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Newmarket (And surrounding area)

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Newmarket (And surrounding area)
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Posted: May 11, 2010 at 13:05 Quote
Uh Oh, Its happening...

The Town is going ahead with building of the "DAVE KERWIN TRAIL". There will be an official opening of the project this Sat May 15th at the park on Woodspring Ave. Looks like I will be out of town but would be a good opourtunity to meet some of the people involved with the project. If you do go, and speak to anyone though be careful how you approach the subject. If you go in and tell them they are wrecking your trails and to leave them alone they will destroy what you have built, and fine those who continue to build. However, if you tell them you are an avid trail user and environmentalist and know of a group of local residents who would like to help and be a part of this project they may be very receptive. Towns are all about saving money and if they have community partners willing to help out with the workload we may be able to come to some comprimises.

For more info Read HERE

Posted: May 11, 2010 at 13:35 Quote
These f*ckin mindless policticians. Newmarket isn't even close to needing another walking path. And whats their "environmental" plan look like? probably a couple of 'dosers' and some asshats with chainsaws.

Newmarkets being over-run with soccer moms that drive lexus' and require paved paths to walk their dogs through the forest. Its disgusting. Their is absolutely no respect for the environment and it is becoming more apparent every time they decide to turn an existing single track path, into some 6 foot wide gravel road. They already destroyed so much on the west side of 2nd concession in HL, where the Rogers resevoir path crosses 2nd, and parralels the river. It hurts to know another wonderful section of forest is going to be raped by these clowns, and eventually overrun with rude, literring, Dog walking without a leash kinda people.

I think we need to arrive as a group on saturday and try to address this situation respectfully. I'd love to give them a real earful of the truth, but I'ma try speaking down to their level, and see where that takes me.

Look for me on saturday if your planning to be there. I'll be on an orange/brown Simtra psyco.


Posted: May 11, 2010 at 14:05 Quote
I'm leaving town at some point, not sure when, if I have time I'll go. White Kona hardtail.

Posted: May 11, 2010 at 15:05 Quote
EMSbyDay wrote:
However, if you tell them you are an avid trail user and environmentalist and know of a group of local residents who would like to help and be a part of this project they may be very receptive. Towns are all about saving money and if they have community partners willing to help out with the workload we may be able to come to some comprimises.

This is almost exactly what Hosemonkey and myself have in mind. We have been brainstorming a bit over the last few weeks and will be creating an outline of a letter to the councillor of this area, regarding this forest.

We realize that there is nothing we can do about the walking paths and have come to the point where we also realize that people other than bikers have the same rights to use the forest as well (granted in a much more destructive manner, but that is besides the point..). What we are going to try and propose to the councillor, is to form a community based biking group who will volunteer their time to help maintain both the biking trails and walking trails. If a volunteer group is formed, then the town could potentially be able to have a very small operating budget for the park/forest. In essence, a group of bikers would be adopting the forest in order to be able to have some trails.

Other points of discussion will include;

-Creation of GPS mapped, marked and skill rated trails
-Trails will follow IMBA trail building guidelines
-Offers alternative sport for people of all ages and skills
-Will show examples of trails out West and in Ontario that are partially funded by the government and maintained by volunteers
-Quick cleanup of trash, dead fall trees etc. Town not needed to be called out for every situation, therefor saving money
-Etc etc etc etc (please add to this list)

Hosemonkey and myself are going to get together tonight to write up this letter, if you want your name on the bottom of it send me a message with your real name. If all goes as planned, we will be able to schedule a meeting with Chris Manuel to discuss all of this.

I will also most likely be there on Saturday. I'll stick around for the opening thing and then head out for a ride. See ya there.

Posted: May 11, 2010 at 16:14 Quote
Will send you a PM with my info shortly.

If the town is smart the will realize this is a great oppourtunity for them and is a common practice in many other areas. Look at the Don Valley Trail in Toronto, they set up trail cleanup + building days and have the trails maintained largely by volunteers, saving the city thousands.

