
世界盃下坡賽人物誌 - Part 2

Dec 3, 2014
by Ian Chu  
Composite image of the portraits of the people of the world cup.


Greg Minnaar s career has been going so long it s hard to realize that the South African is only 33 years old. The fresh prince of big air as he was known back in his Global racing and Honda G Cross days is starting to show a few signs of wear and tear note that knee brace but despite that there s no denying that he s a podium threat everytime he s in the start gate. Leogang 2014.
Greg Minnaar的職業生涯有夠長,長到讓大家很難想像他今年只有33歲。這個疾如風的男子(過去他在Global Racing與Honda G Cross車隊時的封號),身上漸漸留下長年征戰歲月對他的作用(看看他膝上的輔具),但除此之外,只要他一站上起跑台,沒人會將他排除在奪冠人選之外。Leogang 2014。

Fort William 2014.
Emmeline Ragot是我見過最專注的選手之一。他在風險的衡量與放手一搏時機的判斷,都展現了職業級水準。他同時也是最有個人風格的女車手之一。賽後他會盡興參加派對,但同時他也認真學習,抱著書本苦讀,為他將來成為物理治療師的生涯規劃做準備。Fort William 2014。

Victor Lucas has been responsible for any number of Dirt Magazine covers as well as almost evey insane image of Chris Akgrigg that we ve ever seen. He s a quiet one though who prefers to let his images do the talking. Leogang 2014.
Victor Lucas不知道包辦了幾期Dirt Magazine的封面,還有幾乎所有Chris Akrigg瘋狂技巧的畫面。他個性安靜堅毅,寧願用影像作品來說話。Leogang 2014。

Living the dream Joe Staub is the team manager for the Giant Factory Off Road Team and calls Europe his home for six months out of the year. Not bad for a kid from the sticks in Colorado. Leogang 2014.
活在夢想中:Joe Staub是Giant Factory Off Road車隊經理,有六個月的時間他把歐洲當成家。對於一個從科羅拉多週來的小子而言,這樣的生活還真不錯。Leognag 2014。

Even though he s got a great sense of humor Gee Atherton is so seldomly pictured smiling that when I snapped him trying in vain to stiffle this grin I knew that I had the shot I wanted. Leogang 2014.
就算他很有幽默感,但是Gee Atherton在鏡頭前準備板起臉前,露出了少見的微笑,我抓到了我要的鏡頭。Leogang 2014。

The editor for Mountain Bike Rider Magazine Mad Dog Boris Beyer burst onto the scene in 2011 hauling camera gear for Sven Martin and collecting bad tattoos along the way. May he never slow down. Leogang 2014.
Mountain Bike Rider雜誌編輯「瘋狗」Boris Beyer在2011年出現在世界盃賽事中。他幫攝影師Sven Martin揹器材包,還有一路蒐集身上的刺青。希望他能保持這股幹勁。Leogang 2014。

He sure throws down sick tail whips for a child hood ice hockey prodigy... Bernard Kerr. Leogang 2014.
Bernard Kerr能夠擺出場上最驚人的甩尾。Leogang 2014。

3 years ago Todd Anderson took a leap of faith and moved to Europe from the USA in order to take over the SRAM race support truck and he s been on the road since then. Leogang 2014.
三年前,Todd Anderson做了人生重大決定,從美國搬到歐洲,接掌SRAM原廠後援卡車,從那時起,卡車就是他的家。Leogang 2014。

Aarron Gwin single-handedly raised the bar for what it takes to win on the World Cup level and yet at the end of the day he s still one of the humblest guys out there. And he s got a mean forehand on the tennis court too. Leogang 2014.
Aaron Gwin獨自一人就已經將贏得世界盃冠軍的門檻提高許多。雖然如此,他仍然是場上最謙虛選手之一。他在網球場上也是個狠角色。Leogang 2014。

There are very few riders who can not only be a legit threat on the World Cup but who can then go toe to toe with the World s best free riders at the Red Bull Rampage Brendan Fairclough is that rare rider. Leogang 2014.
世界上只有非常少數的選手有辦法是世界盃高手,同時也能跟自由騎選手在Red Bull Rampage比賽中同場較勁。Brendan Fairclough是這樣少見的選手。Leogang 2014 。

