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Stupidest things you've ever attempted?

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Stupidest things you've ever attempted?
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Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 12:25 Quote
post about the stupidest things you've done dirtjumping or better yet post a video or picture if you have oneBig Grin

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 12:31 Quote
When my bro got his first BMX...I was like Im gonna hit this huge double...""This is before i started riding"" and the jump was just made and the take-off sand was really lose...and i didnt check it so i rode super fast Sand turned my wheel...i bailed...flew threw the air getting speared by my tire in the ground...*Couldnt Breath* LOL Razz

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 12:38 Quote
Tried at 10ft gap at like 2mph :l

(This was a few days ago, LOLOLOL)

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 12:39 Quote
mine was i was at some little dirtjumping place with a few good jumps and some people were watching me and my friend, their was one gap were you hit the jump and then go up into the air, and go on a landing thats downhill, so they pretty much made the jump so it was like a step up, but then they was nothing to step up to so you went down like you were going into a drop off, but anyways theirs a hill right before it.

but then i sort of rolled down the hill and at the last second realized i wasn't going to have enough speed, so i tried to see if i could get enough speed to atleast make the gap, but sure enough i don't so i instead of breaking or jumping ditching, hit the thing but try to j-hop to get enough height but i just end up tilting the bike so that its 45 degrees and then the front tire smacks into the landing which sends dirt into my face before i faceplant and get run over by my bike

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 12:45 Quote
ridin our local trails, steep takeoff to steep landing, and we decided an impromptu distance comp off one (we were on dh bikes). well i hit the jump flat out (and i mean flat out) and instead of squishing it i just flew forwards and upwards, i hit a branch and clothes-lined myself on it, fell 10ft to the ground. ouch

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 12:48 Quote
DavidS1 wrote:
Tried at 10ft gap at like 2mph :l

(This was a few days ago, LOLOLOL)
same!!! but i was like 5 mph on my sisters bike Razz shes 8!

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 12:51 Quote
jumpstyle wrote:
DavidS1 wrote:
Tried at 10ft gap at like 2mph :l

(This was a few days ago, LOLOLOL)
same!!! but i was like 5 mph on my sisters bike Razz shes 8!


Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 16:37 Quote
DavidS1 wrote:
Tried at 10ft gap at like 2mph :l

(This was a few days ago, LOLOLOL)

LOL with ya on that one!

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 16:51 Quote
This was 2 years ago : When i started dirt jumping i jumped sitting down , this meant my nose would dive most of the time i jumped. Anyway it was my first day jumping and i was doing allright i could clear most of the small jumps in our forest , my friends got me all amped up to try the biggest jump at the forest(it wasnt really big at all ,but at the time it seemed huge) , I was heaps scared but i decided to go for it anyway ,what happened was I went of the kicker sitting down and with practicaly no speed wich resulted in a nose case to front flip to face plant for me...
Good times Smile

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 17:00 Quote
last winter, I was REALLY bike deprived, and so I decided to go to westside (our dirt jumps). of course, it was soaking wet, but I thought I could prolly make it if I just rode straight, and pedaled hard. it was fine going down the hill, but when I hit the jump, my back end fishtailed, and I cased the gap. I started sliding on the landing ramp, but brakes didn't really help on the mud, so I slid, still on my bike, halfway up the next landing ramp, and fell. it was awfully embarassing.

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 17:00 Quote
i once hit a 4 pack so fast i landed on the lip of the jump after the one i just hit

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 17:24 Quote
Trying an "On the ground" barrel roll. What you do is tip over then roll onto your back and then try and get up!

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 17:28 Quote
When i started biking i went up and unbelievabley steep step up and shifted my weight far too much to the extent i came off backwards in mid air and the bike rocketed up vertical and missed me by a few inches when i came back down lol.
Also I've had an incident when i went from full sus bike from all day of riding to my mates hard tail and for some reason was doing a berm at the lowest level possible at a really ridiculous slow speed, came off and all my weight went onto my thumb... Breaking it, spraining my thumb and wrist at the same time and also damaing the ligaments in my thumb. It was a good day before i went back out heavily bandaged and funnily enough i rode harder than the day before, probably because of the mass amount of bandaging to keep it soft and comfy lol.

Posted: Nov 5, 2007 at 17:37 Quote
about 2 weeks ago my freind did a 14 foot drop to flat concrete. he landed it, but kinda hurt his ankles and he got bearclawed. it was soooo cool though.

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