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Who else thinks "energy" drinks should come with a health warning?

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Who else thinks "energy" drinks should come with a health warning?
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Posted: Dec 7, 2009 at 17:17 Quote
sonicsloth wrote:
i understand what you are trying to say, and you are right - there is nothing to stop somone drinking 10. but do you know what damage drinking 10 will do? er, no, so how do you know how worried you should be about someone drinking 10? listen, you just need to rely on people listening to their bodies and not drinking more than is going to harm them, same as with any other consumable product. the people that don't are very few and very stupid. but unless you suggest puting warnings on everything, there will always be people drinking 7 litres of water and killing themselves (look up the news article!) energy drink is no different from any other product - you can die if you consume way, way too much of it - so please tell my why you only want warning labels on energy drinks?

-.- I never said that energy drinks should be the only thing with warning labels, in fact most of the stuff that is out there already has labels on them. The drinking too much water thing has just surfaced because someone died, and the amount needed of water to kill you is much much greater than an energy drink. You dont go to a grocery store and read a label on a gallon of water "dont drink 6 of these!!! you will die!!!"

So many things have warning labels, "Keep out of reach of children" is one for example I'm sure you've seen before.

Posted: Dec 7, 2009 at 17:27 Quote
scrippsranchDJ wrote:
sonicsloth wrote:
i understand what you are trying to say, and you are right - there is nothing to stop somone drinking 10. but do you know what damage drinking 10 will do? er, no, so how do you know how worried you should be about someone drinking 10? listen, you just need to rely on people listening to their bodies and not drinking more than is going to harm them, same as with any other consumable product. the people that don't are very few and very stupid. but unless you suggest puting warnings on everything, there will always be people drinking 7 litres of water and killing themselves (look up the news article!) energy drink is no different from any other product - you can die if you consume way, way too much of it - so please tell my why you only want warning labels on energy drinks?

-.- I never said that energy drinks should be the only thing with warning labels, in fact most of the stuff that is out there already has labels on them. The drinking too much water thing has just surfaced because someone died, and the amount needed of water to kill you is much much greater than an energy drink. You dont go to a grocery store and read a label on a gallon of water "dont drink 6 of these!!! you will die!!!"

So many things have warning labels, "Keep out of reach of children" is one for example I'm sure you've seen before.

well if you don't see labels saying "don't drink 6 of these" on water, then why are you suggesting we put the warnings on energy drinks?!!! double standards, no?

and once again, you need to get your facts straight - you have no idea if the amount of energy drink required to kill is more or less than water, and neither do i. I'll tell you from fact that the amount of energy drink you would have to drink for the caffeine to kill you is far more than the amount of water that would kill you, so the water content of the energy drink would kill you first. but that's just caffeine - who knows what it would take to kill mixed with all the other stuff - mainly sugar and tuarine.

don't just say things without knowing whether they are true or not.

Posted: Dec 7, 2009 at 17:53 Quote
Energy drinks are more potent than water dumb dumb, that's why I said you would have to drink much less to die from it, and I was not giving a double standard. If you drank 6 monsters in one day, you'd probably be lucky if you never ended up in a hospital bed.

bigquotes. I'll tell you from fact that the amount of energy drink you would have to drink for the caffeine to kill you is far more than the amount of water that would kill you,
If you think water would kill you before an energy drink in a side to side drinking contest, you probably shouldnt be contributing to this thread.

Ok I'll stop contributing to this thread now, I already explained why they should have a warning label.

Posted: Dec 7, 2009 at 18:15 Quote
Does this really have to be gone through again?

scrippsranchDJ wrote: "Energy drinks are more potent than water dumb dumb, that's why I said you would have to drink much less to die from it, and I was not giving a double standard."

a) What do you mean by more potent?
b) You don't know that in the general case you would have to drink less to die from it.
c) Yes, you were, for reason b).

scrippsranchDJ: "If you drank 6 monsters in one day, you'd probably be lucky if you never ended up in a hospital bed."
Utter. Horseshit. Back up your claims, show me a study that concludes that drinking 3 litres of any energy drink would likely lead to hospitalisation.

bigquotes. I'll tell you from fact that the amount of energy drink you would have to drink for the caffeine to kill you is far more than the amount of water that would kill you,
If you think water would kill you before an energy drink in a side to side drinking contest, you probably shouldnt be contributing to this thread.

