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Official Penticton, Summerland & Kaleden Riders Thread

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Official Penticton, Summerland & Kaleden Riders Thread
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Posted: Sep 23, 2007 at 9:28 Quote
That sucks we had to start a new one.
So Ham spam sandwich Jam?
I should bring my bike back?
where will it be.
Lets make sure we know all this sh*t so it turns out well.

Posted: Sep 23, 2007 at 10:58 Quote
ya, it sucks that we had to start a new thread... oh well... I'll most likely come to the ham jam too.

time to longboard,


Posted: Sep 23, 2007 at 11:37 Quote
i had to change my name,
we're gonna do some building today, hopefully the rain we've been having will help the sitch out

Posted: Sep 23, 2007 at 14:57 Quote
hey where did you guys go, i was late because i needed to wait for my mom so i could take her car,
i was too long i guess

Posted: Sep 24, 2007 at 1:36 Quote
So I was being bored today and remembered the term "door".

Posted: Sep 24, 2007 at 12:57 Quote
Hey if anyone feels like going for a ride today im gonna ride the old skatepark at around 4. this is brad

Posted: Sep 24, 2007 at 12:58 Quote
Does anyone remember who made up doors? oh, that's right, it was me!

I saw a door the other day that Phil would really like. It had a knob. I heard he was into that kind of door. haha

21 years old and I still act like a child!

Posted: Sep 25, 2007 at 16:49 Quote
this new thread sucks compared to our old one

Posted: Sep 26, 2007 at 21:24 Quote
Anyone lose anything up at the Bog this week?

email with deets and it's yours.....


Posted: Sep 28, 2007 at 14:34 Quote
What do you guys think of a build day tomarrow? (saturday) I'm in town and could come out to the scales to help build the hamspam course. I don't have a bike however so i can't ride anything to test out the course...Madder

Posted: Sep 28, 2007 at 15:43 Quote
You know, whoever has made that mess on Knuckleduster and the other one on Code 4 really ought to go clean it up ( I know who you are, so get off yer ass).

Some basic trail building etiquette:

Take care of basic maintenance before starting new projects. So clear those fallen trees BEFORE you start building jumps.

Finish what you start. Making a half-assed effort and leaving it for 3 moths = weaksauce extraordinaire.

Don't use rotten logs for supports. Also don't use live saplings for support. Both the Knucklduster stepdown and the Code4 wall will have to be taken down and redone. Minimum 4" fresh logs for framing. Preferably NOT live trees.

Don't put your line all over the existing one without making some kind of concession to folks who won't hit it. Not everyone likes sketchy off camber rickety gaps with crap lines.

Use some common sense when building airs. That Knuckleduster one sucks. No run in, it's not lined up, and the tranny is the wrong spot. Oh, and it's already rotting. You guys fell all over each other complimenting the builder. I've been building for years and I gotta say it was sub-par.

You had all summer to do it right, and now there's only a few weeks to get the job done. I'll be up at the Full Boar this weekend, but after that I can come help fix it. I've got tools, wood, and time to make that stuff right, and I've built a few trails before.

End of rant....go back to planning your little contest.

Posted: Sep 28, 2007 at 16:29 Quote
man i haven't ridden the bog in way too long, what the hell happened?
i've been thinking about doing a little building up there for a while, but i know my boundaries and woodwork isn't quite my forte, i was thinking about just sprucing up some trannies and putting a nice little flowy dirt lip here and there. of course that would require me to finally get some money together to buy myself a full squish

building tomorrow at the scales sounds good to me, this rain is a godsend

Posted: Sep 28, 2007 at 17:42 Quote
wow, what happened to the bog? I haven't ridden it since the spring and it seemed fine then... To be honest I don't think there's anyone using this thread who built that stuff up carmi.... Most of use have secret locations where we build so things don't get trashed.

If I'm in town soon again I'll go up to the bog and help clean up a few of the trails if they're looking that bad. I've been thinking for a while that we should build a whole new trail up at the bog. Something that is flowy and intermediate riding skill. I'm tired of code4 and knuckle duster.... boring trails compared with the gillard/powers trails. I'm really starting to appreciate trails that you can just ride (pinned) top to bottem without stopping a whole bunch of times to go up hills ect.

Anyways, thanks for telling us about the mess up carmi smoke... It's sad that people would leave a big mess like that...

So, anyone else wanting to build tomorrow at the scales?

Posted: Sep 30, 2007 at 11:12 Quote
ah crap, it's quarter after 11 right now, does anyone want to get some diggin' done

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