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"Skaters and bikers dont get along!" ....?

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"Skaters and bikers dont get along!" ....?
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Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 13:37 Quote
So, while riding Berkeley skatepark recently all of the bmx'ers were told to vacate the area and that the cops would be coming to kick us out. So the rules are as follows to everyone in the park...
1 All people in the skatepark must wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads
2 no loitering ect
3 no eating or drinking in the park
4 no riding if the conditions are not fare(wet)
5 only skateboarding is permitted, no bikes, scooters, ect
6 no drugs
7 no tobacco, alcohol, drugs ect...

Now next to this sign is a even larger sign (2x2 feet) clearly stating that all people in park must wear safety equipment (helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads) after getting kicked out(along with several other bikers) I went around the block to go to the bathroom, this only took a few minutes after getting kicked out by the police. On my way back down the block(same street as the park) one of the guys that is friends with the Berkeley parks association(probably same age as me or so) came up to me out of his way and said, "dont even think about going in that park you f*ckin a*shole", as if I had made a threat to anyone(which they later on had done to me) and I happily said "I did not intend to" and rode off with out a problem.

While waiting for my girlfriend to pick me up I began questioning the parks department people that were there, questioning them on how it was okay for him of all people to be riding without a helmet.(mind you, no one except me and another skateboarder, who happened to be very friendly were wearing one) He had no rebuttal, he knew he was wrong for this, and when I began to question him on why he was allowing people to set off fireworks in a fenced off park and allowing everyone else to ride without protection when I clearly had mine, he began to explain to me how the only concern he had was of what was going on inside the park.

Quite appalled, I said "Excuse me but doesn't all of the f*cking jackasses in the park lighting fireworks, and smoking and apparantly worst of all no helmets"(its #1 on the sign, and even has its own bold sign clearly posted on the fence) he began to say, well the biggest concern is that bikers are not allowed and we have all agreed that they ruin the coping and cement, and bikers and skateboarders DON'T get along (well isnt a fat f*cking skateboarder more than a 140 lb kid with a 20-25 lb bike? and plastic pegs/pedals greatly reduce damage to a park, actually I believe a bike setup this way would do less damage than a skateboarder, not that I have my bike setup this way, but it could be a rule, as long as your running plastic its legal, from tires to grips to pedals and pegs, bikes would be far less harmful) I have nothing against skateboarders, as I am friendly towards everyone in the park, I told him this and he said nothing so I told him "no body likes douche bags and your a f*cking douche bag"

Among all the ruckus, a skateboarder got into a fight with a random guy for no reason at all, and us bikers are the bad ones? we cause no trouble, there's no reason to, after all weren't even supposed to be there, so we might as well behave.

And the cops/local law enforcement don't care, they're actually bothered by the fact that they are called up by annoying mothers and stupid ignorant a*sholes like the guys I met there... A mother once had the odacity to tell an officer that "a biker was in the park and was literally going to kill everyone and that she was afraid for her sons life" You should have seen the cops face when he told me this, utter hysteria, he was laughing his ass off!

He couldn't believe how polite I was and my willingness to comply by his rules. We even ended up talking for quite some time about some projects I have going on and after leaving he told me that he didn't even care if I went back in the park to ride, being that there were only six or seven other kids at the park whom were all completely fine with me being there(its a very large park, they even have competitions there at times and pros have ridden this park, its not like its a small area where kids are getting hit all the time) Many bikers enjoy riding this park when there are not the local faggy wood pushers there to harm us and call the cops on us and I think it would be a great deal to have the local parks opened up to bikers as well.

This is not the only park that faces this problem of snitches, but Ive just had it with all this ignorance and I am willing to get a petition started for any bikers in the bay area who are willing to get our parks opened up to bikers and skaters alike. This is something all good people need to stand up and do whats right, skateboarders, rollerbladers, bikers and more, we're all equal, just because were on two wheels or four doesn't mean your any better than the next! Don't be a typical douchebag, be friendly to everyone, its the cool thing to do!

Theres more I can add to this later, its just ridiculous how much shit we bikers take just because were on two wheels....

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 14:22 Quote
as a biker we take alot of shit but we need a park too
thats why when i am older and more involved in my town i will lean for another park too but for bikers.
if that wont work i will build the most b.a. skatepark. well bmxpark that wont allow skaters and then they can screw them selves or pay like 25 to look at my beast of a park

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 14:28 Quote
man just learn to get along with each other a dont no what it is like in the us but hear you just have to get on with it

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 14:30 Quote
learn to ignore them

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 15:10 Quote
Skaters can be douchebags however they would be douchebags regardless of them skating or not but i no some cool kids who skate and i think that skateparks need to realize that they r being dumb not letting bikers in. diversity in parks would better everyone i just wish skaters and bikers could get along, but i believe this fued between skaters and bikers will never stop just like there will always be rascism differences make for fued

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 15:20 Quote
It's funny how riders in the States have such problems with bikers and skaters sharing parks. I've been to parks all across Alberta and British Columbia and only once has a skater had a problem with me riding there. If you do want to ride the park and are worried about skaters kicking you out just go in the morning. Trust me, skateboarders are not morning people.

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 15:27 Quote
Alot of the bigger parks have seperate hours for skaters and bikers.Might be an idea to petition the city council or whoever owns/runs the park.Take names,signitures of every biker you can find that lives there that pays taxes towards the city(or their parents).Sometimes it pays to be proactive.If you dont feel you can do this on your own find someone who knows a little about local politics and laws,but be willing to put in some work.

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 15:28 Quote
use your bike as a weapon aka run them over or throw your bike at them lol

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 15:31 Quote
killerbikeman wrote:
use your bike as a weapon aka run them over or throw your bike at them lol

Yeah dude my bro ran down some roller bladed and the guy wrecked his face into a box. I was right behind my brother and accidently rode over the guys leg when he was on the ground

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 15:32 Quote
yea, ive never met any skater that doesnt like bikers,
its sweet too, cuz the skate park by my skool allows everthing; bikes, boards, blades, scooters, and more i think

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 15:33 Quote
killerbikeman wrote:
use your bike as a weapon aka run them over or throw your bike at them lol

thats part of the problem...running over them doesn't solve anything, it just makes it worse in the long run...

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 15:33 Quote
i ride a park in magrath. me and some friends were shooting a video and its an skate only park. the cops showed up and the big concerened was there way a skateboard stollen. me and one other guy didnt have our helmets on either.

one day at the park a skater was beackin the bikers. he was acting like he was going to hit the kids with his board while they were in the air. so i threw a tailwhip in his face. lol funny stuff

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 15:43 Quote
I totally agree that skaters and bikers whould get along fairly.
I wen from skateboarding to bmxing this summer and so far i havent had many problems except for the odd accidental cutoff, but that happens to everyone.

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 19:34 Quote
well if being polite doesnt get you anywhere then why dont you stand your ground and bust some teef next time a skater lips you off.man up. and ignore the cops till they take you home in their car. atleast then you have a legit storie to tell.

Posted: Jan 5, 2009 at 19:50 Quote
justin99 wrote:
It's funny how riders in the States have such problems with bikers and skaters sharing parks. I've been to parks all across Alberta and British Columbia and only once has a skater had a problem with me riding there.

Truth. The parks in Canada seem alot more chill. In fact, at one park i went too a skater let me use his tools and have a gulp of his water! Alot of the parks here seem to have lots of animosity amongst skaters and bikers, pisses me off. Especially when the skaters usually seem to have that attitude of "its a skatepark, so get off our turf."

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