Heal up Rat boy Leogang 2014.
快快復原吧,鼠男孩!Leogang 2014。

Watching a seventeen year old Mitch Ropelato go inside against the world s best on the 4X track at Bromont in 2009 was my first experience with the Specialized racer. So much talent... Lepgang 2014.
第一次看見這位Specialized選手 Mitch Ropelato是2009年,那時他才十七歲,是在加拿大Bromont世界盃4X賽與一等一的選手比拼。極具天賦的選手。Leogang 2014。

Marcus Pekoll of MS-Mondraker not only races for the team but is also licensed to drive the big rig that the team calls home when they re on the road. Leogang 2014.
Marcus Pekoll不但是MS-Mondraker車隊的選手,因為他也有大型貨車駕照,所以在賽季中,車隊當成家的超大貨車也是由他駕駛。Leogang 2014。

Cameron Cole s been racing bikes since he was 3. Horse has had sweet success--a Junior World s title back in Rotarua and bitter dissappointment--the helicoptor ride out of Andorra being one of the worst. But overall he s kept his sense of humor and his focus on racing... If I wasn t racing bikes I d be racing something else. Fort WIlliam 2014.
Cameron Cole從三歲就開始比賽。早年他就取得成就 - 2006年在澳洲Rotarua拿下青年組世界冠軍,但也有些挫敗 - 其中最慘的一次就是2013在安道爾得坐直昇機緊急送醫。但不管如何,他總是在場上保持幽默與專注。「如果我不是下坡車選手,我也會是其他什麼的選手。」很可惜他在2015將離開世界盃。他有自己的人生規劃,他將在紐西蘭本土出賽。Fort William 2014。

Ed Masters. The Kiwi hasn t got a serious bone in his body. Except when it comes to pinning it down the track as fast as he can. Fort William 2014.
Ed Master。這傢伙沒一根筋是正經的。但是只要一上賽道,那就不一樣了。Fort William 2014。

Dave Garland works on the World Cup circuit because suspension is in his blood--he not only owns his own suspension company but wrenches on rally cars when he s not working on bikes. How good is he Ask Danny Hart. Fort William 2014
Dave Garland之所以在世界盃場上工作,那是因為他骨子裡留著避震的血液 - 他不只有自己的避震器公司,當他沒搞登山車的時候,他玩的是越野拉力車避震。他有多強?問問Danny Hart就知道了。Fort William 2014。

Ellliot Jackson s first step on the World Cup was at Val di Sole in 2011 it was his first race on the big stage and despite smashing his drive train to bits in the rock garden at the top of the track during qualifying he still managed to get into final. His easy going manner has had a place on the circuit ever since. Fort William 2014.
Elliot Jackson的第一場世界盃分站出賽是在2011年的義大利站。這是他人生第一場大比賽,儘管在排位賽時,在亂石區裡導鏈器護盤重擊巨石,他仍然進入了決賽。他那隨性的風格讓大家都認識了他。Fort William 2014。

Matti Lehikoinen. Such a bright talent. Matti s not been on the circuit for a bit due to a couple nasty injuries but he s been such a part of the circus for the past decade that seeing him at Fort William--even though he wasn t racing--was a genuine pleasure. Fort William 2014.
Matti Lehikoinen,一位身具天資的選手。現在Matti已經沒在場上比賽,這是因為他經歷了幾次重大的意外,但是即便他沒有出賽,這十幾年來,還是會看見他出現在世界盃賽場上,能再次看見他感覺真好。Fort William 2014。

Mark Maurissen has been turning wrenches as long as the Belgian monks have been making his favorite beer Duval. Need something extra done Just make certain you have a bottle or six of the nectar and you might just be able to bribe him to get it done after he works on Gee s bike.
Mark Maurissen擔任技師的技術就像比利時修道士釀啤酒的技術一樣好。你還需要什麼服務嗎?確定你帶了一瓶好酒過去做公關,那大概在他弄完Gee的車之後,就可以來照顧你的車了。

Sam Hill. Another name etched into the collective consciousness of the World Cup circuit. He s always a quiet one--except when the chips are down that s when one gets to see pure unbridled drive running amok on the track. So good to see him tie one on this year--there s life yet in Mr Hill. Fort William 2014.
Sam Hill,一個你不得不將他寫入世界被史書的人。除了比賽之後,他總是很安靜。在他身上,你可以看見那種對於奪勝單純的熱情。很高興在2014年又看到他重新拾回該有的節奏 - 他的戲還沒完呢!Fort William 2014。