Read what he said. He said the water in the energy drink would kill you before the caffiene would. I don't know if this is true, but it seems to me to be likely given the relative quantities involved. Fancy showing your source for that statement soncisloth?

If you can't even read what people have written properly, then perhaps you shouldn't be contributing to the thread?

scrippsranchDJ: "Ok I'll stop contributing to this thread now, I already explained why they should have a warning label."
Not very well it would appear.

Posted: Dec 7, 2009 at 18:36 Quote
Never really liked them energy dranks.

'Tis true that pros empty them and fill them with something else when they're on the podium or in the interview room?

Posted: Dec 7, 2009 at 20:02 Quote
Ok the whole water vs. energy drink was based on this....

You hear about a person dying from drinking 7 gallons of water without releaving themselves(frat initiation, true story).
And another person dies from drinking 4 red bulls(true story, basketball player in Australia).

They both died by different reasons in the end but look at the quantities involved.

The amount you need to start feeling intoxicated by both water and an energy drink are completely different. The energy drink takes less in order to begin feeling it's affects(hence my energy drink is more potent than water statement).

And caffeine isn't the only ingredient in the energy drink that makes your heart speed up(the danger of energy drinks), there's multiple ingredients that do, so you must take into account those as well, which you have ignored.

[Quoten]scrippsranchDJ: "Ok I'll stop contributing to this thread now, I already explained why they should have a warning label."
Not very well it would appear.[/Quoten]
Read below posted last page:
The most common problem from drinking too many is increased rate and palpitation of the heart, the severe cases which cause death are from ventricular fibrillation. It doesn't take that many(after one you can already tell) for these affects to be noticed. If the person is on an empty stomach or had little to eat, the affects are greater.

You can scrutinize me more, but in the end energy drinks should have a warning label.

Posted: Dec 8, 2009 at 3:15 Quote
iamanidiot wrote:
bigquotes. I'll tell you from fact that the amount of energy drink you would have to drink for the caffeine to kill you is far more than the amount of water that would kill you,
If you think water would kill you before an energy drink in a side to side drinking contest, you probably shouldnt be contributing to this thread.

Read what he said. He said the water in the energy drink would kill you before the caffiene would. I don't know if this is true, but it seems to me to be likely given the relative quantities involved. Fancy showing your source for that statement soncisloth?

Always happy to oblige - it is well known that the lethal dose for caffeine in humans is around 12-15 grams. obviously this figue varies quite a bit, but we are talking around 84 cans, or 42 litres, of energy drink. You can look up the lethal dose of caffeine anywhere.

I don't pretend to know the lethal dose of water, but it is documented that a woman died, quite recently, of acute water intoxication, after drinking less than 7.5 litres.

obviously this is very rough stuff - i think a large part of the problem was that the women didn't go to the toilet (hhmm - maybe we should put warnings on drinks telling people to pee after?) but the shear size of the discrepancy between the two figures highlights my point quite nicely.

Posted: Dec 8, 2009 at 3:35 Quote
scrippsranchDJ wrote:
Energy drinks are more potent than water dumb dumb, that's why I said you would have to drink much less to die from it, and I was not giving a double standard. If you drank 6 monsters in one day, you'd probably be lucky if you never ended up in a hospital bed.

bigquotes. I'll tell you from fact that the amount of energy drink you would have to drink for the caffeine to kill you is far more than the amount of water that would kill you,
If you think water would kill you before an energy drink in a side to side drinking contest, you probably shouldnt be contributing to this thread.

