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Thread of political debate and discussion

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Thread of political debate and discussion
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Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 11:17 Quote
Politics often come up in various forum threads, photos, videos, and articles, but the OP is shot down for bringing it up, because 'this isn't the place for it; it's a biking website or a ________ thread.' I'm creating the place that doesn't exist for political discussion.


-Be respectful, there is no need to attack other peoples moral character, country, gender, ethnicity or anything else based on merely disagreeing with their viewpoint.

That's it, for now at least. This is an open forum, however, if the rules are broken, you will get one warning, and be banned if you break another rule.

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 12:53 Quote
sherbet wrote:
therealtylerdurden wrote:
crs-one wrote:
Without passing any judgement over how useful/useless of an organization they are, BLM is explicitly focused on police killing black people. There are a shitload of other organizations that attempt to tackle black-on-black street crime. I don't really see a problem with them focusing on one issue. Nobody expect the Susan G Komen foundation to spend money on obesity even though it kills far more people than breast cancer.

Anyways, why the outrage over extrajudicial police killings rather than gang murders? Partially because most people hold police officers to a higher standard of conduct than street criminals. Partially because they are public servants. This analogy doesn't work great because we live in different countries, but I don't give a f*ck if you embezzle money from wherever the hell you work, I don't care if your business wastes money on dumb stuff, but if you're a politician or bureaucrat misusing my tax money, then it becomes my concern.

I realize I'm just a brainwashed liberal, but I feel like excusing police misbehaviour by saying "thugs also do x y and z" shows a pretty profound lack of respect for the police.

BLM's leader had this to say, "Black Lives Matter doesn't condone shooting law enforcement. But I have to be honest: I understand why it was done."

Thinly veiled sympathizing with the scumbag that murdered innocent officers. Those men didn't have a f*cking THING to do with any of the shootings. They were there to protect them. Sure, he says he doesn't condone it, but it's quite obvious he's sympathizing. Now, before you say that I'm only reading it that way because I want to interpret it that way- you do the same, because neither of us is impartial. We have our inclinations.

They may have started out as a peaceful activist organization in regards to officers with no recourse, but two points: where's the coverage and riots for whites who are killed by officers with no recourse? Oh, no one cares? Again, who's the f*cking racist here? The second is summed up with a picture.

Unsecure image, only https images allowed: http://static.thefrisky.com/uploads/2016/01/12463930_1027430840611312_677253736_n-640x549.jpg
Also, to iffy, abennett and all you other f*cks ragging on the USA, how about you stop. I don't say oh, all you British, with your pasty white skin, and monstrous teeth, and overbite. Or oh, those Sottish sheep f*ckers heh heh. Have some respect for my country, eh? Yeah, some nonsense is going down, but that doesn't mean to criticize the core values this country started with.

Police misbehavior? Oh cool, you were there too! Fill me in on all the facts that no one but the officers and suspects involved know!

Tmonster2301 wrote:
I feel like this isnt the place for such "touchy" political talk...

100% agree. I'm starting a politics thread.

Seems you missed his entire first paragraph. He didn't say the orgainization was run well, he actually went out to say he wasn't passing judgement. See bold.

His point was there's a void for said orgainization to exist and it specializing in one issue, politically speaking, is the norm.

This is why we can't have political discussion. People refuse to respect and listen to each other while shouting their opinions as loudly as they can. Frankly why I stopped bothering.

I agree that I read his reply a too quickly. My apologies.

While you're right that they fill a niche interests group, their methodoly and lack of discipline will result in a lack of respect from anyone with a half a brain.

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 13:14 Quote
What I understand about the leader of BLM's comments is that he can see where this mans anger came from. I don't think that means that it was acceptable at all what he did, but that the feelings come from somewhere, and this particular man was not able to handle it in the correct way.

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 13:24 Quote
Fair enough, I can understand that viewpoint, but I still feel that he's sympathizing. Without cold hard facts, though, both of our viewpoints are merely conjecture.

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 13:34 Quote
I really wish they would change it to minorities life's matter... Its not just black people who are racially profiled by police officers and then beaten into submission or killed when they shouldn't be. It really depends on where you live and which minority makes up the largest demographic.

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 13:38 Quote
Again, 52.5% of homicides are commited by black folk, who constitute a mere 13% of the total population. And it's not like all these men were perfect little angels, either.

But apparently it's easy to judge a case when you weren't there.

