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Posted: Nov 19, 2007 at 22:17 Quote
as anyone ever anodize a frame? I just got my intense M1 back from the sandblaster and it looks absolutely just like new! Not a single inperfection... Now I want to repaint it in a way no one else would. and I figure, anodizing would be a good choice, a nice polish gold... but I was just inquiring on how much it would probably cost... Anyone ever done any anodizing work on parts or even a frame as well?

Posted: Nov 19, 2007 at 22:20 Quote
yes, but you would need a ton of supplies to do a full frame, as its big.
find a commercial anodizer to do it for you, it will turn out MUCH better than youll be able to do it. I am a heat treater, and work with an ano guy down the street, if you want their number, pm me

Posted: Nov 19, 2007 at 22:23 Quote
yeah I've found a commercial place very close to my house, but since they are commercial, they don't give out quotes that easily lol ....I'm just hoping it wont be more than $300... but who knows...

Posted: Nov 19, 2007 at 22:26 Quote
as lons as youre flexible, and polite, USUALLY they can accomodate you. If someone else brought in a color you were looking at, then they can usully "throw it in with their parts" and cut you a break if youre willing to wait a little bit for turn around. (as well you should since its winter.)

going in to talk to someone WITH the frame will get you a lot farther than phone calls, and offer to pay up front

Posted: Nov 19, 2007 at 22:29 Quote
good idea! that's what I will do, I'll walk in there with the full frame for them to observe the size and all and you're right, since I still have to get bb's and plus winter's coming and still waiting for more new parts, I'm in no rush...
Do you know what's an average cost for anodizing?

Posted: Nov 19, 2007 at 22:29 Quote
and if you REALLY want to do it like nobody else would, then see if they can "splash anodize", and have em do gold with blue "mud splash" on the underside of the down tube :-)

Ive gotten my guy to do it for like 40$, but we also do favors for them, so i cant give a "real world" price. and 40 was for one color, semi small parts. (clutch pressure plate on my ducati, its a dry clutch and you can see it spin while the motor runs, so OBVIOUSLY i had to get it anodized :-)

Posted: Nov 19, 2007 at 22:33 Quote
thanks for your help hummeroid! That clutch must have looked sooo nice!!
I will do like you say and just walk in... if it's more than $300... well I tried lol

Posted: Nov 19, 2007 at 22:36 Quote
unless theyre really mean people, i wouldnt think itll be that much, but youre on the right track, ano is the way to go, paint/powdercoat is good and all, but the durability and flash of gold ano on an m1 will be SWEET, pm me pics when done, and PM me about how it goes when you ask them!

Posted: Nov 26, 2007 at 13:22 Quote
So it's getting anodized tomorrow. Gold... The guys at the shop called www.progressiveanodizers.com ... I spoke with Paul who then gave me a quote. He was extremely helpful and very imformative. He took all the time necessary, regardless of the fact that this is a very very very small project for what they usually do, to explain to me what will be the process and all the measures I should take. He was also very realistic on the outcome and didn't just try to "sale" me the job... But to top it off when I brough it over to the shop, he actually walked me trough the entire plant, which was really impressive, showed me how everything works, I met with the floor super, who personnaly inspected my frame to ensure a propper advise... Anyways, I'm sure you guys can tell, I'm absolutely amazed on their service! So the job for everything done is for $155.00 that includes a cleaning acid treatment, a pre-treatment, a polishing, the anodizing & coloring and a special bath cleaning... It's like 14 different baths in total lol! it's crazy! I'm still impress on how strong that shyt is! They showed me some stuff coming out the baths and it was this really thick orange clowd coming out and white bubbles all over.. But they ensured me that it takes a super super small layer of metal not big enough to jeopardise the strenght at all....
Honnestly, $155 for a super shiny "Paint" that will last years and years without discoloration and chips is a wicked deal!!!

If anyone is interested to do it, here's the pointers I can give:
expect to pay around $155
Make sure the frame is 100% aluminium, can't have a single piece other than alu.
frame has to be raw metal, (although I didn't ask if the acid cleaning would remove the paint) I had my bike sandblasted with baking soda.
give the guys some time... I told them they can take all the time they need. They seem to enjoy the no pressure deal & no cockiness lol
also one thing, which my frame might suffer from, you can't have very small gaps, like cable housings and stuff like that with tiny gaps where there is no welds... it will cause the acid to be trap and slowly escape after being out the bath, causing a discoloration in the color..
lastly, if the sandblasting was done too heavy or any imprefection will show alot with anodizer. It will create a shadow effect...

So anyways, they are doing it tomorrow, I'll prob pick it up wednesday to friday, when I have a chance. I'll let you guys know of the result.

Posted: Nov 26, 2007 at 13:32 Quote
sweet, you should get the rims anoed gold too hahah, but yeah that'll look sick, im thinking of getting a couple of pieces on my bike anoed as well, cant do the frame tho it steel...

Posted: Nov 26, 2007 at 14:55 Quote
hehe! I really can't wait to see it tomorow... Although I'm cautious that it might not work because I have a lot of small gaps on where the cables go and the acid might run down from those places and discolor the finish... if it doesn't work, oh well... I tried hehe, I'll get a custom paint... as for the rim, I got a set of deemax so I wouldn't wanna mess with those lol! But seeing how it's done, it really openned up a new perspective on "customizing" Anodizing just looks SICK!

Posted: Nov 26, 2007 at 16:47 Quote
congrats, im glad its working out for ya, and for once, someone on pinkbike took my advice:-) see what happens when you do that? everything works out :-)

itll look sick.

Posted: Nov 26, 2007 at 16:57 Quote
DANGG. alot of people SAY or WANT to do what you have done but they never end up following through, EVER. You have, its going to look incredible. The guys doing it for you also sound amazing. Show us some pictures sooooon.

Posted: Nov 27, 2007 at 14:37 Quote
Yeah! So it's done !!! LOL but I don't have it in hand yet... it's pretty intense cause it might not have worked... and I have to wait Ahhh! This is more exciting than christmas!!
So I called them to pick it up tonight but the owner placed it in his office to make sure it doesn't get damaged hehe! These guys at the anodizers are exceptional!

So because I'm working pretty much from 7am to 9pm, I don't get a chance to pick it up that easily.... hopefully I can soon and I will post pics!

Posted: Nov 27, 2007 at 16:56 Quote
excellent, cant wait!

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