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pinkbike needs to chill out

PB Forum :: Social / Political Issues
pinkbike needs to chill out
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Posted: Feb 12, 2008 at 8:20 Quote
kicksnlicks wrote:
4xer wrote:
I am a newer member too and I don't understand
Bingo. There's a lot of history here.

According to your "member since date," you are a newer member than me. I have never really contributed on the forums compared to others out there but still, I think her posts were more beneficial than almost all of the 12-14 year olds posts that you can barely read because they can't type or they are basing something off of hearsay. Even some of the older members haven't ridden some of the components or bikes she had. I think she was a valuable resource and I will miss her posts. I don't want to start a fight as that just shows a lack of maturity but honestly, if you have nothing positive to contribute, just look. There is no need to flap your gums.

Posted: Feb 12, 2008 at 8:22 Quote
4xer wrote:
kicksnlicks wrote:
4xer wrote:
I am a newer member too and I don't understand
Bingo. There's a lot of history here.

According to your "member since date," you are a newer member than me. I have never really contributed on the forums compared to others out there but still, I think her posts were more beneficial than almost all of the 12-14 year olds posts that you can barely read because they can't type or they are basing something off of hearsay. Even some of the older members haven't ridden some of the components or bikes she had. I think she was a valuable resource and I will miss her posts. I don't want to start a fight as that just shows a lack of maturity but honestly, if you have nothing positive to contribute, just look. There is no need to flap your gums.
This account was originally a Pinkbike Photo account. I've been here longer then thatSmile And we were not questioning her knowledge. Aye, she's done her share of riding and had information to offer. However the attitude was not so hot.

Posted: Feb 12, 2008 at 8:35 Quote
kicksnlicks wrote:
This account was originally a Pinkbike Photo account. I've been here longer then thatSmile And we were not questioning her knowledge. Aye, she's done her share of riding and had information to offer. However the attitude was not so hot.
It doesn't matter how new or old school you are. We are all here for the same reason, to talk about bikes and look at bikes and everything in between. I have actually talked to her at out local lift assisted bike park, COP and she is actually very approachable and a pretty cool person. You can't base her off of what she says on pinkbike. Sure her shuttle "truck" is nice but I remember her cutting her day early after she got called into work. Yes, she was riding with a cell phone on her. She isn't just a stuck-up priss or a bitch. If she comes across as one over the internet, I would suggest that you don't judge a book by its cover but rather maybe start a conversation with her to ask her what she does and who she works for as I was amazed. With life experience, comes the attitude. I am sure once you are 20 and have a decent job, your outlook on things will change as that normally happens when you mature and go through life.

Posted: Feb 12, 2008 at 8:40 Quote
I think the main problem is the lack of manners within each post. I'm not on about being pedantic and using queens english just this: without manners people argue over pointless things. This is happening a lot on Pinkbike. Manners help to stop people getting the wrong impression of what you mean. Now, when typing it's easy to acidentally mislead the reader by using sarcasm (as I have found to my cost) so people generally don't try to use it. However in every sentance you speak there will be little tonal nuances that keep the listener sweet which are all missing in type. It's so easy to wind each other up on these forums it's best to use little symbols and stuff to make sure you are understood correctly Smile
Also does anyone think that all the developments and innovations within mtb's were all worked out in a nice calm manner over a glass of sherry? Probably not, disagreement is the fuel of innovation. Innovations bring solutions. Solutions resolve disagreements.

Posted: Feb 12, 2008 at 8:59 Quote
duck wrote:
I see it this way.
The pinkbike forums have been a well oiled machene since the day they started back in 2001. Now with more moderators then ever, doing their jobs and taking their own time out to help this site work properly I see no need to call out the moderators at all. Infact, they deserve more of our praise for doing all the grunt work keeping this website going.

Thank you, its always nice when people acknowledge that we are actually helping the site run and not just being the censorship police.

