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huge drop over side track
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huge drop over side track
  • 3 0
 this is probably what the whistler trail crew was thinking, "hey duudddeee, lets build a f*cking huge gap over sidetrack so like 5 people can kill themselves, cough cough"
  • 1 0
 so here's the thing, i dont photoshop any of my pictures, (but) this is a real feature www.pinkbike.com/photo/3904280 ... my buddy was gonna pay tyler( the rider) 20 buck to do it, but i told him that it was gonna be hard for me to get the shot, as the light was getting bad, so he left it to another day, and instead, to make us win the bet, i decided it would be funny to photoshop this, the kid totally fell for it , anyways, ya, those of u who thought it was photoshoped, ur right Smile
  • 4 0
 what did he jump off of?? looks photoshoped
  • 1 0
 not trying to be a d*ck but that still doesnt prove he did it
  • 3 1
 its photoshopped.. look at the bottom of his back tire then the top of it
  • 1 0
 now im convinced its photoshoped
  • 1 0
 are you people blind, the tree is in front of his back tire at the top and the bottom. However it is photoshopped just that's not the give away...
  • 1 0
 thats because if you look at him he dosnt blend in .looks ps to me look closely
  • 1 0
 if you look in the trees you can see like a ledge...maybe a jump off there?
  • 2 1
 that gaps over side track
  • 2 0
 no shadow???
  • 1 0
 even if it was real you probably wouldn't see a shadow because of the trees
  • 1 0
 haha its so funny how no one knows that there is a 30 foot drop after this
  • 1 0
 haha yeah that thing is fucking nuts
  • 1 0
 dude is that reel how far was the drop
  • 1 0
 but that is one cool picture
  • 1 0
 lol funny good job on it you did fool a bunch
  • 1 0
 anyone have a picture of the rock drop thing after this drop
  • 6 6
 shit pat that fuckin skick
  • 5 7
 that really is huge!!!
  • 4 7
 Jesus! Blank Stare
  • 3 2
 I've rode Sidetrack before and I've never seen this before, where is it?
  • 9 4
 i think its photoshop....look clearly to the photo and where he is coming from???? the trees not.
  • 5 2
 nice to see you r shit at photoshop
  • 2 1
 i guess i see there's a big rock right there... damn, i never knew this exhisted! i guess i'm glad most people don't. people would die... i guess i'll have to keep an eye out for a big rock on my left side next time on sidetrack!
  • 2 1
 but i have a hard time believing it's not shopped... i wish i could believe it
  • 2 1
 trust me its not its from one on paul bass sections
  • 1 0
 Its\'s really not hard to find once you know what to look for, it's easier to look at the right of the trail for the landing. This drop leads into a small step up then a huge cliff drop.front view of drop
  • 1 0
 yeah dude this is nuts when i was there there were a hole bunch of rocks on the landing
  • 1 0
 it is very hard to spot but there is a road gap. its pretty high so you wouldnt see it unless you are looking up.
  • 2 1
  • 2 1
  • 1 1
 Never even knew this existed. Looks large!
  • 1 0
 where is the runway
  • 1 0
 Theres like a rock ledge there that i think he went off in the trees.
  • 1 0
 haha thanks
  • 2 3
  • 1 2
 photo shop

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