Micayla Gatto taking in a nice cuppa caffeinated consciousness. It s interesting to see how creative she is as an artist--check it out at http www.micaylagatto.blogspot.com. Fort William 2014.
Micayla Gatto正在喝杯提神咖啡。當你看見他的作品,你會很驚訝發現他是一位多麼具有創意的藝術家 - 到這看看他的作品 http://www.micaylagatto.blogspot.com。Fort William 2014。

It s rare to catch Sam Dale in a quiet moment--he s usually the center of whatever shennanigans are going down in the pits. But man he s a joy to watch on the bike. Fort William 2014
一般很難捕捉到Sam Dale如此平靜的畫面 - 在休息區裡,他通常是胡鬧開展的中心。Fort William 2014。

Jack Roure is typically found one of two places World Cup race pits or the local MX track. Jack s been a mechanic on the circuit since forever--17 years and counting. He s been with Lapierre for the last seven and wrenched for Loic Bruni and Sam Blenkinsop this past season.
你通常可以在兩個地方找到Jack Roure,世界盃賽場或是地區的越野機車比賽。他好像一直都在那,已經整整17年,並且持續增加。過去七年他在Lapierre車隊,在上個賽季負責Loic Bruni與Sam Blenkinsop的比賽用車。

Myriam Nicole aka Pom-Pom. Whenever I see her ride it s obvious that she s got a passion for riding the bike and for racing. Very few riders will take the time to notice the photographers much but Pom-Pom s been known to flash a thumbs up to the photographers after cleaning a hard section in practice. Not during her race runs though then she s all business. Leogang 2014.
Myriam Nicole,大家都叫他Pom-pon。不管何時看間他在車上,都能感覺到他對比賽的熱情。很少有人在賽道上會注意攝影師,但是在練習時完成困難的段落之後,他都會向攝影師豎起大拇指致意。在比賽時全神貫注時當然就不會這樣做。Leogang 2014。

Alastair Gordon Brench...aka Reg has been at it since the days when Tomac was racing on Raleigh. He s everything a mechanic should be salty crusty and sharp tongued enough to flay an ego to the bone off anyone who doesn t think before they open their gob but worth his weight in gold when it comes to turning wrenches. Leogang 2014.
Alastair Gordon Brench,綽號Reg,從古早Tomac用Raleigh出賽的時候,他就已經出現在賽場上。他那直接、豪不留情的說話方式,要是你沒準備好就跟他開口攀談,會被他虧的很慘。Leogang 2014。

Former racer and now pro lensman Dave Trumpore. Unknown to many Dave is just as willing to billy goat his way up skinny singletrack trails with a camera bag on as he is to shred down some of the steeper tracks around the globe. Oh and if you see him on the trails in Tapei that s not him but rather his real but still evil twin brother Lee Trumpore. Also a photographer. Leogang 2014.
以前是選手,現在是攝影師的Dave Trumpore。他能夠揹著大包器材一路騎車上山,然後衝下那些陡到不行賽道。對了,如果你在台北的林道上看見他,那並不是他,而是他的孿生兄弟Lee Trumpore,同樣也是登山車攝影師。Leogang 2014

Nigel Reeve of Brisbane Australia arrived in Morzine France in 2007 and started working with Nathan Rankin a Kiwi racer and he s never looked back. He s turned his Beta wrenches exclusively for Steve Smith for 3 seasons now and we know how that s gone don t we Leogang 2014.
來自布里斯班的Nigel Reeve,在2007年他來到法國Morzine,擔任車手Nathan Rankin的技師。過去三個賽季他為Steve Smith整修車輛,我們都看見了成果如何,對吧?Leognag 2014。

Remi Thirion got his first bike at age 2 and hasn t looked back since. If he wasn t racing bikes likely you d find him cuttting the slopes as a professional skier--evidently he s just plain good at doing anything that means going down steep gnarly lines at warp speed. Leogang 2014.
Remi Thirion在兩歲時收到第一台車,從此就沒有回頭路了。如果他不是下坡車手,你大概會看見他成為職業的滑雪選手 - 很顯然任何需要在不太平坦的地面上往下衝的運動他都在行。Leogang 2014。

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