Posted: Feb 12, 2008 at 9:59 Quote
4xer wrote:
It doesn't matter how new or old school you are. We are all here for the same reason, to talk about bikes and look at bikes and everything in between. I have actually talked to her at out local lift assisted bike park, COP and she is actually very approachable and a pretty cool person. You can't base her off of what she says on pinkbike. Sure her shuttle "truck" is nice but I remember her cutting her day early after she got called into work. Yes, she was riding with a cell phone on her. She isn't just a stuck-up priss or a bitch. If she comes across as one over the internet, I would suggest that you don't judge a book by its cover but rather maybe start a conversation with her to ask her what she does and who she works for as I was amazed. With life experience, comes the attitude. I am sure once you are 20 and have a decent job, your outlook on things will change as that normally happens when you mature and go through life.

Being a cool person and someone fun to ride with does not necessarily make for a good moderator. There was an attitude present that grated the mod/admin team in the wrong way. We're a pretty relaxed crew and she didn't fit in with that. She isn't the first mod who has stepped down and she asked to be released from the position a while back due to differences in style (note that this was before any of what you call "hazing" happened).

That said, if she chooses to stay on the site I don't think anyone will have a problem with that. No one said she had to leave.

I'm pretty sure that this issue is done and I hope it doesn't continue to be a problem.

Posted: Feb 12, 2008 at 10:04 Quote
I've said this before and I'll say it again... The anonymity of the internet is what I see to be a major problem too. Anyone can badmouth anyone else without any repercussions except a banning... where as in real life you'll either get beat up for badmouthing the wrong guy or you'll get sued or something...

I think people take advantage of this freedom to say whatever they want... I try not to get upset when someone insults me on the internet cause really all they are doing is showing their poor character in doing so...

It takes two to fight...

Posted: Feb 12, 2008 at 15:03 Quote
Meh, sometimes pinkbike does need to chill out. I mean really think about it I guess. I know there deffinatly has to be a lot of work involved from the mod staff to keep the rules inforced, and I'm sure the regular members respect that. But some members are just crazy. The thing, I don't see any wrong with that. Chill.. Its the internet. If you don't like it, don't use it. If you don't like the way people are acting on pinkbike, (not taking anything away from the site) then go on a different forum. There are lots of great biking forums, a lot of them maybe not as popular, but may suit your style. Pinkbikes the place, theres a lot of smart people here, and I've never seen anything "too" crazy that made me actually want to leave. So pinkbike, chill out. Keep it clean, ride your bike. And as said in the multiple other threads exactly like this, its winter. The forums are cluttered with a lot more useless stuff and will probably remain as is until everyone can actually go out and ride.

From what I got about Laurie. Its probably not my place to say anything, but it just sounds like she doesn't fit in. Meh, no big deal. Shes the one who asked to resign anyways. I don't understand why an argument is still being made more public than it needs to be.

Posted: Feb 12, 2008 at 15:42 Quote
-nate- wrote:
Haha.... you call it "teen bike" and then go and pull the ultra mature move of airing your dirty laundry in public....oh the hypocrasy that flows from your mouth daily is just hilarious. Seriously, get over yourself. My take on the matter from reading the posts above - some chick becomes a mod and trys to run the show, rubs people the wrong way then realizes this so trys to bow out gracefully with a bunch of new friends, people are really thinking 'thank f'in god' just leave. Sound accurate? Oh yah, before your response is 'mind your own business' or 'this doesn't involve you' or something (both of which are true though) just remember, it's a public forum, I am proving why you should not have brought these issues here.

If you feel you have overstayed your welcome then hey, don't let the door hit you on your ass on your way out. That's what I think anyway.


Well spoken, very well spoken (or typed!). That is almost poetry!

Posted: Feb 13, 2008 at 4:39 Quote
If there was no argueing on the forum how boring would it be? Think about it someone might say is the new Kona good? Then the awnser might be Yes,its great or No its crap, Thread over. Life is all about debate and arguing, things would never happen if there was no argueing.

