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I want to see some pictures or stories about your worst wipeout.

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I want to see some pictures or stories about your worst wipeout.
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Posted: Apr 6, 2008 at 6:36 Quote
^^ man your unlucky or just craaaazzzzyy!
that knee is horrible

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 13:58 Quote
yesterday i was at the dirt jumps and i cased my front end. i face planted into the gound and broke my nose fractured my rist and did some weired thing to my right leg muscle and i was taken to the emergency hospital by ambulence which was not fun this is probebly my first real bad bike crash

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 14:00 Quote






Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 16:07 Quote
shit howd that happenn

Posted: Apr 10, 2008 at 17:01 Quote
i ate it hard off this yesterday faceplant:


Posted: Apr 10, 2008 at 17:04 Quote
vilneff33 wrote:
i ate it hard off this yesterday faceplant:


no offence but you must of tried hard or suck to eat it off that

Posted: Apr 10, 2008 at 17:08 Quote
konabikerjohn wrote:
vilneff33 wrote:
i ate it hard off this yesterday faceplant:


no offence but you must of tried hard or suck to eat it off that
lol, ya it was embarassing, i got clotheslined by the branch on the tree and then tried to ride out if it and took a header into the snow, i had alot of speed cuz i had just dropped off the roof.

Posted: Apr 10, 2008 at 18:48 Quote
I was riding on Vedder Mountain on a trail known as "Dilemma" I hit a 40 foot gap, which is the biggest hit on the mountain, it is a massive floater that is right after a super sketched out left hand corner. I came at this thing faster than Ive seen anyone ever before, regardless of my speed I didnt pop off the lip at all and this resulted in a nice sprocket case into the landing, i exploded a log(which wus supporting the landing) and flew off my bike like a rag doll, it was recorded on film but the people who filmed it r frum Seattle and I have no way of retrieving the footage, somehow I had no problems with my bike, my rim wus still perfectly true and i rode the rest of the day.

Posted: Apr 10, 2008 at 18:54 Quote
vilneff33 wrote:
i ate it hard off this yesterday faceplant:

That's funny, because I'm the same way. I always fall doing stupid stuff (Like an alley-oop table on a shitty dirt hip), but when I'm doing something sketchy or tech, I usually don't.

Posted: Apr 10, 2008 at 19:02 Quote
broke 3 bones in my left foot with this one last september...
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Posted: Apr 10, 2008 at 19:20 Quote
these arent me, but these are a few of people crashing on some stuff at my house.
not too bad, but still painful and fun to watch.Big Grin

this one had to hurt, this dirt is like concrete

just a nice little bail on a hip, i think he forgot to hip

hip by the road, he almost hit my car damnit!Big Grin this one was on gravel, yikes

Posted: Apr 11, 2008 at 12:32 Quote
day at mt washington also... very fast over the top of a hill on monster mile, bounced myself off over the bars ( can't remember anything more ) next thing you know, i am on the ground and a sore leg.. which ended up to be a broken femur.
9 days in the hospital, 9 months to recover, 1 year later going down the same trail.

want proof.. No crash photos or videos ( was riding alone ) but here is some.



x-rays few hrs after i broke it.


few years later, they had to take the hardware out.


second time being cut open!!

Posted: Apr 11, 2008 at 12:40 Quote
my worst crash would probably be the time my foot got pulled off my pedal by a bush and I ended up bouncing down these wooden stairs into a 4ft wall with a 10ft drop on the other side. I hit the wall went over my handlebars and the wall broke my elbow and rolled into a river. Had to climb out of the river and over the wall with a f*cked elbow and ride my bike ten miles back to the car. That sucked.

There’s also the time I spent all day building a line down at my trails of the time and refused to go home without trying them. It was going dark and I thought I better hit them faster due to the soil being a bit soft. I over shot the landing of the first set but still tucked in because it was to dark to notice id gone to far. Nose dived into the flat ground and tackled the next jump dislocating him shoulder and tearing all the ligaments I also brown my thumb and finger on the other arm I was in agony for months.

Posted: Apr 11, 2008 at 13:03 Quote
early last year me and my riding buddy were running one of the more unknown trails in our area. we were the first ones down it since winter. while coming around a high speed corner, my budding hit a basket ball size rock in the middle of the trail. it sent him over the bars and he landed shoulder first into another basketball size rock, dislocating his shoulder, i was right behind him and ran over his bike and his leg. we had to hide his V10 in the trees over night and hike about a 1.5 miles up hill back to the car and then a 35 minute drive back into town. it rained all night on his bike. which i had to hike in and get the next day.

a year prior to that, another friend of mine wrecked on the same trail, in nearly the same area. shattered his knee cap into 4 pieces. had to lay there for over an hour before some paramedic buddies got to him and carried him out on a stretcher. that trail is cursed and we dont really ride it anymore.


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