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Posted: Jan 22, 2010 at 20:35 Quote
gibson19 wrote:
I agree with ezekiel and toonboy... take the high road and don't start anything....

Notice how I didn't say you shouldn't end it Wink

If he starts with you physically feel free to give em a clean shot to the face... but then don't hit him while he's on the ground... The less you do the less you will get in trouble..

I've seen a few fights go down... as well as some almost fights and none of them ended well. There was one were my friend had about 4 cars of rival volleyball players show up to kick his ass but the principal was tipped off and stopped it.

Another time this huge guy in my grade was trying to be all cocky and challenged this nerd in 11th grade and the small kid ended up absolutely owning him....

My point that I've been laboriously getting to is that you should only fight if your physical being is being threatened... otherwise just shake it off and take the high road... eventually other people should see what a jerk he is being
yeah u can get away with rockin his world with a hook to the jaw butt if u dont hit him on the ground it counts as self defence and just stay away from fight becuse getting kicked out of 2 schools and being on probation 4 a year or 2 isnt worth that becuse the cops will be a dick on when they look up your name in their computer just stay out of all of it

Posted: Jan 22, 2010 at 20:38 Quote
ezekiel wrote:
kelownarida wrote:
Go up to him when he is around all of his friends and lay his ass out. Then you will be the cool kid.

Or you'll become the target for all of his friends. I don't know about where you're from but around here you mess with someone and you can expect to deal with everyone that person hangs around with.

calgaryrider wrote:
I don't understand how people are against standing up for yourself, if you want shit to stop, you deal with it.

I'm not against standing up for yourself, its just that violence is perpetual. You use violence against someone, they retaliate and every time it escalates, but to what point? In the case of a person I went to school with, dead in a parking lot sitting next to his friend. Stabbed twice in the chest, dead at 18, just because neither of the people involved decided to be the better man and walk away. I don't advise anyone even start cycle in motion unless its completely and absolutely necessary.
sorry man thats must suck

Posted: Jun 4, 2010 at 7:50 Quote
Why are short people always the mean people?

Posted: Jun 6, 2010 at 7:26 Quote
lightsout wrote:
Why are short people always the mean people?

The proper term for it is a Napoleon Complex;

[Quoten]Also called "Short Man syndrome", "Little Man syndrome" or "Small Man syndrome". What was originally called the "Napoleon complex" is a term used in referring to people who are short in stature with a complex regarding that stature. It also refers to people who are very competitive due to height constraints.

One Dictionary describes it thus: An angry male of below the average height who feels it necessary to act out in an attempt to gain respect and recognition from others to compensate for his abnormally short stature.

The aggressive behavior sometimes displayed is possibly a reaction to repeated discrimination about his height in the school, workplace or rejection by women because of his height. If the same behavior was adopted by a tall guy, no one would notice. His height can develop into an "inferiority complex". The "short person" always assumes rightly or wrongly, that he is being pushed about by taller men, pushed to the point of explosive aggression toward his antagonist, this reaction can amuse the tall aggressor who keeps up his taunts believing the short person incapable of retaliation.

Scientific studies do indicate the short man syndrome mentally affects the "small person", his relationships with his peers and with women. It also shows that the small man to be much more jealous than taller men.

On the work scene, small men on average earn less than his taller peers, also hold fewer chances of promotion than taller people. The largest percentage of management positions are held by tall people, these can all add to increasing his feelings of low self esteem.[/Quoten]

Posted: Jul 1, 2010 at 4:43 Quote
I was walking up to my next class and two kids were pushing this little black kid around.
Now, I hate racism to the point it makes me flip out if I hear it, so I grabbed one of the little kids, kicked the other one away and held the one I had in my hand over the banister over the stairs.

The little black kid had just started about half way through year 7, and he was only like 11. The two kids were both in year 10 and screaming things like:

"Oh the last thing we need in this country is more f**king Ni**ers!"

So I'm holding this kid across the banister, and he's crying asking me what I'm bullying him for. So I reply "Bully him again, and next time, I'll let go." And threw him down on the stairs.

For defending the little black kid, I was bollocked and the kids parents were at me with the police, threatning to kick me out of school etc etc.
I wasn't and the little black kid's family stuck up for me so all was well in the end.

Bullying, especially racial bullying, winds me up so goddamn much!

Posted: Jul 1, 2010 at 8:12 Quote
Thats why you don't fire with fire... As effective as it may be you usually just end up burned with a lawsuit or criminal charges

Posted: Feb 5, 2011 at 16:37 Quote
I was bullied a lot in highschool, mainly because i did not fit in the norm, football jock, got along better with the chicks than the jocky dudes. Many bullies came my way, i get it. I tried to rub it off here and their, it just got too frustrating and took a mental tole.

I started training in Systema, a Russian Martial Art because i was tired of taking the abuse.

The next 6 months transpired much differently. I was less afraid of the bullys, and I am a big guy in the first place, 6 2 and built, but i had never wanted violence.

One day i was getting bullied, and i had a wooden chair broken over me. That was the turning point. I from then delt with the bullying at the source, over the next few weeks, i was free of bullies.

Stand up for yourself or you will be taken advantage of. You don't have to like violence to fight, i hate violence, but it was necessary to better myself and how other looked at me.

The rest of my highschool was smooth sailing.

Posted: Feb 20, 2011 at 11:21 Quote
Kids are so mean, I feel sorry for kids these days, seems that the bullying has gotten worse. I remember a kid I went to school with was bullied relentlessly by a group of "cool" kids. This poor guy had never done anything to instigate this harrassment. He took over a year of verbal and physical abuse from these kids until one day he snapped, grabbed the ringleader and slammed his fist into his mouth so hard he knocked out one tooth and chipped another one. The result: He was expelled and his parents had to pay the dental bill for the bully.
Retaliation is never rewarded, not when you're a kid and not when you're an adult. And you can't go around fighting anyone who gives you a hard time.

