop me lol, it was an earnest question. If it was for posting the photo, you're welcome lol. Too many snowflakes and fruitcakes out there who think 'my opinion matters!' yet their opinion is not only not rooted in fact, but defies all logic.

#Makeintelligencegreatagain Looking forward to seeing what Trump can salvage of the clusterf*ck Obamas dumbshit administration left us. 4-8 years of no worries to look forward to either way! Beer
  • 1 1
 @therealtylerdurden: Dude, it's not about being a "special snowflake" or whatever demeaning terminology you want to use. It's about the plight of the individual. Not everyone is of the same cookie cutter mold, and you should understand that since you're a metalhead. They just have a different way of expressing themselves, and it has absolutely no impact on your life. You have your opinions, and while I do not agree, I won't call you names for your different opinions or use homophobic slurs.

I'm not trying to start an argument, I just want people to understand the importance of individuality. Clearly these cats don't give a shit about what anyone has to say anyway. In fact, they probably feed off of it.
  • 1 1
 @piman: is it possible these young people are the result of the information/food they have been presented with, in an attempt to set them up to fail later in life? men and women used to be clearly defined but we know certain chemicals (endocrine disruptors) have the ability to change the masculinity/femininity of humans...sooo, their 'individuality' is open to manipulation of the ruling class, the people that control what is given to the masses through media and food consumed.
  • 1 3
 @baggyferret: Gender identity and expression are both spectrums. While you may exist on the polar ends, many people do not, and they feel more comfortable with their bodies and at ease with their minds if the play around with said spectrums. Men and women were clearly "defined" decades ago, but over time people have begun to listen to the oppressed voices of the transgender community, and so significant strides have been made in our understanding of gender. Many psychologists today are on board with the concept of gender fluidity, but there are still people reluctant to accept the trans community. So who are you going to believe: the scientists who have been studying this topic, or the reluctant old-souls who believe in restrictive gender roles? On top of that, the majority of people lean more towards androgyny than they do true masculinity or femininity,

Basically what I want everyone to consider is this: Is it really all that bad if people are expressing themselves in an unobtrusive manner? Bowie is praised for his individuality, so why can't we at least let these people be themselves?

So no, it is not some huge conspiracy with hormones in food to set people up to fail. And the struggles facing the younger generations are arguably the byproduct of generations before.
  • 4 1
 @piman: sorry man, but I can't concede on this. Allowing men to enter a woman's restroom because the dude 'feels like a lady today' endangers women in the same way that assuming that criminals will oblige no gun signs does not create a safe zone, but rather a far more dangerous one, as an armed attacker/robber/what have you will know that no one else in the store will not be able to defend themselves except with their fists. It ends up being an open invitation to thugs, and nothing more.

Furthermore, gender fluidity?! f*cking pseudoscience bullshit. You got a cock n balls? You're a dude. You got tits n a slit? You're a chick. You had your cock n balls lopped off and a hole installed instead? You're a f*cking freak. In the words of the late, great, Tyler Durden, 'Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.' How you feel does not determine what you are.

When people such as in the above photo call me a fascist pig, a Nazi, a racist, a _______, and with such vitriol, because I believe in the right to keep and bear arms, I believe in traditional marriage, and I love my country, it makes me respect them 1000x less, and care even less about taking them seriously or offending them.

I've NEVER screamed at someone because of their political beliefs. Yet I have literally been screamed at- more than once- by folks I've just met for merely voicing my support of the 2nd Amendment and the fact that guns built this country, and that they are our last defense against an over reaching, tyrannical government.

Liberals' agenda on all matters are so insanely short sighted, intolerant, illogical, and downright un-American, that quite frankly, they truly are the anti-thesis of this great country. To touch upon why their agenda and policies are this way would be many times the length of this post, so I will refrain from writing anymore.
  • 3 0
 @piman: clearly you haven't dug very deep into this, just following what the media push! Nature is our ruler & she defines us, men & women have their place to further their genes, you are confused.
  • 2 0
 @piman: ahhhh, you're young and have been brainwashed in the same ways! time will show you the mistakes you are making now.

read and learn.... socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2015/07/24/chemical-gender-manipulation-turning-boys-into-girls


  • 3 0
 @therealtylerdurden: So true! The pic is funny as f*ck BTW. Unfortunately I'm stuck in the state with all these f*cktards. If we could just get them to relocate to Canada or something, all would be good.
  • 1 0
 @Twenty6ers4life: I'm originally from LA, and it took years to come to terms with this, but California is a great place to visit, but a terrible place to live, for so many reasons. Pretty sure everyone ruining that beautiful state was supposed to be moving to Canada when Trump was elected anyways, weren't they?? lol

Stay strong out there; it is reassuring that 30% of Californians voted Trump. Last time I was out there, I actually met quite a few of them, even in the LA suburbs!
  • 2 0
 @therealtylerdurden: Yep, they were suppose to go, but as usual, they were full of shit. I think there are more conservatives here than people think though. But the libs are so loud, obnoxious and irrational, that's all most people see.
  • 1 0
 @Twenty6ers4life: hell yes there are! And most definitely. Loud, crazy f*ckheads lol.
  • 1 3
 @therealtylerdurden: You're mixing up gender with sex. They are different, gender is the mental part where you feel you belong. Sex is the biological part based off how your piping works. Gender is complicated since the brain is complicated. There is a lot more to how someone behaves than just what they have under their pants. Let people be people and don't interfere with their lives is the way I look at it. If someone is happy, the government shouldn't destroy that in order to make others comfortable; the others need to become comfortable with it.

