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The Pet Peeve Thread

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The Pet Peeve Thread
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Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 16:05 Quote
Post any and all of your pet peeves.

Here are my top 3 pet peeves.

1. Losing marks in school for interpreting a poem wrong... the questions explicitly tells you to do so "In your opinion". I should be able to write whatever I want that relates to the question. Why should I lose marks for having a differing opinion??

2. When all my favorite Indie bands wind up on MTV

3. Teachers making you read out loud when you specifically tell them you have a sore throat and are really sick

and another for good measure...

Crutches... It's bad enough that people stare forever because of these things but I can't seem to have a conversation without my crutches coming into the conversation.

Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 16:21 Quote
When people ask me how much my bike is worth and the usual response goes something like "You spent how much, on a bicycle?!?! You must be either rich or stupid, a bike is just a bike." One time some little puke walks into my garage, when I was rawing one of my frames, points to my DH rig and asks me how much it is worth and he gives that same answer as everyone. I proceed to explain what DHing is, to this puke, and his response is "That's not a sport, and doesn't take any skill, it all gravity!" When he said that my blood boiled, I really wanted to pour the paint stripper I was using to raw my Fixie frame all over his pimply face. One of my biggest Pet Peeves

Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 16:26 Quote
Ya lots of people don't understand how biking can be fun... Heres an actual conversation I had with some guy

Him: Hey, what are you doing today??
Me: I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go biking.
Him: What?? Why?? don't you have a car?
Me: Yes... I do have a car.
Him: Well then why do you need a bike?
Me: Cause its fun to rip through trails and hit jumps
Him: Thats what everyone did when they were ten... set up the plywood on the driveway.
Me: *Gives a "your a dumbass" look and leaves*

People think bikes are for kids or if you need to get somewhere and can't get driven... I have just given up explaining to people why its fun

Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 16:44 Quote
I forgot to mention, pimples asked me if I wore spandex, I laughed in his face and told him to get out of MY garage

Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 17:00 Quote
Chicks that dont shave or feel the need not to(and im not talking bout their legs Big Grin ) NASTY!!!

Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 21:17 Quote
A certain person who wont stop requesting me as a friend, and stalking my bf and pictures. It's creepy and you know who you are.

Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 22:55 Quote
Having to go to work on sunny days, and yeah people who make fun of me because I mtb, has anyone else had the "do you do sweet jumps" comment.

Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 23:06 Quote
when people bitch you out through someone else... in my case his mommy.

Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 23:15 Quote
when dogs put there wet noses on you face when you are trying to sleepReally Mad

Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 23:29 Quote
1. People who use the rest of the toilet paper and don't replace the roll.
2. Someone who leaves a little bit of whatever and then puts it back in the fridge.
3. People who eat/chew like morons and you can hear them from the other room.
4. The sound of someone other than myself clipping their nails (nasty and gives me goose bumps).
5. People who say that they will do something and drop the ball (I hate incompetent and stupid people).
6. Getting a speeding ticket even though I have a Valentine 1 radar detector but they pull me over anyways because I drive a nice car.
7. Line ups at the bank or anywhere in general for that matter.
8. Old people that can't drive or just take forever to do something.
9. People who can't make up their mind as to which way they are going to go when you are on the same path. You always have to stop or do that "stutter step".
10. People who don't cleanup after themselves.

All 10 of these are tied and in no specific order. I hate them all.

Posted: Jan 5, 2008 at 7:08 Quote
1. People who drive under the speed limit...
2. People put rims any bigger than 18 inches on civics or any other little import
3. Rap... Country
4. People who accelerate about as fast snail going uphill
5. Posers of course (aka emo one day and G the next)
6. Snobby rich kids that think they are better than you cause their daddy drives a Porsche

Posted: Jan 5, 2008 at 7:45 Quote
1.when someone walks there dog down the trail and you find dog muck everywhere.
2. People who go real fast overtake you then 3 mins later pull infront of you and go real slow because there on there phone.
3.(NO OFFENCE TO ANY ARABS)Arab drivers, I saw one once driving on his phone with the NEWSPAPER out on the wheel and reading it going about 150 clicks.

Posted: Jan 5, 2008 at 8:15 Quote
jimmyridesp2 wrote:
Chicks that dont shave or feel the need not to(and im not talking bout their legs Big Grin ) NASTY!!!
holy sh t i no!

Posted: Jan 5, 2008 at 15:07 Quote
Not having Smarties in America
Late Night Television
Warm water (for drinking)
Gansters... I dont care how tough you look... buy your t-shirts so you dont trip on them when you attempt to walk with your pants even lower looking like a tool with your flat brimmed, sideways *ag hat

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