I don't know about today, but schoolyard fights when I was growing up, were never 1 on 1. There was always four or five against one so if you're considering fighting a bully, keep in mind that you could be serious hurt or god-forbid, stabbed or shot.
Learn to defend yourself (eg .martial arts). And if you are forced to fight, use only the min. amount of force necessary to protect yourself. Hapkido is probably the ideal martial arts for this purpose as it's effectiveness is based on how much force your opponent attacks with, which means every move you make is self-defence.

Posted: Apr 22, 2012 at 6:08 Quote
Witty comebacks are the best way out, if everytime he tries to insult you he ends up looking like a total tool in front of everyone he will probably stop the other way it can go is ending up as a fight, let them throw the first punch just make sure they miss! Then kick their ass, this means that they will of started the fight and you are simply defending yourself

Posted: Apr 28, 2012 at 7:31 Quote
Joedavidson wrote:
...let them throw the first punch just make sure they miss! Then kick their ass, this means that they will of started the fight and you are simply defending yourself

I would not advise that all. A lot of schools have anti-violence policies at which point it doesn't matter who starts it, both people are equally punished. Even if they don't have zero-tolerance fighting polices, you still have to prove your side of the story which is easier said than done.

Posted: May 27, 2012 at 1:05 Quote
Some nice comments in here, but I feel a lot of pain from some of you guys in here too. Bullying is mental torture. The mental torture completely overshadows any physical harm that also might come along with the baggage. The mental torture stays in your mind when you go home, when you sleep, when you wake up..... Long after the 'push to the back' or the 'slap around your face' has gone. There's no two ways about it; you have to nip it in the bud before the first attempt is even complete. This doesn't always necessarily mean violence. But violence is definitely an option. Reasoning is another option. So is 'humour', along with various other means of quelling this unwelcome and very unfortunate part of daily social life.

What you have to understand, and this is the key point, is that the one who performs the bullying, is usually the one suffering from a form of bullying his or herself. This is very well documented, and not very hard for you to witness yourself in the flesh. It may be the case that the male bullier, has an aggressive father that dishes shit out to him on a regular basis. It may be, as mentioned in here before, a manifestation of the Napolean Complex, or various other Psychological complexes that rear their ugly heads. But one thing is absolutely definitely for certain; and that is, the bullier is not happy with his or herself, and the only therapy he or she knows that will temporaily bring relief, is for them to bully someone else.

Once you understand the psychology behind this, it makes things a lot clearer. A very good tactic, is to approach the bully's father. Directly. Face to face. This serves two key functions. 1) It shows you have the courage to go straight to the heart of the matter showing that you are manly enough not to resort to violence, and mature and wise enough to demonstrate how you are capable of handling the situation in a civilized manner. 2) You tackle the problem from the inside-outwards, as opposed to just scraping the surface of the problem from the outside-in.

Reporting the bullying to teachers is not much use, because you will inevitably be branded a grass, and everyone will hate you. But having said that, it is still an option which you must consider.

Of course, as was mentioned in here before, if you are subjected to violence, then you have no alternative other than to fight back. And you must make sure you win. I know this is harder said than done, and on the spur of the moment, the adrenalin sets in, your legs start shaking, and you start to think about all the dire consquences of what might happen if you indulge in violence. But you must not tolerate physical abuse under any circumstances.

But this is the thing about bullying.....It's very rarely massive physical abuse....It's little jibs 'n' jabs, jibes 'n' vibes, day in day out, and the words hurt the most, or when a group of people laugh at another person collectively; this must be very harrowing for that person. I've witnessed it many a time, and have had to intervene as the middle-man to try dissipate the situation.

But going back to your original problem; you would have to explain in detail who is performing the bullying, at what frequency, and at what level. Each case has to be handled accordingly. You posted this 3 years ago.... So I am curious, how did things pan out?

Posted: Jun 27, 2013 at 20:25 Quote
The problem is they don't stop since 3red grade ( gunna be a junior this coming school year) I have been bullied to the brink of a fight and bring in adults won't do anything they just keep gong at you once I did hit someone in the head and n the bus not very hard but a few times and thy stop cause I hit one guy finally got through to them somehow I didn't get in trouble but the other guys did only thing is usually if theirs a fight or even if your defending your self or just getting beat up the school will get all involved suspended they don't care what happened they just don't wanna look like a bad school with all the fights

Posted: Jul 7, 2013 at 12:24 Quote
What is the cause of the bullying? What kinds of things are they saying and for what reason(s)?

Posted: Aug 20, 2013 at 13:21 Quote
bullying f*cking sucks dude, i've been bullied, and always kept it in me, never beat some one down or shit..
I never understood bullying, wtf is the fun of it...? you only fugging hurting people.
Now im in to the working world, and it got me f*cked up, people are strange they always reacting weird, like they don't understand you of f*cking talking behind your back.

My mom is a f*cking ' i got to whine about everything, you do everything wong' kinda fugging bitch my dad is a fugging dick that say's allot like, 'He, lets go on vacation! or do other fun shit' and i never hear from him again or he calls everything off. and only gives a shit about me(in his disrespectful 'f*ck you' kinda way) and not about my sister.
Yea, my parents are divorced, I live at home and got no f*cking friends, cause THEY FUGGING "STABBED ME IN THE f*ckING BACK''

Posted: Aug 20, 2013 at 16:13 Quote
LOL haha, are you for real?!

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