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Worst injuries you've seen or had while on a bike

PB Forum :: Dirt Jumping & Street
Worst injuries you've seen or had while on a bike
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Posted: Nov 9, 2007 at 15:01 Quote
What is the worst biking injury that you have seen. The worst i have ever seen was while i was out with my friend, he went to do a double which was about 5ft high and a decent 8ft gap,but he went in with too much speed and because he is quite short and light he couldnt pull the front up and nosed it in. He flat landed on his front wheel and smashed his face on the stem and there was blood all over. Fortunately he got away with just a broken nose but could have been much worse if he wasnt wearing his helmet. So always wear a helmet! you might think they look uncool but you can always sticker it up, and its way better than a broken head.Beer

Posted: Nov 9, 2007 at 15:05 Quote
i screwed up on a dj and ended up landing on my head snapping my collar bone, crushing two disks in my back and fracturing my t12 vertebrae. i got up walked to my buds house laid on his bed and realized it took all my effort to move my legs so i told me to phone the ambulance

Posted: Nov 9, 2007 at 17:20 Quote
on of my friends over shot a 10 foot double that pops you really high, when he landed his bar turned and his face went into the stem. he had a cut below his lip that went right through, into his mouth, plus he had a severe concussion.

my other friend nose cased a double of similar size and broke his collar bone. i wasn't actually there fore the collar bone breakage but for the next 3 months he had his arm in a sling. Then a few months after (he broke his collar bone right before winter, so in the spring), I had been hitting the biggest dj at our jumps (16 foot gap, pops you high) and after like 3 months of me hitting it he decides to start hitting it. a few days after he starts hitting it, he nose cases and almost breaks his collar bone again. this time though he landed better and only got cuts on his face, shoulder, arm, and leg, so it wasn't as bad.

me personally, the worse crash for me was i over shot the first dj in the dj line at blue mountain (local bike resort) and landed about 5 to 10 feet past the landing nose heavy, and flipped into a pile of rocks. that was about 16 months ago, and i'm still covered in scars. that was f-ed...

Posted: Nov 9, 2007 at 20:32 Quote
My friend were doing some drops in front of our school and he messed up and ended up face planting to flat pavement. You could see his skull he needed 4 stitches.

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 7:23 Quote
My worst was going off a drop and my handle bars snapped hit my face and was bleeding out of every place in my face, nothing broken just mass amounts of blood

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 7:24 Quote
two broken bones in my wrist, three broken bones in my foot... not in the same crash but all in the same season... it's been a rough year

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 7:38 Quote
Well i was hiting some jumps and these little kids told me to do a x-up tabletop. Haha so i try it and end up fliping over my bars and landing on my arm. I sereously couldnt move for like 10 minutes and i couldnt feal my arm. So after like 30 minutes of laying there and talking to the kids and laughing i had to bike home with an arm that hardly worked. I couldnt j-hop, abubica, tiretap, hit jumps, barspin or anything like that for like 1 month cuz everytime i land it would kill.
Its not half as bad as the crashes on this site. I crash alot but i never get hurt.

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 7:40 Quote
the worst crash ive had was when i clipped on a vert wall, and fell 10 feet down on my face, knocking out 10 of my teeth. i had surgery and had them wired in, so my mouth was wired shut for a month or s, but then a year later i came bombing a hill, i tried to hop a ten foot garden thing, i dont know wat i was thinking, but i went over the handlebars and smashed 3 of them out again. but other than that just regular bruises and cuts.

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 7:49 Quote
my friends sherman were f*cked and they would top out with a loud PING! he was doing the big set at the jumpss that i ride and he nose cased the first jump and landed flat on hi face and head and blood was gushing out of hisnose

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 8:02 Quote
I havent seen anything to bad.. but just like two days ago I had my worst... my foot came down funny on a botched 360 and my knee cap popped out of place and I messed up some ligaments in my knee so now its swollen... Thats basically the only bad one I've ever seen in person...

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 8:13 Quote
i was dirt jumping today landed scetchy and the seat nearly went up my ass it hurt so muchb Whip

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 8:27 Quote
my bike slided on a north shore turn becuze it was wet wood. When my hand touched the ground, one figner went between 2 wood piece and it bended on the wrong side(middle knuckle of the finger). It happen at the middle of a track so i wanted to finish my ride so i was using just one hand to brake.... got to much speed and i jumped of a burn and twisted my wrist at the landing. i simply couldn't drive my car bike to my house.

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 8:28 Quote
I hounestly coul say but i just did a 10 foot drop/hip and i fell to one side and tried to run it off// i ended up messing up the tendant in my heel.. what ever its called .. i duno.. but it hurts.

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 8:41 Quote
I dislocated my toes by bashing a pedal on rocks. The rock went throught my shoe and did a 4cm hole... It's the problem with race bikes, the bb is very low and if you don't correctly time your pedal strokes then, it will happen!

Posted: Nov 10, 2007 at 9:03 Quote
I've been riding DH for about 10 years and have been pretty lucky. Lots of contusions, scrapes and sprains. I've separated my shoulder on a big step up that wasn't lined up properly; front tire missed the table, back tire didn't and I was rocketed into the ground. It was ugly. I came up short on a 10' drop, blew my foot off the pedal and rolled over the inside of my foot with the full force of the impact on my rear tire since I rode it out on the seat. I was sure I sheared off my ankle but luckily only sprained and pulled ligaments! Yay only off the bike and walking like a gimp for a month!

Two of my friends haven't been so lucky. One guy went over the bars clipped on a DJ and compressed T3,4,& 5 in his neck and concussed himself, had to wear a clam shell for 6 months and missed a semester of school. He also hurt himself pretty bad on the mill creek drop and separated his shoulder, shatterd his radius and ulna, smashed his helmet in two and got a concussion all at the same time. I didn't see it but I guess he must have went over the bar and put his arm out, bad move, should have rolled.

Another friend of mine also compressed T3,4,& 5 in his neck, broke his wrist, and concussed himself clipped on Mt. 7. He hit the big tree on the left of wet dream b/c of his dog running in front of him, he got the whole medivac deal. The same afternoon on Mt 7 another friend hit a tree on the right of the tailgate gap and broke his wrist.

Clipless + DH = asking for trouble

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