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Looking for some one to trail ride with in Calgary, snow, cold, rain or sun!

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Looking for some one to trail ride with in Calgary, snow, cold, rain or sun!
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Posted: Feb 23, 2009 at 11:42 Quote
12 mile is next?

WTF is wrong with the city...?

the new "biking trail" in fish creek is a moderately average trail at best
nose hill is torn apart by pavement...

anyways i'm always down for a good ride, no matter what the weather

Posted: Feb 23, 2009 at 15:09 Quote
ibisrox wrote:
There is both good up and down riding there, but there is not much room for building there. If it is built, it gets torn down fast by the City. The existing trails are crowded on weekends.
The City is shutting bikes out of every 'Natural Environment Park' and Edworthy is next on the list along with 12 Mile Coulee. If you've seen what they did to Bowmont Park, expect the worst case scenario and multiply it by five!

wow wow what did they do to bowmont park?

Posted: Feb 23, 2009 at 15:30 Quote
I road Bowmont on the reg all fall and a bit this year no issues so far. I just don't build and always yield to walkers and there dogs. Any one know what kind of finds they hand out when you get caught?

Posted: Feb 23, 2009 at 17:42 Quote
Hey guys, so i live at sait and im wondering what there is to ride around here, is there much for riding in nosehill park or what ever its called, if so, where do i go to get to the trail head?

thanks Smile

Posted: Feb 25, 2009 at 11:48 Quote
Nose Hill has some good trails to ride. There is confusion right now because there is stuff getting closed, but I say, go enjoy it now. There are a few sweet gems up there and you can get a good 20k ride up there with one loop.
Bowmont got the City of Calgary Singletrack treatment, which means they have spent millions getting rid of all the trails on the hills.
Half the park is done, but there is lots left for them to do.
They ditchwitched the singletrack, planted bushes in the trenches, put wood fences up on the entrances and exits of most DH, and tore the entire hillside up to make a series of switchbacks for everyone. Which means we all are on the same trails now, which means the city switchboards will light up with all the complaints about bikes.
Which means it is only a matter of time before we get the boot entirely.
It really is sad when you look at it now.
All done to rid the park of bikes.

Posted: Feb 26, 2009 at 20:19 Quote
And then they bitch because we go and make illegal trails...

Posted: Mar 5, 2009 at 13:16 Quote
Ride in fish creek. yeah! Sounds good. Would like to meet some riders to go with. How the heck do you get in there. I take the c-train. Were do you go after that point? Tried it once got totally lost. No maps posted on the trails or they don't make sense. Managed to find my way back to the c-train after dark.

Posted: Mar 5, 2009 at 17:12 Quote
(ivebeenframed) hey man you want to take the c train down to southland and hop the 56 all the way down to this Safeway up in woodbine get off there hop on your bike and keep riding all the way down 24 st(the road you came on on the bus) and at the end there be a 4 way Stop and just keep plowin straight all the way down the big ass hill and then you'll be in bebo grove then from there u got to do some rigorous exploring to find the dope trails

Posted: Mar 5, 2009 at 17:42 Quote
Anyone going for spins on Nose Hill or anything?

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