
YT Industries Now in Canada

Nov 16, 2015
by YT Industries  
YT Canada logo

This January, the direct sales brand out of Forchheim, Germany, made the move across the big pond. So far, the Canadian market was handled directly via US-partner Cam Zink, today a web shop with an additional service center in Canada is being launched.

Jean Martin Gagne, who recently was in charge of the distribution of BOS mountain bike suspension in the USA and Canada, will now take over the customer service for YT in Canada. "JM is familiar with the market and he knows our bikes as well as we do. That is one reason why we brought the 38-year old on board. Another reason is that we also want to be able to offer an uncomplicated service in Canada, which is only possible if we are on site", says Markus Flossmann, founder, and CEO of YT Industries.

YT Capra

Back in 2008 CEO Markus Flossmann literally established YT out of his garage. His aim was to produce good bikes for talented upcoming young dirt jump and slopestyle bikers. Unlike many other bike companies, during these 7 years YT has managed to become one of Europe’s most popular bike brands.

The ingredients: high technology and quality products at fair prices, the direct-shipping principle, which omits the profit margins of distributors, and a reputation which is unrivaled. Not to forget the world-class team riders, which YT has been able to sign over the last few years.

YT CF Comp Review

Nowadays the core product range is made up of cream of the crop downhill and enduro bikes, which are awarded by the industry with renowned prices on a regular basis.

As of now, YT is an employer of more than 60 people worldwide, with a growing tendency. Meanwhile, it has built up sales structures in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Asia.

Check out the Canadian YT site here.

MENTIONS: @YTIndustries

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Member since Jan 8, 2014
100 articles

  • 79 17
 Kinda disappointed what they did to our flag.
  • 19 5
 Shits Nasty
  • 21 13
 @onemind123. I disagree. The flag is the highlight for me. I'd buy a tshirt with that on it.
  • 2 1
 for me it's the ears I don't like
  • 11 5
 a PR nightmare for sure. cant even imagine what they were thinking. but lets try not to be too much like americans and be all anal about our flag
  • 15 2
 People get offended over the smallest things, you're just bored and want something to complain about.
  • 2 1
 @3whip i kind of want to up vote AND down vote you for that comment. Cudos sir
  • 3 0
 Why would there be ears on a skull ?
  • 13 0
 Did the prices go up or is it just me? The price was what was so attractive about YT. I just did a quick comparison with Devinci Bicycles and I'm not sure there is value in the YT brand anymore. Devinci is a canadian company with a lifetime warranty and you can walk into a shop and buy one and get great support. I've always liked the YT brand, but it has to be cheaper than a shop's brands or whats the point?
  • 6 2
 its because you were probably looking at the prices in USD before
  • 10 0
 Ya maybe when the dollar was par. I just compared these two brands and was shocked. I thought YT was selling their bikes at wholesale because they where cutting out the shops. I think these devinci's are cheaper, local, better warranty and you can go to a shop, sit on it, and take it there if you have an issue. I dunno. I just thought YT's were cheaper because it was consumer direct
  • 7 0
 exactly my point, YT markets their bikes as a lot cheaper becuase of consumer direct when they really are not
  • 6 0
 Import duties play a big difference in bike prices. The import duty on brands actually manufactured in taiwan or china is 13%. Also our dollar has tanked in the past year pretty significantly.
  • 3 0
 what are nearing 30% over USD now?
  • 3 0
 Yes. $1cad = $0.75usd
  • 3 0
 my US purchases are on hold for the foreseeable future.
  • 6 0
 1 usd = $1.36 cad when you go to a bank.
  • 12 2
 Let's see:

High-end carbon
Spartan Carbon RR $7,700CAD vs. Capra CF Pro Race $7,000CAD

Capra is 10% ($700) cheaper, comes with BOS suspension vs. Rock Shox (or save $200 with the Lyrik/Monarch combo), Mavic Crossmax Enduro wheelset vs. DT Swiss E1700 (this is a tie I think). Rest is comparable - so I agree with you, the YT is not enough of a discount vs. the advantage of getting a Devinci from an LBS.