Ok I'll stop contributing to this thread now, I already explained why they should have a warning label.

my word. have you not learnt anything from the lab rat debate? If you would actually read my posts, then i wouldn't need to explain the same thing 14 times in a row for you to finally get the message, "dumb dumb". This is a real problem for you, because we wasted a lot of time with the lab rat debate because you couldn't be bothered to read my posts properly. Or read them and saw what you wanted to see.

"Energy drinks are more potent than water dumb dumb"

the irony of this statement honestly made my laugh out loud. I'm dumb? more potent for what, idiot? that's just the same as saying - "my dad is faster." - it doesn't actually make any sense because you aren't saying what he's faster than. this is the sort of thing a 10 year old could get, but you're failing misserably at. Water is a more potent hydrater, for instance. so in what way is energy drink more potent? if you can even answer the question... and if you say "it's a more potent killer" i might just eat my own face and be done with it.

"If you think water would kill you before an energy drink in a side to side drinking contest, you probably shouldnt be contributing to this thread."

I don't think that and didn't say it. read my posts, mr. illiterate.

Posted: Dec 8, 2009 at 3:47 Quote
scrippsranchDJ wrote:
Ok the whole water vs. energy drink was based on this....

You hear about a person dying from drinking 7 gallons of water without releaving themselves(frat initiation, true story).
And another person dies from drinking 4 red bulls(true story, basketball player in Australia).

They both died by different reasons in the end but look at the quantities involved.

The amount you need to start feeling intoxicated by both water and an energy drink are completely different. The energy drink takes less in order to begin feeling it's affects(hence my energy drink is more potent than water statement).

And caffeine isn't the only ingredient in the energy drink that makes your heart speed up(the danger of energy drinks), there's multiple ingredients that do, so you must take into account those as well, which you have ignored.

[Quoten]scrippsranchDJ: "Ok I'll stop contributing to this thread now, I already explained why they should have a warning label."
Not very well it would appear.[/Quoten]
Read below posted last page:
The most common problem from drinking too many is increased rate and palpitation of the heart, the severe cases which cause death are from ventricular fibrillation. It doesn't take that many(after one you can already tell) for these affects to be noticed. If the person is on an empty stomach or had little to eat, the affects are greater.

You can scrutinize me more, but in the end energy drinks should have a warning label.

you are on a continuous compaign to show how little you read of peoples' retorts, aren't you? I'm not honestly sure you could make yourself look any more stupid.

"And caffeine isn't the only ingredient in the energy drink that makes your heart speed up(the danger of energy drinks), there's multiple ingredients that do, so you must take into account those as well, which you have ignored."

Uh-huh? so what about when i said -

"but that's just caffeine - who knows what it would take to kill mixed with all the other stuff - mainly sugar and tuarine."

Right, so that'll be the stuff i ignored then? honestly...

"The amount you need to start feeling intoxicated by both water and an energy drink are completely different. The energy drink takes less in order to begin feeling it's affects(hence my energy drink is more potent than water statement)."

Again talking out your arse, instead of looking up the facts. neither make you feel "intoxicated" - I presume for energy drinks you are refering to the high you get, but as far as I am aware, water doesn't make you feel anything, no matter how much you drink (well i guess at that point it would make you feel dead) but what does it matter, none of this has any relation to your vague sense of "potency".

And it's almost not worth me pointing out your comparative figures are rubbish. The (documented) story i highlighted to you was of a woman drinking 7.5 litres of water - quite a lot less than your 7 gallons (which is 32 litres - i maintain my sceptasism over the accuracy of your story - but hey, provide me a link to support your point). And i'm telling you now that no basketball player died soley from drinking 4 cans of red bull - but again, if you want to prove me wrong, take your best shot.