And I never brought up the bathroom issue, so I don't know why you're throwing that one at me, but it's based in the irrational fear that all transgendered people are pedophiles and perverts. They are not. They are human beings. Maybe some of them are, but what about grown men who want little boys? They have all the access they want, yet they still make up a minuscule fraction of the population. Saying trans women are going to use the women's restroom for devious purposes is not fair. And what about trans men who want to use the men's room? They are more likely to face abuse from other men in the restroom just because they have a vagina.

So I ask my question again: why can't we let people who aren't affecting our lives live their own? Seems mighty intolerant. Why do you think that this is all pseudoscience? Have you ever actually met a transgendered person and sat down to have a polite and insightful conversation? Do you really think it is their choice to be the way they are even though they know they are going to face harsh discrimination? I'm glad that I'm not gay or transgendered, not because I hate the LGBTQ community, but because I don't think I could take all of the shit that the community has to put up with. They never chose a life in which they would face so much adversity. It's all a result of genetics, and you can't fight extraordinarily strong scientific proof with "morals."
  • 1 0
 @piman: you need to read and learn WHY they are mentally different,


you just wont get it otherwise.
  • 1 2
 @baggyferret: You have shown me the same article three times now. One article. One among hundreds of articles showing scientific evidence of genetic reasons. Your argument is like the absurd argument that vaccines cause autism based off of a handful of studies trying to imply causation from correlation. That isn't how science works.
  • 1 1
 @piman: you're brainwashed, vaccines DO cause autism, it was barely heard of before vaccines, as was transgenderism before the chemicals were added to water and food, do some proper research instead of just a couple of 'papers' that suit your brainwashed opinion Facepalm

there are hundreds if not thousands of studies out there showing the same conclusions but of course you skip those.
  • 1 3
 @baggyferret: I can't even try to fight you on this. You are too long gone. I'm sorry, I have to quit on you before I turn uncivil.

BUT I will say that autism wasn't heard of because no one knew what to call it. It began to appear more not because more kids were getting it, but because more people were aware of it.
  • 3 0
 @piman: oh no! don't get all 'triggered' and start crying!
classic signs of cognitive dissonance, it's very common now because of the modern 'schooling'
you call this 'fighting', ha, sorry buddy you just don't know what you're dealing with.
  • 1 2
 @baggyferret: Yeah I'm going to start crying because I am an oversensitive pussy libtard f*ck up. Pretty much sums me up.
  • 2 1
 @piman: so get educated, sort your diet out and exercise, come back in a few months and have a proper discussion about this...
  • 2 1
 @baggyferret: I'm trying to have a proper discussion with therealtylerdurden because I respect his opinions even if I disagree.
  • 3 1
 @piman: you are getting nowhere by insisting you are right, look into the subject properly, look at both sides of this and you will see you have been misled. it goes much deeper that you can imagine, why would a group of people want to divide all of us? another way of getting us to fight among ourselves maybe? ever heard of 'divide and conquer'?

stop watching the TV, it's not good for critical thought.

i really mean it, don't look for back up in your beliefs, follow the information thats out there back to source, then you will see why it's happening. we all need to unite against the disinformation we are having used against us.
  • 3 0
 @piman: the main point is THE RULE OF NATURE, if it goes against nature, it's wrong. simple.
  • 1 3
 @baggyferret: www.yalescientific.org/2012/03/do-animals-exhibit-homosexuality

Pretty compelling for an Ivy League school to share this. Maybe it doesn't benefit evolution, but it damn well happens in nature.



In fact, just google it. There is plenty of proof that it is entirely natural.
  • 1 0
 @piman: i didn't say it doesn't happen, i gave you reasons for WHY it happens and is a bad thing for our future. in case you haven't realized, the animals on this planet have also been subjected to the same gender altering chemicals, nature does not allow those animals to reproduce, get it yet? if we follow what you are saying, we as a species will all die, which ties in nicely with population reduction as expressed by the UN. maybe it is all deliberate huh? you are falling for the biggest set up in our history.

now read some more... www.c2cjournal.ca/2016/12/were-teaching-university-students-lies-an-interview-with-dr-jordan-peterson
  • 3 1
 @piman: piman your over the top liberalism is f*cking suffocating ,you are the product of an insidious education system and social conditioning through media ,bowie was challenging stuff because he could and was part of the act ,he also dabbled in Nazi gesticulating but I doubt your adopt that little fashion statement, gender is not a social construct ,and all this transgender promotion will have nothing but a pernicious effect on civilisation if excepted as the norm and promoted (I do not condone oppression to such people but lets get it straight they are an anomaly and not as widespread as luvvie liberal culture will have you believe)as you grow older you will most probably see the folly in your thinking and will put it down to a phase of rebelling against some power imposed system ,nature is supreme ,if you deviate from its path too much it will bite you back. Heres some footage of opposing thought on subject matter www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVaTc15plVs&list=PLL5ijf5RFmWMdFQ_cG0uNU0LQ2qOuLfoP
  • 2 0
 @unleash: very interesting link, thank you
  • 2 0
 @baggyferret: no worries
  • 2 0
 @unleash: Holy shit, that was DAMN well said.
  • 3 0

finally it is revealed, how people are "indoctrinated" - and why they can not be reasoned with

"Here is a staggering statistic from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): “More than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year.”

Let that sink in. 25 percent.

Colleges are basically clinics. Psychiatric centers.

Colleges have been taken over. A soft coup has occurred, out of view.

You want to know where all this victim-oriented “I’m triggered” and “I need a safe space” comes from? You just found it."

  • 3 0
 @baggyferret: it's been well known for some time that colleges are breeding grounds for liberal nonsense. Good video regardless!
  • 2 0
 Did they volunteer to dress that way?
  • 2 0
 Hahahaha damn all these 'progressive' numbskulls!

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