Posted: Feb 13, 2008 at 10:59 Quote
If there was no argueing on the forum how boring would it be? Think about it someone might say is the new Kona good? Then the awnser might be Yes,its great or No its crap, Thread over. Life is all about debate and arguing, things would never happen if there was no argueing.

Arguing isn't the problem, stupid arguments are. When you argue with no concrete proof/experience like so many people on this site do, that is not entertaining and its not intelligent or helping anyone. Its just 2 people typing juvenile insults at each other.

Posted: Feb 13, 2008 at 11:05 Quote
There is a huge difference between debating and arguing ... If you want to see debating on pinkbike look in the social/political issues sub forum

Posted: Feb 14, 2008 at 4:07 Quote
Don't you realise this thread will end up being what you're disgusted with in the first place. Already I've seen it this thread is the beginning of an argument, you complain about arguing but you forget to realise that this thread will become an argument.

I don't know anything about the whole Laurie1 situation but I do think it was a little cruel then how she was talking to one mod at the time and then about 4 join in and start expressing their opinion about/towards her. I wouldn't be surprised if she felt a little threatened there. Maybe she did deserve it maybe she didn't but you must realise that was a form of bullying as watered down as it may seem still cruel but also how silly it was. You may think it wasnt but even if you weren't being aggressive but you still all technically in some peoples eyes especially mine "ganged up" on her on this topic.

I'm talking about this thread i dont know about any previous occasions by the way.

I think the "MOD" under status changes the mood in a thread as you just become all that more serious the second you see it. Yet like curiousdeaane said before there are so many people and there are also good and bad. In my honest opinion I think since you guys are working so hard to rid pinkbike of the bad, when someone slips from good to bad for maybe a post or two then they get blamed for it and basically put on your list of "tossers" and then its downhill from there.

Pinkbike is too serious sometimes, Thats why we were so eager to have an "off topic" thread, Obviously there was some misunderstanding and I believe it has been sorted out now which I am greatful for.

ezekiel82 wrote:
If there was no argueing on the forum how boring would it be? Think about it someone might say is the new Kona good? Then the awnser might be Yes,its great or No its crap, Thread over. Life is all about debate and arguing, things would never happen if there was no argueing.

Arguing isn't the problem, stupid arguments are. When you argue with no concrete proof/experience like so many people on this site do, that is not entertaining and its not intelligent or helping anyone. Its just 2 people typing juvenile insults at each other.

Also valuable point, theres nothing wrong with arguing aslong as you keep clean and correct at the least....

Most people who argue don't actually have a point to put across and then return answer is usually just some profanitys on how you're an idiot or something. Its a simple rule of arguing you dont name call.

However i still believe you are jumping to the conclusion that it is juviniles who cause these arguments. I myself am 17 and i know the difference from right and wrong yet.

Posted: Feb 14, 2008 at 6:53 Quote
jallan wrote:
However i still believe you are jumping to the conclusion that it is juviniles who cause these arguments. I myself am 17 and i know the difference from right and wrong yet.

I'm not ignorant, I know its not the younger members who are always causing the arguments. I said that "Its 2 people typing juvenile insults at each other.". I used the word juvenile to describe the little kid insults, not the age of the people involved.

Posted: Feb 14, 2008 at 7:04 Quote
ezekiel82 wrote:
jallan wrote:
However i still believe you are jumping to the conclusion that it is juviniles who cause these arguments. I myself am 17 and i know the difference from right and wrong yet.

I'm not ignorant, I know its not the younger members who are always causing the arguments. I said that "Its 2 people typing juvenile insults at each other.". I used the word juvenile to describe the little kid insults, not the age of the people involved.

Ahh, onto it then! Sorry then, I just find that people of my age range(being 17) are targeted for our maturity (not that we're not mature, but we do like a laugh and sometimes we just cant get one lol) and accused of being you know what was described lol.
I probably skimmed through it a little too fast Razz


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