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 13:44 Quote
We're getting confused here IMO. The BLM movement is talking about racial violence, primarily by police officers. Now, of course there is a higher rate of homicide within the black community, but if you look at the poverty rate based on race, the black population is particularly low because of the racist policies that were allowed to be carried out in our history (i.e. redlining etc.) With poverty, and segregation, there will be violence. If you go into a poor neighborhood in any country, it's likely that the crime rate is higher there. However, BLM is not a movement to address black on black violence, but one to address the violence carried out based on racial stereotypes and past systems.

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 13:52 Quote
Okay, but again, in most of these cases, no one was there but the officer and the suspect- indulge me with this secret knowledge that no one but those two, and apparently you, know. Also again, and tying into the previous point, more white males are killed by police than black. How can we just assume that these shootings were racially motivated?

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 14:03 Quote
therealtylerdurden wrote:
Okay, but again, in most of these cases, no one was there but the officer and the suspect- indulge me with this secret knowledge that no one but those two, and apparently you, know. Also again, and tying into the previous point, more white males are killed by police than black. How can we just assume that these shootings were racially motivated?

I don't have any secret knowledge, I'm just sharing my view point on the matter. With all of the evidence I have seen, and my personal beliefs, that is what I think.

There's no denying that racism exists in our country. In fact, the country was partly based on it. This racism proceeded to permeate throughout our society and government. If you haven't, I'd recommend researching some of these things just for the discussions sake. For example, redlining throughout the country effectively locked African Americans into a small area, and then impoverished them. One of the worst cities where that happened was Chicago, and those exact areas are the ones with such horrible violence today. This exact racism has been a part of the police force for a while as well. There was a time when black people could be arrested for simply running, and a large portion of our population would be okay with it. With that said, not all killings of black men by police are racially motivated, but because of the history of racism in our country and our government, as well as the circumstances of these shootings, there is a high possibility that many of the shootings are racially motivated.

(I hope that comes across coherently. lol )

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 14:19 Quote
I do take exception to the US being 'partially based on' slavery. They embraced it, sure, but there were slavery dissenters at the time, and the basis of the country has nothing to with slavery. Semantics, I know, but my point stands.
And slavery most certainly exists. Redlinging is sad as hell. Well I don't believe racism to be an underlying factor in any, or possibly even all, of these remote incidents, I do acknowledge the potential likelihood.

You hope it comes off coherently? You drunk? Lol

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 14:22 Quote
therealtylerdurden wrote:
I do take exception to the US being 'partially based on' slavery. They embraced it, sure, but there were slavery dissenters at the time, and the basis of the country has nothing to with slavery. Semantics, I know, but my point stands.
And slavery most certainly exists. Redlinging is sad as hell. Well I don't believe racism to be an underlying factor in any, or possibly even all, of these remote incidents, I do acknowledge the potential likelihood.

You hope it comes off coherently? You drunk? Lol

Fair enough. Good discussion.

lol Nah, I just was writing shit and sometimes I'm worried I'll just jump from topic to topic and not make sense.

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 14:24 Quote
therealtylerdurden wrote:
Okay, but again, in most of these cases, no one was there but the officer and the suspect- indulge me with this secret knowledge that no one but those two, and apparently you, know. Also again, and tying into the previous point, more white males are killed by police than black. How can we just assume that these shootings were racially motivated?

Social economic conditions have created large amounts of poverty in black communities, this makes the idea of joining a gang and making money more appealing to young black people. Gangs create violence, increased violence in there communities results in the average black man being more likely to be pulled over / accused by police of crime. Some of these people are in such poor living situations that all they do is run which results in them getting shot / beaten for no real reason other then they had been carrying a gun that they bought to protect themselves from real criminals.

BUT it isn't just black people, in cities with large populations of poverty struck hispanics, natives, asians etc whichever race is more prominent is more likely to be profiled by police and end up dead for following their natural fight or flight instinct.

If these people did not feel threatened by police there would be less "resisting" and there would be way less dead people in this world.

Police need to be less prejudice while helping the community. The problem is part of helping the community is going to be fighting gang violence which will inevitably result in dead police officers & dead gang members leading to more of this friction between the two.

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 14:27 Quote
ajax-ripper wrote:
therealtylerdurden wrote:
Okay, but again, in most of these cases, no one was there but the officer and the suspect- indulge me with this secret knowledge that no one but those two, and apparently you, know. Also again, and tying into the previous point, more white males are killed by police than black. How can we just assume that these shootings were racially motivated?