For the cheapest carbon models, Devinci seems to offer better value as well. On the aluminum front:

Spartan RS $3,900CAD vs. Capra AL 1 $4,000CAD

Capra is $100 more for a Pike RCT3 vs. Solo Air RC, same shock, YT has DT Swiss E1900 wheelset vs. Formula hubs/DT Swiss 483D wheels so YT wins that, both have Guide R brakes but YT has X1 drivetrain vs. GX on the Devinci.

Conclusion: Capra doesn't offer significantly more value than Spartan on component spec. Whether it is a better bike/suspension design is another question.

On the Tues DH front:

High-end carbon
Wilson 27.5 SL $7,700CAD vs. YT Tues Pro $6,100CAD

Rock Shox World Cup/Vivid coil vs. BOS air suspension on the YT, Easton Havoc wheelset on Devinci vs. e13 LG1r on YT, Guide Ultimate on Devinci vs. RSC on YT, X01DH drivetrain and cranks on both.

So here you pay $1,600 (21% savings) and get arguably better suspension with roughly same spec otherwise, that is a lot of money.

Mid-level aluminum:
Wilson 27.5 RC $5,700CAD vs. YT Tues AL Comp $4,645CAD

Same suspension, DT Swiss 533D on 350 hubs on Devinci vs. DT Y2020 on YT (dunno that model, guessing the 350 hubs are better - Devinci wins), same brakes, same drivetrain/cranks, slightly nicer finishing kit on the YT with Race Face.

So here $1,055 cheaper for the YT (19% savings) for a better bike.

Entry-level aluminum:
Wilson 27.5XP $4,300 vs. YT Tues AL $3,600

Same fork, Vivid coil vs. Kage (Devinci wins), X7 vs. X9 drivetrain (YT wins), Formula hubs on DT 533 wheels vs Kore Tension, same brakes, rest is comparable.

So here $900 (21% savings) for a slightly worse spec on the YT.

Conclusion: In Canada, the Tues offers superior value on component spec to the Wilson, both in carbon and aluminum frames at all price points, often coming with better parts for 20% less money. For the Spartan vs. Capra, the price and spec are quite close which is not enough as Devinci gives a better warranty and support.
  • 6 1
 Thanks for doing all that work @gramboh. I didn't even bother to look at the DH bikes. I could almost guarantee you that almost any shop would sell you that high end spartan for $7000. That's the nice thing about shops. They'll work with you to get a deal done. I'm not sure if you know anyone with BOS suspension but it is scary stuff. I've heard more than one story about these forks coming apart in the air. Not joking. The lowers came right off. Brand new bikes. I don't really care what bike people buy,but it's good to know where your money is going. My next bike was going to be a Capra because I was under the impression that since these bikes were consumer direct, that the savings would be passed on, not kept in the pocket of YT. YT are making crazy margins on theses bikes compared to the other bike companies and you are getting less service. I feel a bit bad calling them out,but wasn't that the point of YT? To give us riders a better deal on a great bike?
  • 9 5
 Also, piss off for disrespecting our flag. You would never catch a Canadian messing with another countries flag. Just not cool.
  • 4 0
 I've talked to a few random people running BOS in Whistler (not pros) who had lots of good to say about it but who knows. Performance wise the reviews sound awesome but not sure on reliability, at least they have local servicing now.

I'm with you on the Capra/Spartan. The Capra would have to be 20% cheaper (at least) before I would get it. On the DH side, I would seriously consider a Tues although not having local support on a bike that takes a beating is a bit scary since I can only do basic stuff myself (so I'd be worried about replacing frame bearings for example). Then again, it's a huge difference in $$.

I'm seriously looking at the 2016 Troy and would love to own a Wilson someday as well. Canadian company and lifetime frame warranty = win.
  • 3 2
 Look at the price difference between the Euro site and the CDN site. Get f*cked YT!

Would save over $1000 by ordering a bike off the Euro site compared to the CDN site. I assume now with both USA and CDN distribution the ability to purchase oversea bike is no longer there.

