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how often do you work out??

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how often do you work out??
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Posted: Apr 20, 2009 at 11:28 Quote
When I get into a rhythm at with school demands, I go 5 days a week after classes. Typically, I break the days up as follows:

Mon: Chest, abs, cardio
Tues: upper and lower back, cardio
Wed: Shoulders, abs, cardio
Thurs: monster leg workout, cardio
Fri: arms, abs, cardio

Over a Jan-April time period, this structure added 35lbs to my bench and 20lbs of muscle. Of course, I supplemented with whey protein, etc. Typically, complex lifts were 4 sets of 6 and isolations were 3 sets of 8. I don't tune my workouts to biking fitness though - just general muscle-building.

19, 6'1", 180, btw.

Posted: May 7, 2009 at 15:42 Quote
Age: 14
Weight: 150
Days a week: daily
time: 30 minutes to an hour?? (for working out) Cardio/Biking is extra.
Day one: Chest/Back
Day two: Legs/Shoulders
Day three: Biceps/Triceps
Daily: Abs and cardio. I only jog if I'm not on bike or playing hockey.
Do you use energy drinks/protein supplements: Nope.

Posted: May 7, 2009 at 15:44 Quote
age: 17
wieght: 165
days a week:0 (excluding riding)
time: 0
activities: either lifting steel at work, or lifting the a-line
do you use energy drinks/protein supplements: no dice

Posted: May 7, 2009 at 15:59 Quote
Age: 16
Weight: 235(probably more)
Days a week:1-2(besides gym class)
Activities: Build trails(DH mostly), play PS3.
Job: MTB bike instructor at COP ...soon. RACE!
Energy Drinks: YES(When riding) Sometimes(working out)

Posted: May 14, 2009 at 10:28 Quote
Height: 6'4"
Days a week: 6 for about 1.5 hrs

4 day training split
Eat 6 times a day
Whey protein, creatine and maximuscle cyclone bars.
Packed on 20lbs of muscle in 10 months and dropped bodyfat from 14% to 11%

Posted: May 14, 2009 at 14:49 Quote
^^ Unnecessary. What are you, olympic?

Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 155
Workout: Whenever I feel like it, usually 3 or so times a week, once in a gym.
Either pike/press-ups (can do 80 in one go), sit up/twists, is in gym cross-trainer/bicep curls/pull-ups, plank
Road ride most days, quick 20-minute blast averaging over 15mph, 5k ish; weekend run (similar distance, lo intensity)
Play sport depending on time of year (rugby, hockey,tennis) & ride for fun.

Posted: May 15, 2009 at 8:58 Quote
harriieee wrote:
^^ Unnecessary. What are you, olympic?

Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 155
Workout: Whenever I feel like it, usually 3 or so times a week, once in a gym.
Either pike/press-ups (can do 80 in one go), sit up/twists, is in gym cross-trainer/bicep curls/pull-ups, plank
Road ride most days, quick 20-minute blast averaging over 15mph, 5k ish; weekend run (similar distance, lo intensity)
Play sport depending on time of year (rugby, hockey,tennis) & ride for fun.

Unnecessary? What makes you say that? He wants to get ripped -probably already is- and 4-5 days a week, supplementing with whey and creatine, and a good meal structure is the best way to do it. Honestly, most bodybuilders would say he's underdoing it with only two supplements, only going 4 days a week and only eating 6 meals.

Posted: May 15, 2009 at 9:15 Quote
I ran Cross Country for 1 school year but it took to much riding time away so I havent worked out in atleast half a year besides riding my bike

Posted: May 15, 2009 at 12:15 Quote
thats pathetis everyday
3000m ergo sprints
followed by 20k cross country bike ride
thats how men really work out

Posted: May 15, 2009 at 13:40 Quote
See above post for everything that is wrong with some people's attitude towards working out. Over-competitive macho stupidity. You sound like you got something to prove mate; well, you're 15 so I wouldn't expect much more. How about you stick to your workout, and he sticks to his?

Posted: May 15, 2009 at 13:53 Quote
age: 16
weight: 140
days a week: 1-6
activities: biking, walking running, why walk when you can run? thats basically it xD i want to go to gym every week after driving school now though... hope it happens Big Grin
do you use energy drinks/protein supplements: nope, but will coz i heard you can die of magnesium poisening if you just drink a lot of water, so powerade is my choice from now on Smile

btw, i do 20k XC on my DH bike...

Posted: May 15, 2009 at 13:59 Quote
I don't exercise at all, aside from biking and *ahem* bedroom time.

Posted: May 15, 2009 at 14:02 Quote
Age: 16
Weight: 150 lbs
Days a Week: Daily
Time: 30 mins - 1 Hour
Activities: Free-Weights, Curls, Push-Ups/Pull-Ups, Running, Biking Swimming. Anything that gets me moving and breathing more than normal.
Targeted Body Parts: Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Legs, Back, Abs, Cardio-Vascular.
Supplements: No, I do not cheat!

Posted: May 15, 2009 at 14:03 Quote
my exercise is every time i bend down to get soda from the fridge i do it in a artistic fashion like holding one leg in the air or touching the tip of my nose with my finger, its modern day yoga.

Posted: May 15, 2009 at 14:06 Quote
ogitrev wrote:
my exercise is every time i bend down to get soda from the fridge i do it in a artistic fashion like holding one leg in the air or touching the tip of my nose with my finger, its modern day yoga.

lol Word up.


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