Social economic conditions have created large amounts of poverty in black communities, this makes the idea of joining a gang and making money more appealing to young black people. Gangs create violence, increased violence in there communities results in the average black man being more likely to be pulled over / accused by police of crime. Some of these people are in such poor living situations that all they do is run which results in them getting shot / beaten for no real reason other then they had been carrying a gun that they bought to protect themselves from real criminals.

BUT it isn't just black people, in cities with large populations of poverty struck hispanics, natives, asians etc whichever race is more prominent is more likely to be profiled by police and end up dead for following their natural fight or flight instinct.

If these people did not feel threatened by police there would be less "resisting" and there would be way less dead people in this world.

Police need to be less prejudice while helping the community. The problem is part of helping the community is going to be fighting gang violence which will inevitably result in dead police officers & dead gang members leading to more of this friction between the two.

Very well said Ajax. tup

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 14:34 Quote
ethan991 wrote:
Fair enough. Good discussion.

lol Nah, I just was writing shit and sometimes I'm worried I'll just jump from topic to topic and not make sense.

Thanks, I agree.

Ahh. I get that all too well! Razz

ajax-ripper wrote:
therealtylerdurden wrote:
Okay, but again, in most of these cases, no one was there but the officer and the suspect- indulge me with this secret knowledge that no one but those two, and apparently you, know. Also again, and tying into the previous point, more white males are killed by police than black. How can we just assume that these shootings were racially motivated?

Social economic conditions have created large amounts of poverty in black communities, this makes the idea of joining a gang and making money more appealing to young black people. Gangs create violence, increased violence in there communities results in the average black man being more likely to be pulled over / accused by police of crime. Some of these people are in such poor living situations that all they do is run which results in them getting shot / beaten for no real reason other then they had been carrying a gun that they bought to protect themselves from real criminals.

BUT it isn't just black people, in cities with large populations of poverty struck hispanics, natives, asians etc whichever race is more prominent is more likely to be profiled by police and end up dead for following their natural fight or flight instinct.

If these people did not feel threatened by police there would be less "resisting" and there would be way less dead people in this world.

Police need to be less prejudice while helping the community. The problem is part of helping the community is going to be fighting gang violence which will inevitably result in dead police officers & dead gang members leading to more of this friction between the two.

Maybe the problem is the community not helping itself. Maybe the problem is mothers living off welfare, and keeping their familys in poverty for the sake of not having to work. Maybe the problem is baby daddys' not being around to help support his family and teach them right from wrong?

Posted: Jul 9, 2016 at 14:36 Quote
therealtylerdurden wrote:
ethan991 wrote:
Fair enough. Good discussion.

lol Nah, I just was writing shit and sometimes I'm worried I'll just jump from topic to topic and not make sense.

Thanks, I agree.

Ahh. I get that all too well! Razz

ajax-ripper wrote:
therealtylerdurden wrote:
Okay, but again, in most of these cases, no one was there but the officer and the suspect- indulge me with this secret knowledge that no one but those two, and apparently you, know. Also again, and tying into the previous point, more white males are killed by police than black. How can we just assume that these shootings were racially motivated?

Social economic conditions have created large amounts of poverty in black communities, this makes the idea of joining a gang and making money more appealing to young black people. Gangs create violence, increased violence in there communities results in the average black man being more likely to be pulled over / accused by police of crime. Some of these people are in such poor living situations that all they do is run which results in them getting shot / beaten for no real reason other then they had been carrying a gun that they bought to protect themselves from real criminals.

BUT it isn't just black people, in cities with large populations of poverty struck hispanics, natives, asians etc whichever race is more prominent is more likely to be profiled by police and end up dead for following their natural fight or flight instinct.

If these people did not feel threatened by police there would be less "resisting" and there would be way less dead people in this world.

Police need to be less prejudice while helping the community. The problem is part of helping the community is going to be fighting gang violence which will inevitably result in dead police officers & dead gang members leading to more of this friction between the two.

Maybe the problem is the community not helping itself. Maybe the problem is mothers living off welfare, and keeping their familys in poverty for the sake of not having to work. Maybe the problem is baby daddys' not being around to help support his family and teach them right from wrong?

Please do your research on minorities in poverty before commenting that. It is not chosen to live in poverty. They are systematically confined into poverty. It's quite obvious if you really do your research.

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