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700C bmx vid??!!!??!!! ; )

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700C bmx vid??!!!??!!! ; )
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Posted: Sep 28, 2008 at 8:26 Quote
m3hl wrote:
SCREW YOU! how dare you think i comment on them because i dont know their origin!!! in fact I DO, I have worked in the industry longer than you have! also just because you are good at riding a fixed gear doesnt make you a non-hipster.

also about deep-v's
they are not light but they are strong... but the reason they are used is because their origins in track racing and of course the pretty colors.

i am aware that you need risers to do barspins.. but do you need seafoam oury grips and every other trendster part on the market? I am just sick of all of these bikes that look the same because is part of a stupid alternative culture. put any moderatly talented bmx'er on one of those bikes and watch him stomp all these people to the ground.
what are you trying to prove that only certain people should ride fixies even if they are hipster you said you worked in the "industry" there makin you money by buying all these expensive top of the line parts so stop your bitching. let who ever wants to ride a bike ride it and stop trying to purify the "industry"

Posted: Oct 7, 2008 at 8:40 Quote
bonham123 wrote:
m3hl wrote:
SCREW YOU! how dare you think i comment on them because i dont know their origin!!! in fact I DO, I have worked in the industry longer than you have! also just because you are good at riding a fixed gear doesnt make you a non-hipster.

also about deep-v's
they are not light but they are strong... but the reason they are used is because their origins in track racing and of course the pretty colors.

i am aware that you need risers to do barspins.. but do you need seafoam oury grips and every other trendster part on the market? I am just sick of all of these bikes that look the same because is part of a stupid alternative culture. put any moderatly talented bmx'er on one of those bikes and watch him stomp all these people to the ground.
what are you trying to prove that only certain people should ride fixies even if they are hipster you said you worked in the "industry" there makin you money by buying all these expensive top of the line parts so stop your bitching. let who ever wants to ride a bike ride it and stop trying to purify the "industry"
Dude, don't worry bout him. he's probs jealous he can't do this!!!

Posted: Oct 7, 2008 at 8:49 Quote
yeah these guys are crazy! there one on here as well..

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Posted: Nov 15, 2009 at 14:44 Quote
m3hl wrote:
SCREW YOU! how dare you think i comment on them because i dont know their origin!!! in fact I DO, I have worked in the industry longer than you have! also just because you are good at riding a fixed gear doesnt make you a non-hipster.

also about deep-v's
they are not light but they are strong... but the reason they are used is because their origins in track racing and of course the pretty colors.

i am aware that you need risers to do barspins.. but do you need seafoam oury grips and every other trendster part on the market? I am just sick of all of these bikes that look the same because is part of a stupid alternative culture. put any moderatly talented bmx'er on one of those bikes and watch him stomp all these people to the ground.

i think you should stop hating! Besides, they are all grown up bmx riders that are doing this.

You are the reason what makes me want to buy them anodized purple halos for my fixie build even more! Razz

Posted: Nov 15, 2009 at 15:10 Quote
zebrazebra wrote:
i think you should stop hating! Besides, they are all grown up bmx riders that are doing this.

I think you should stop resurrecting threads from a year ago

Posted: Nov 16, 2009 at 8:18 Quote
MajesticMOOSE wrote:
zebrazebra wrote:
i think you should stop hating! Besides, they are all grown up bmx riders that are doing this.

I think you should stop resurrecting threads from a year ago

lol, okay...... sorry i guess

Posted: Nov 19, 2009 at 10:37 Quote
if anyone hates fixeies... why the f*ck even go on to these threads?? if u dont like them or hipsters.. oh well too bad. geez. go f*ck your bong!!!
i doubt anyone cares what anyone thinks anyways

Posted: Nov 25, 2009 at 11:59 Quote
Holy f*ck there is alot of hate in this thread.

Lets address some of the issues I see here. Hipsters, tricks being dumb, other trick riders are better even if they dont ride fixed, parts are all the same, tricks are always better on a bmx.

1) Hipsters: Yes, hipsters ride bikes. Yes, hipsters like fixed gear bikes. Yes, hipsters often buy fixed gears as an accessory. BUT its still another bike on the road and not a car, and at least they are enjoying it.

2) Fixed gear tricks are dumb: Wrong. Tricks on a 700c bike are not 'stupid'. Most bike tricks were stupid at some point anyway, ie. a few years ago for 26inch park bikes and even before that 20inch bmx was laughed at. People do tricks on fixed because thats the bike they ride most of the time. They either courier on the bike or commute on the bike.

3) A BMX or DJ rider could kill any fixed trick rider on the same bike: No. Not true at all. Yes, there are skills that can be transfered, yes it will help, but riding fixed is completely different than riding a freewheel, that difference alone will f*ck with most peoples heads. Think about this, on a bmx approaching a hop you coast into it with level cranks and do your thing. on a fixed you are pedaling the whole time and have to time your cranks with your hop to make it.

4) All hipsters have the same parts: Yes and No. Yes a f*cktonne of fixies have risers, ourys, sugino cranks, deep vs, ect...There is a reason for that. That stuff works and its colorful. Deep V's for example come in dozens of colours, they come in multiple drillings, they are a relatively strong rim for the city. Why not get something that works and looks half decent is why most poeple buy them. Its gotten better now with the introduction of new companies making new fixed oriented parts.

5) Everything fixed gears can do BMX can do better/all tricks are from bmx:
False. Yes fixed gear tricks draw alot of inspiration from BMX. BMX IS THE ORIGINAL BIKE TRICK PLATFORM!!! OF COURSE WE HAVE TO USE YOUR TRICKS!!! the whole difference is 9 inches in the rims and a fixed drive train. Try and get a bmx to go fakie from standing.

