MOAB Murfreesboro

MOAB Murfreesboro logo
Name MOAB Murfreesboro
Type Bike Shop
Phone 615-893-7725
710 Memorial Boulevard Ste. 100
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
United States flag
Avg: 5 (2 votes)
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We’re passionate about bicycles. We believe that bikes offer a simple solution to many of our communities' complex problems. Bikes are great for your personal health and for the health of our environment. Bikes can help you save money on transportation, and bikes can provide you with endless miles of fun with your family and friends.

For years, mountain bikers, road cyclists, tri-athletes, weekend cruisers and daily commuters have turned to MOAB for the perfect fitting bike and cycling gear that suits all their needs. As Middle Tennessee’s leading full-service bicycle shop, MOAB’s professional sales staff and bike mechanics are experts when it comes to determining what type of bike is right for you. Our love and passion for all things cycling is evident in in our belief that a bike should suit your lifestyle, your needs, your body, and your budget. From the latest Specialized mountain or road model and the hottest cycling gear to a multi-use bike suitable for a beginner, we are here to serve anyone who has ever ridden or wants to start. Learn more about what makes us unique, and visit us today to meet our friendly staff and experience our incredible product selection. In the mean time, go check out our Instagram or Facebook page to see some pictures of our latest bike builds and group rides!

Mon - Fri: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Sat: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sun: Closed

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2 Reviews for MOAB Murfreesboro

  • + 1
 Jeremy (Franklin location) is knowledgeable, trustworthy and just a nice guy. Several bike purchases later, it's almost time for another!
  • + 2
 Very very good bike shop for the area!!!
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