I haven't heard any stories about BOS forks coming apart. I have a BOS Void on my DH bike. So far I like it. Better than the RC4 it replaced. BOS products are very nice, almost replaced my 40 RC2 w/ Idylle but decided against it. The forks are open bath and the oil is really expensive. Take that as you want. I wouldn't not purchase a complete bike with BOS products on it but unsure if I'd actually pay more for an Idylle compared to a FLOAT 40
  • 2 1
 And again... import duties and taxes. The rates on complete bikes are higher than on frames/forks where its negligible if anything at all. My local salsa dealer has had to point out on their facebook page that every bike they import is subject to an automatic 13% duty, thus raising the price they have to sell it at to still make an acceptable profit. And then you have sales tax on top of that still. I'm sure lots of folks here buy on ebay/amazon or stores like chainreaction but its likely never complete bikes that they're buying.
  • 1 3
 The problem I see is that YT sells you a bike then you have to put it together. Most private "mechanics" use gorrila hands and little finesse. I'd pay the premium to have it built correctly. Ps over torquing ( especially grossly) can void warranty. If you buy a devinci its sent to a store assembled correctly and therefore doesn't become a very expensive paper weight. Both companies get a BIG Minus for the fact they soley use SRAM drive train. + 1/2 a point for a bos option. But still over priced garbage is your only option on both bikes ( brakes and drivetrain)
  • 3 0
 AJ420: Not sure where you live (Lake Louise?) but there are lots of legit independent mechanics around here (Vancouver) who are happy to perform high quality work on any bike including internet direct sales. I know of at least one in Banff as well.

Also, correct me if I am wrong but aren't YT and other direct sale bikes shipped assembled other than front wheel, pedals and bar off? If I was buying one I would get a torque wrench to check the bolts and probably look at fork oil etc.

On the Euro vs. CAD pricing, it looks like the difference is around 16-17%, so I'm guessing it's the 13% complete bike import duty plus a few percent margin for local support of YT Canada?
  • 1 0
 @AJ420 Heres a quick video that shows you how much assembly is required

  • 2 0
 Without watching the video I would assume its the same as any other bike as it arrives at a dealer. While a crappy tire mechanic paid by the # of bikes assembled would try to slap it together in 10 mins, most respectable mechanics will spend an hour on it.
  • 1 1
 Didn't see him torque headset just used Allen keys. Didn't clean out seat tube also didn't see any adjustments to der. Or brake alignment also most hangers bend in transit. Also would love to see a build of a tues as a dual crown usually needs some fiddling with. I am not saying this as your average pink bike expert I do this for a living. Your bikes are very nice but if someone strips something they need new parts. Like a new headset or hanger.
  • 1 0
 I take 20 min or so to build a bike. Not a Canadian tire one. 2-10000 bikes it's more then putting tires on and calling it a day. There is a reason your lbs is in business and if we mess it up we pay for the part ( replace the part at our cost)
  • 1 0
 Do the math now for a bike priced from Euroland.
  • 1 0
 What sort of "building" are you guys actually talking about? Most of the bolts on your bike are not torque sensitive, short of ripping out the threads. Even the pivot bearings you're not actually tightening down on the bearings.

About the only two things i wouldn't mess with on a new bike (and only because i dont have the bespoke tools) are pressing in headset cups, and pressing in a BB. Anything else requires absolute minimal wrenching skill.

