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100 (or more) days of biking in 2022!

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100 (or more) days of biking in 2022!
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Posted: Dec 10, 2022 at 19:38 Quote
288 - Little less sketchy work commute, took a different route lol

Planned to ride today, went for another scouting run to check out the trail/snow conditions. The snow is at a very bad, partially melted, slushy in some places and icy in other state that would make for a miserable time...so I hopped on zwift for a could of hours instead. Thinking tomorrow I might drive down to Victoria for a ride as it sounds like they have zero snow down there and the forecast tomorrow is for sun!

leftypumpkin wrote:
gnarnaimo wrote:
Thanks for the unsolicited advice, but yeah I have ridden many times on solid ice or icy surfaces.

No problem - I just assumed you were playing with smooth glistening ice which I find challenging (at least until I realized the pedalling kept me upright and weight balanced). The chunky stuff has never been my nemesis but I'll defer, sounds like it was pretty doom laden in your case.

Yes exactly! Hope I didn't come across as rude there. Reading what I wrote out there again I see that I kind of sound like an ass.

FloridaHasMTBToo wrote:
199- NICA practice
200-- Early AM intervals

Eh, good job on 2 hundo!

Posted: Dec 10, 2022 at 22:08 Quote
126 - BrandyFine… freeze-thaw effect was minimal…

Posted: Dec 11, 2022 at 21:12 Quote
129 - last one before the upcoming snow. No excuses not to hit 130 now, even if it’s a paved pump track ride.

Posted: Dec 11, 2022 at 21:24 Quote
197- absolutely sloppy snowy fiming ride

Posted: Dec 11, 2022 at 22:38 Quote
99 - great day staying below the snow line!

I reckon tmrws the day

Posted: Dec 12, 2022 at 6:01 Quote
p-m-z wrote:
197- absolutely sloppy snowy fiming ride

Where's your edit? Let's see it!

Posted: Dec 12, 2022 at 15:25 Quote
289 - First time at the Jordie Lunn bike park in Langford. That place is pretty awesome. A handful of gravity trails with a couple of nice machine made climbers to get to the top..green, blue, black and pro line dirt jumps..green, blue and black pump tracks..and a very well done skills park. Good way to spend a Sunday, no snow and beautiful tacky dirt down in Victoria right now!

290 - Work commute

Posted: Dec 12, 2022 at 17:11 Quote
Today is 100!

Figured id put slightly more effort into a post than usual.

Earlier this fall I told my wife that I didnt think I was going to hit 100 this year, and she told me that I should feel lucky i'm happy & healthy enough to even come close.

So with that perspective I bring you 3 thoughts from today:

1. Things that feel impossible are always within reach.
2. 100 days to some is a luxury to have that much free time to dedicate to a hobby.
3. 100 days to others is barely even 2 rides a week, and feels like nothing.

So Enjoy the ride, life, etc. Beer



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Posted: Dec 12, 2022 at 17:33 Quote
well stated devin...! very well stated.

I'm happy I can even ride a bike after 2020, Eek but also disappointed I'm not able to do it more. Cry

Need to steer clear of point 'B' and defer to point 'A' .

I'm happy I can enjoy this incredibly amazing sport when I can, overjoyed that I finally decided to get my ass back into it, and completely zen when I tinker with some kinda cool old bikes that I've made my own.....

cheers to everyone who hit a hundo. props to those of you busitn' 200, and double props to those doing it at all...!!!


Posted: Dec 12, 2022 at 18:32 Quote
Props on number 100! And that is a nice looking bit of trail there.


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