Posted: Dec 8, 2009 at 5:04 Quote
If someone was to die from drinking 4 redbulls I'm sure it would be mainly because of a sensitivity to one or more of the ingredients or another underlying health problem. They do have warnings on telling you theyre not suitable for certain age groups and people sensetive to caffiene and also not to drink too many in one day. So I'm pretty sure to do yourself serious damage with energy drinks of any kind, you'd have to behave stupidly with them and ignore the warnings that are on the cans. At least, there are warnings in the UK :/ Dunno bout the other side of the pond.

Posted: Dec 8, 2009 at 5:40 Quote
i had 7 cans of red bull at a race before and i wasnt even hyper, i am 230lbs which probably had an effect but i felt grand,

Posted: Dec 8, 2009 at 6:57 Quote
JagerMonster wrote:
If someone was to die from drinking 4 redbulls I'm sure it would be mainly because of a sensitivity to one or more of the ingredients or another underlying health problem. They do have warnings on telling you theyre not suitable for certain age groups and people sensetive to caffiene and also not to drink too many in one day. So I'm pretty sure to do yourself serious damage with energy drinks of any kind, you'd have to behave stupidly with them and ignore the warnings that are on the cans. At least, there are warnings in the UK :/ Dunno bout the other side of the pond.

I don't think all of the energy drinks have warnings on them, but you're right - you would have to be seriously stupid with them to do yourself harm. anyone dumb enough would probably have suffocated on a plastic shopping bag long before they drank enough energy drink.

Posted: Dec 8, 2009 at 9:37 Quote
sonicsloth wrote:
AndreasKallis wrote:
yeh i know what your hitting on Big Grin i used to have 5 mosters a day becasue in school there's nothing better to do than drink energy and get hyped but i realised it would probably kill me keeping it up so down to one every saterday just before i go out biking.

I wouldn't worry about it killing you - it wont. Worry for your pocket and your teeth though.

haha yeh just using it as a figure of speach, being specific, really bad for me lol

Posted: Dec 8, 2009 at 10:09 Quote
AndreasKallis wrote:
sonicsloth wrote:
AndreasKallis wrote:
yeh i know what your hitting on Big Grin i used to have 5 mosters a day becasue in school there's nothing better to do than drink energy and get hyped but i realised it would probably kill me keeping it up so down to one every saterday just before i go out biking.

I wouldn't worry about it killing you - it wont. Worry for your pocket and your teeth though.

haha yeh just using it as a figure of speach, being specific, really bad for me lol
ha, well i guess, being specific, i'm saying don't worry - they aren't really bad for you:P I'd say sweets cause more damage than energy drinks. can't wait to see what the other forum posters make of that.

Posted: Dec 8, 2009 at 11:02 Quote
sonicsloth wrote:

"The amount you need to start feeling intoxicated by both water and an energy drink are completely different. The energy drink takes less in order to begin feeling it's affects(hence my energy drink is more potent than water statement)."

Again talking out your arse, instead of looking up the facts. neither make you feel "intoxicated" - I presume for energy drinks you are refering to the high you get, but as far as I am aware, water doesn't make you feel anything, no matter how much you drink (well i guess at that point it would make you feel dead) but what does it matter, none of this has any relation to your vague sense of "potency".

And it's almost not worth me pointing out your comparative figures are rubbish. The (documented) story i highlighted to you was of a woman drinking 7.5 litres of water - quite a lot less than your 7 gallons (which is 32 litres - i maintain my sceptasism over the accuracy of your story - but hey, provide me a link to support your point). And i'm telling you now that no basketball player died soley from drinking 4 cans of red bull - but again, if you want to prove me wrong, take your best shot.

Actually you can get intoxicated by water, its symptoms are similar to alcohol intoxication, by the time you feel these affects you are pretty close to death. If you don't believe that LOOK IT UP PLEASE. It happens to marathon runners as well, if you don't believe that again LOOK IT UP. In this first story they say they filled a 5 gallon jug over and over, that sounds like a shit load of water, more than 32 liters. I'm not talking out my ass. The energy drink can get you intoxicated, that's what you call the rush or sugar high, you only need one to feel those, water intoxication is much deadlier and takes much more in order for it to happen.


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