I'm sure there are some very good bicycle mechanics who do it just because they love bicycles, but can we be honest for a moment? Most guys at your LBS turn wrenches there because they're not good enough to do it on something more complicated.
  • 1 0
 Depends on the bike, but carbon stuff definitely does not resist crushing well and you really do not as a result want to over tighten brake lever clamps, stem clamps, etc. Also its very possible to strip out the hardware on forks/shocks by over-tightening. Part of the skill of being a bike wrench includes knowing torque values appropriate to the parts, and if you don't, there are manuals, instructions, labels and torque wrenches.
  • 1 1
 Oh right carbon. I'm poor and ride aluminum frames. Not much you can do to overtighten aluminum. In most cases there also isn't anything to overtighten on the shock as the bolt only pushes on the inner race. Snug plus a hair with blue loc-tite does the trick.
  • 1 0
 YT prices INCLUDE tax.. just wanted to say since that mega comment seems to have forgotten about that. And YT prices went up
  • 9 2
 People desecrate our flag every other day with a pot leaf in the middle and no one cares. A bike company puts a beaver and hockey sticks, which last time I checked were Canadian, in the middle and everyone loses their mind. Get your priorities straight people. On the bike news, now that YT is actually in Canada and we don't have to deal with the exchange rates and shipping I am much more interested in owning a Capra.
  • 8 0
 Frame only?
  • 8 0
 The value of YT comes from the completes, but I think the company should still offer frame-only options as there are undoubtedly people who are only looking for frames.
  • 4 1
 I would consider a frame only option. Smile
  • 7 2
 all their freeride guys ride 26" Tues but only sell 27.5. when will they put out what the pros ride?
  • 2 0
 custom bikes
  • 2 0
 When you become zink, or andreu, then they will make you one.
  • 4 1
 not the point. its stupid marketing.
  • 2 1
 Its just the way all the companies are goin, don't get me wrong, ive got 3 26" mtbs, but if I was buying a new DH or enduro rig, itd be 27.5. Theres only a handful of brands left offering new models in both wheel sizes.
  • 2 0
 But yea they kind of rub it in your face eh, like our boys run em 26 but you can only get 650.
  • 1 0
 Right on bawbwa. I want a 26" teusday with that nice short chainstay.
  • 7 0
 please sell frame sets
  • 1 0
 Now that you have a office in Canada will there be a warehouse to support it. I have never ordered from you but would guess there would be duty charged to go along with the $189 US shipping cost. Kinda drives up the price for us Canadians. I am hoping this is to combat that negative impact and make your brand more attractive for us north of the border...
  • 1 0
 @Kris0088 Kris the issue is you're still on the US website go to the bottom and change region you will then be on the Canadian prices. The prices include all duties Taxes are calculated at checkout.
  • 2 0
 The $189.00 bike shipping fee in Canada Vs. $79.00 bike delivery in US, is too much in my opinion.
  • 2 1
 @portable You're on the US website. That was the price from US to Canada. If you change the region you will see the pricing at $120 CDN and that is shipped from inside of Canada so no worries about duties, brokerage or other fees
  • 1 0
 thanks for clarifying!
  • 1 0
 Sweet that makes a big difference
  • 1 0
 Its worth mentioning that shipping whole bikes ain't actually cheap by anyone professional (and the hacks at greyhound don't count as pros) but US postal rates are based off a lot of US government subsidies while Canada Post rates are not. Canada Post is however a LOT faster.
  • 4 3
 This is awesome news! Glad to see the company is expanding and giving all these bigger name companies a run for their money! If only YT had their Canadian site up sooner, I just looked at the prices and all bikes are on sale, I would have jumped on a Tues and Capra!
  • 1 0
 I really hope someone from YT will read this. I was 99% sure to get a Capra, was only waiting 2016 model, love the bike, love the compagny, love the price so it was an easy choice. I was so stocked when the 2016 capra get out but my happiness fade away once im on yt's canada site : 4700$CAD for the capra AL comp 1 is 5500$CAD once shipping and tax paid!! whats the point of a direct sale model at that price? I quickly look at my others choice in that bracket price and thats when i landed on Devinci's web site : For 4500$CAD(thats 5200$CAD with tax, so it's 300$CAD cheaper than the capra) for the Spartan RS Carbon : same drive train, same brakes, similar suspension setup(lyrik vs pike) same seat post, same tire, etc, juste maybe the wheelset is slightly cheaper but thats all. So for 300$CAD cheaper, you get barely the same spec bike, a lifetime warranty with the frame, all the plus of a LBS(see the bike IRL, choose your size, free bike setup, maybe some freebie like pedals ou equipment, not loosing your bike for x month if you got a problem with a shock as an exemple and you get a godamn CARBON frame over that (which is 1400$ extra if you expect this from YT). So i guess i'Il need to forget the Capra and go with a Canadian company.