Another good local example is the MTB skills park @ Anchor Park in East Gwillimbury. Alot of people are afraid of built features or downhills for liability + insurance reasons for the town but obviously if built properly it should not be a problem and there would I'm sure simply be a sign at trails edge with the old "This trail contains features that may contain extreme difficulty, ride within your limits and use at own risk"

There were apparently public information things that went on about this back in 2008, but I have been a local resident for 4 years and this is the first notice I have received about it.

Posted: May 12, 2010 at 5:59 Quote
Ah, good call on the East Gwillumbury Skills Park. I almost totally forgot about that! The Don is also a perfect example of how the community can support a trail network almost entirely based on volunteer effort. We'll be using all of these points in the package we hand deliver to Chris Manuel.

And thanks to everyone that messaged me with their information. The more people that we have named on this package that live in the community, the better. If anyone knows anyone else that would like their names on this (biker or not), just let me know.

Last night we were successful in creating the basic outline of the letter, now we just have to put it all together in a professional looking package. Along with the points I listed up above, we have also come up with the idea of presenting our ideas as a way to work in conjunction with the walking paths to make the forest safer, more enjoyable and user friendly for everyone who will use the trail network. In other words, let’s take the towns idea of having paved walking paths and make the forest/park even better by having the only official mountain bike trail network in the Newmarket area. And on top of that, have a volunteer based group be responsible for maintaining the trails to a high standard.

Anyways I should stop typing now. Time for work.

I hope this crappy weather goes away soon too.


Posted: May 12, 2010 at 8:53 Quote
sounds good, as far as the "ony MTB trail in the area" its not a specific MTB use but there is the Ravenshoe Forest just north east of here in Keswick. However these 2 forests are completely different as that forest is flat flat flat and a bore to ride.

As far as the wide paved paths go, we all suspect this, as thats what's at the trail head right now, but do we know for sure? I'm sure for safety reasons it will not remain the single track it currently is (trip hazards etc) but am interested to see exactly what they have planned. I remember there were example pics on the councilors website but they were from other trails.....

Posted: May 12, 2010 at 10:17 Quote
True about Ravenshoe. I guess what I should have said is that in the actual town of Newmarket these will be the first proper bike trails and that they are accessible by public transit.

I think I also read somewhere that the proposed walking paths will be wheelchair accessible, which is why I assume they will be wide and paved.

Posted: May 12, 2010 at 11:05 Quote
And if you check the hoe chillin in that parking lot, they're clearly planning on cutting at least a 6 or 7 foot wide hole through the trees.

Posted: May 12, 2010 at 12:09 Quote
Beauty pile of wood out there too haha Somebodies got some big plans! Can't wait to see what becomes of it!


Posted: May 12, 2010 at 13:11 Quote
Where at?

I plan on riding tonight, are the trails still muddy from the rain?

Posted: May 12, 2010 at 14:35 Quote
Not muddy at all, pretty tacky. Probably find some mud in the depressions but otherwise its nice.

The pile of wood isn't mine...and is doesn't sound to be yours, so I don't really want to disclose its positions, but a real nice size pile of unreal little skinny planks. I only go in there from one way anymore, so you could probably figure it out if you wanted to, but its all brand new wood, tags on some of it even, so somebodies got some big plans for them


Posted: May 12, 2010 at 14:54 Quote
Is the Hoe still there? Where was it? I remember Canadmos saying he saw one in the Woodspring parking lot but when I went out last week there was nothing.

Posted: May 12, 2010 at 14:56 Quote
most certainly a big ol' tractor sittin in the gravel lot on woodspring. It was calling me to do something to it but I couldn't quite figure out what that should have been.

And just judging by the size of the hoe, it looks like they're going to be carving a road through the forest...

Posted: May 12, 2010 at 16:10 Quote
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkk. Okay I mean I get trying to bring nature to the masses, but to destroy nature to do it?

I wonder if anyone has considered the Trillium flowers? Is it not ilegal to pick/destroy Trillium flowers? They grow right on the edge of the single track...


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