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Would you go to school on an expensive bike?

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Would you go to school on an expensive bike?
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Posted: Jan 30, 2008 at 20:27 Quote
ivlikevmeat wrote:
I got to knox and the bike racks are fenced in. they lock them rite when school starts and open them at the end of the day so its fairly safe.

what if you go home for lunch, or have like a 2nd period spare that woudl kinda suck cuz i wouldent feel like wating for some guy to come unlock the fence and at lunch i need to get home fast by the time lunch rolls around i am starving

Posted: Jan 30, 2008 at 21:11 Quote
let this thread die already!

Posted: Jan 31, 2008 at 20:42 Quote
fenderbender wrote:
i used to back in high school and left it unlocked. lol i bought a remote tracking device and stuffed it in my frame down the seat pole. one day some one tried to jack it but i had the tracker set on motion sensor which started to beep while i was sitting in class. wasnt too long i darted out the door and went after the guy. thanks to the brilliant layout of the school buddy couldnt get away without crossing my path. you should've seen the look on his face...Eek Rolleyes
whats the website for a company that makes good ones?

Posted: Jan 31, 2008 at 20:43 Quote
which one did u have?

Posted: Jan 31, 2008 at 20:58 Quote
Honestly most people don't know the difference between a walmart bike and a $1500 street bike. I usually only attract attention from people who have somewhat of a clue about bikes. And I'm fortunate enough, that my professors don't mind me bringing my bike into their classrooms. But in high school, I just locked it to the bike rack and never had any trouble. I guess I'm lucky in the fact that I have a sick bike, but it doesn't stand out that much, unless you know what your looking for.

Posted: Jan 31, 2008 at 21:13 Quote
ajaxpowder wrote:
let this thread die already!

Do threads have an expiry date that I don't know about?

The owner of a shop I used to go to followed that same thought process and it worked out perfectly well for him. He used to ride various vintage road bikes to get his groceries and most of the time wouldn't even bother to lock them up. To the average person, they looked like crappo yard sale bikes but to those very few that knew, they were some rather high end bikes that could easily fetch a good dollar to the right buyer.

Posted: Feb 1, 2008 at 4:54 Quote
ajaxpowder wrote:
let this thread die already!

I will, I will, I'm just waiting for the answer from the guy who said he used a tracking device,... where do you get one, whats the price, what brand is it???

Posted: Feb 1, 2008 at 15:54 Quote
Jocool wrote:
I will, I will, I'm just waiting for the answer from the guy who said he used a tracking device,... where do you get one, whats the price, what brand is it???

Use google...

Anyways those type of devices cost a lot of cash ($300++), plus their is a monthly fee for the live feed. If you don't leave your bike lying around like its garbage you will never get it stolen, 95% of the people that get theirs jacked often leave in front of a shop, expecting that it will be their once they come back in an hour.

Posted: Feb 2, 2008 at 9:07 Quote
i'm not the guy who first said it (new member) but i have one in the bottom bracket of each of my bikes. i went to my local vet and got a chip they use to trck house cats and dogs, i put some foam in my tube the placed the chip in there, stinky got stolen once and i went to the vet and got the location, knocked on the door and i got my bike back.

Jocool wrote:
ajaxpowder wrote:
let this thread die already!

I will, I will, I'm just waiting for the answer from the guy who said he used a tracking device,... where do you get one, whats the price, what brand is it???

Posted: Feb 2, 2008 at 9:07 Quote
i only paid about 50 bucks each.

Posted: Feb 2, 2008 at 9:11 Quote
freerideLOC wrote:
i only paid about 50 bucks each.

wow thats a good idea, what did the guy do when you went their? i want to hear this story. i hope u punched him in the face

Posted: Feb 2, 2008 at 9:15 Quote
anyone got a link to one of these trackers?

Posted: Feb 2, 2008 at 9:27 Quote
i do not have a link for anything but just go talk to the local vet. they think its a great idea for me to use them like that. they just want them in my dog now...
no i didn't hit him (i wanted to) but he saw the 12 gauge in my back window and he surrendered it and appolagized...

Posted: Feb 2, 2008 at 14:03 Quote
going to the vet to get one is a good ideatup

Posted: Feb 2, 2008 at 19:36 Quote
i don't think he really know what he's talking about considering he's not even a member for a day yet.(correct me if i'm wrong). but those "chips" he's talking about that they put in dogs and cats are a little bar code type thing which the vet preloads your information on (dog owner, phone number, city, adress, etc.) then they stick it in a neatle and inject it into the animals neck. its the same idea as a collar but if someone finds your dog and brings it to the humain society they take pretty much the same thing as the people at a cash register use and scan the dogs neck. it picks up the chip and all the information is their. unless someones planning on brining your stollen bike to petsmart its not really going to help.

but their also is an actual tracker... but you stick it on your dogs collar and is about 4 inches long by 2 inches wide, you could hide it down your frame, but the reciever really only works for a few kilometers and most bike theifs would probably notice it.


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