  • 9 5
 Until they make a fat bike exit I can't take this company seriously.
  • 5 0
 until they make a freeride unicycle I can't take this company seriously
  • 1 0
 Canadian YT service is terrible. JM is your best friend before you buy. But then ghosts you later when you need help. BEWARE!!!!
  • 2 0
 Interesting development. I can't help wondering why they have six carbon enduro bikes within $1400 of each other? SIX!
  • 2 0
 Proud!!!!! Very civil comments compared to some other articles! I'm proud to be Canadian right now and always!
  • 4 1
 That flag is nearly 100% Canadian bad ass!
The ears need to go.
  • 1 0
 Not that any of the models are available......every time I go on their all sold out!!! Enduro bikes anyway.
  • 3 1
 The US store must be cached on your computer. Go at the bottom and select region. Since we opened a bit late some colors are not available but lots of capras in stock
  • 1 0
 Kool, good to know. Yeah they are available, sweeeet!
  • 1 0
 @ytcanada: wheres the store located?
  • 2 1
 I would without a doubt buy a frame only if they would be available
  • 1 0
 Too bad they are still priced in US$
  • 4 1
 Go to the bottom and go to change region. That will reload the store and all price are in Canadian dollars
  • 9 1
 Glad to see that the CDN price seems to be a better deal than just a straight US exchange rate. Makes YT a much more viable option for Canadians. Cheers!
  • 1 0
 @Zaeius I was fully expecting that. This is awesome!
  • 3 0
 not really that good of a deal when you count in the exchange rate from USD to CAD. Pretty similiar to the prices of other company's bikes. Is it really worth buying this bike when their is little to no support on their bikes through bike shops?
  • 1 1
 @mtbkid13 What do you mean by "[...] th[ere] is little to no support on their bikes through bike shops"?
  • 2 0
 @Coolwinner05 because the bikes are ordered consumer-direct, local bike shops are not as stoked to help out with repairs. There also is a problem if you damage or crack the frame and want a replacement as YT's headquarters are in Reno, Nevada.
  • 2 1
 This is why we now have a Canadian office so you dont have to send anything back to the USA
  • 1 0
 the price of a YT Capra top model is 6,799 CAD. To compare, a Norco Range C7.2 with similar spec is 7,350CAD. Thats a pretty minimal difference considering YT markets their bikes as being consumer direct= way cheaper
  • 1 0
 @Zaeius the canadian price is actually more expensive than a straight exchange rate
  • 3 0
 @mtbkid13 Our goal is not to be the cheapest but the best value out there. You have to pay attention to the specs and actually theres quite a big difference. RCT3 fork, Crossmax wheelset, Renthal cockpit and so on.
  • 1 0
 Ok that is understandable. Thank you for the response
  • 2 0
 @mtbkid13 You can't just take into account exchange rates, but you have to add shipping fees and duty fees (13%).

So take the Capra top model, 4995.00 USD * 1.36 exchange rate = 6795.00 CDN + 189.00 Shipping = 6984.00$ * 1.13 duty = 7891.92$ total.

Buying it from Canada is gona land you anywhere between 500 and 800$ cheaper, on top of the fact that these bikes are really well equipped considered to other similar options.
  • 1 0
 @Alex-Mtl I definitely agree with you and all I was trying to say was their are similar priced bikes of other companies with similar value
  • 2 1
 Where were you 2 months ago? Great price on the AL1 Capra.
  • 3 1
 Its never too late Wink
  • 1 1
 @ytcanada Hah, thanks! Best of luck with your launch.
  • 1 0
 Can't wait to see their XLs.
  • 3 0
 We will have the 2016 Capra AL in stock in late january early February
  • 1 0
 Any chance of you guys ever doing a long travel 29er?
  • 1 0
 Where to buy????????????????
  • 1 0
 @Flying here's the link to the store ca.yt-industries.com
  • 3 2
 We want 26"
  • 1 4
 Price went up because on the edge has the distribution. they used to be the intense distribution center for Canada Remember all the fun warranty with intense .

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