Tailwhippin in his white pants!
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Tailwhippin in his white pants!
  • 2 0
 I think this is a pretty cool picture, Tailwhips aren't te most easy tricks to get a nice shot from. I like to see so much from the bike as wel as the riders position. Nice to see a lot of green in there, but also to have a lot of sky and clouds. I even think a cropped version without the left tree and the cam on the stick on the right could make a nice side picture for an article or so, but maybe you have to frame it then..
Cool, that'll be it ;-)
  • 1 0
 Thanks bro! See you on the trails tomorrow! Big Grin
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 I'm missing a 'wow-factor'... And ofcourse, for everyone here thats diffrent. But we know, that you... Dennis Katinas, kan shoot amazing shots. But in my honest opinion, this one doenst have that. It's a bit to simple. Maybe because of his white pants in combination with the white/blue sky. Or the fact that it's cool to see diffrent people, and not just one each time. Diffrent people in combination with diffrent riding styles is sick and curious! But ey, just my opinion. Keep it up bro.
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 Thanks for your honesty JP, I appreciate it. Personally I was kind of satisfied with this one. Not really because of the white pants, but because of it being lit so well that it pops out of the sky, it has a sort of contrast to it. The angle, is an angle I have been looking for, for a while now, it has a lot of dept into it in my view, this angle has a sweet spot, an extra dimension haha. It looks like a simple choice and lighting, but it was a pain to get the forground to have some light and colour and to have enough information in the sky to show the clouds, so it was hard working. But well, thanks anyway mate, I will try to shoot something cool for you today, Cheers and enjoy your weekend! X
  • 1 0
 Saw your cry for opinions on Facebook Wink
First thing that came to mind was the lack of contrast that you usually have in your pics. It's there in the bottom half but not the upper where it matters. It's a hard shot to accomplish that with the sky as a background so you are forgiven Wink . Composition is killer as always and I don't mind the tree or the camera.

I agree that tailwhips are hard to photograph. With some riders it actually looks like they are going to bail. Like this one. You might remember the day at your trails back in the summer of 2008. Stuart Gibson actually landed this one but it looks like he's gonna crash. Don't mind the quality!! 2008 is a long time ago and I would not place a flat pic like this anymore Wink
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 Oh!! And POD!!
  • 1 0
 Tailwhip is lekker vastgelegd! Ook mooi die lucht/voorgrond belicht gekregen, weet hoe moeilijk dat is ghehe.
Jammer van die camera in dat beeld maar daar kun je natuurlijk ook niet alles aan doen. Verder die compositie is opzich wel vet maar er kan meer. Dus vette foto, but you can do better!Big Grin
  • 2 0
 Cool shot Dennis! die lucht heb je er nog mooi op gekregen, wetende hoe slecht het was.

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