**There are alot of posengers/fakengers... they are often completely style focused hipsters who really just want a bike for the sake of fitting into the hipster stereo type. Bring on the hate to these people, I've seen alot of them in toronto, the best of which was fully decked out with vans, tight pants, cycling cap, plaid shirt, chrome messenger bag, riding a breakless fuji track with deep vs risers and ourys...then i saw him coasting. Thats right, he was riding brakeless freewheel...this individual knew nothing about bikes (i talked to him), knew nothing about anything really and was really rude when i tried to explain that his bike was stupid dangerous and he wasnt actually riding a fixie.

Now that ive tried to clear up some of the hate, I'll make something clear. I am not trying to defend all hipsters or all fixie riders, like all sports and groups of people there are a*sholes, retards and duches. Im also NOT trying to bring hate on any kind of riding or riders. I just want there to be less hate on fixed gear tricks and more love all around.

Now let me lay out some love and some interesting things about tricking on fixed gears. You have complete control of your rear wheels rotation forward and backward. Your cranks are always spinning. There are tricks that you cant do on any other bike because of that.

Here are some videos that are pushing the fixed gear trick scene right now.

Fakie wheelie. Yes, this is real. He is riding backwards doing a wheelie.

Some Americans visit Japan for the BFF and do some tricks. Ones Yu and Tom, the other is an edit from the local trick night. You can see some 360s and 'big' airs for fixed gears on a small ramp.

Wonka in Japan, note the closing line. Forward slider->barspin->180->slider-> hop bar.

A 17 or 18yr old rider from the west coast. Hes got his keos (rear wheel spin) and toe-keos (footplant spins) and wheelies on lock down. It shows you the difference in styles that fixed gear tricks can have when compared to the first few videos. Also note the slider at 1:55, fish and chip slider or g turn slider they are called.

A big drop from japan.

This is not BMX. Tom Mosher. Someone I've been riding with since I started, Hes in alot of full feature fixed movies, he has killer parts in all of them. This was an edit he put out during the summer when there was some heat about bmx tricks on fixed gears. Alot of the tricks in here simply cannot be done on freewheel bikes and that was his point and my point right now...Fixed gears are different, not worse, not better, different.

This is another good example. This rider used to be a trials rider, he picked up fixed gears this summer. He has put out an edit a week showing his progress. He is making amazing progress and you can see his trials influences in his fixed riding.

Gnarcotix Trailer 2

The Revival (falls)

No Cassettes

A look into why I ride fixed:

Hell Track (A fixed gear event in toronto held in october, trick comp, foot down, school loop racing, a great night of fun) This is really why I ride fixed, friends and fun. Try and tell me you dont want to go to a night of biking fun with 50+ of your friends.
Bootleg Sessions 4 via Aloha Fixed (this is just falling lol)


Concluding this mother f*cking post. Fixed gears tricks are cool too. You might not understand them or why people do them but thats not the point. The point is the people riding are having fun and making friends. Sure, there are tonnes of posenger duches around but dont let that spoil your view on the rest of the fixed gear riders. People will continue riding fixed because its as simple as a bike can get, less parts is less to break, besides once you start riding fixed its hard to stop (pun intended).

Posted: Nov 25, 2009 at 13:05 Quote
infinity wrote:
Holy f*ck there is alot of hate in this thread.

Lets address some of the issues I see here. Hipsters, tricks being dumb, other trick riders are better even if they dont ride fixed, parts are all the same, tricks are always better on a bmx.

1) Hipsters: Yes, hipsters ride bikes. Yes, hipsters like fixed gear bikes. Yes, hipsters often buy fixed gears as an accessory. BUT its still another bike on the road and not a car, and at least they are enjoying it.

2) Fixed gear tricks are dumb: Wrong. Tricks on a 700c bike are not 'stupid'. Most bike tricks were stupid at some point anyway, ie. a few years ago for 26inch park bikes and even before that 20inch bmx was laughed at. People do tricks on fixed because thats the bike they ride most of the time. They either courier on the bike or commute on the bike.

3) A BMX or DJ rider could kill any fixed trick rider on the same bike: No. Not true at all. Yes, there are skills that can be transfered, yes it will help, but riding fixed is completely different than riding a freewheel, that difference alone will f*ck with most peoples heads. Think about this, on a bmx approaching a hop you coast into it with level cranks and do your thing. on a fixed you are pedaling the whole time and have to time your cranks with your hop to make it.

4) All hipsters have the same parts: Yes and No. Yes a f*cktonne of fixies have risers, ourys, sugino cranks, deep vs, ect...There is a reason for that. That stuff works and its colorful. Deep V's for example come in dozens of colours, they come in multiple drillings, they are a relatively strong rim for the city. Why not get something that works and looks half decent is why most poeple buy them. Its gotten better now with the introduction of new companies making new fixed oriented parts.

5) Everything fixed gears can do BMX can do better/all tricks are from bmx:
False. Yes fixed gear tricks draw alot of inspiration from BMX. BMX IS THE ORIGINAL BIKE TRICK PLATFORM!!! OF COURSE WE HAVE TO USE YOUR TRICKS!!! the whole difference is 9 inches in the rims and a fixed drive train. Try and get a bmx to go fakie from standing.

**There are alot of posengers/fakengers... they are often completely style focused hipsters who really just want a bike for the sake of fitting into the hipster stereo type. Bring on the hate to these people, I've seen alot of them in toronto, the best of which was fully decked out with vans, tight pants, cycling cap, plaid shirt, chrome messenger bag, riding a breakless fuji track with deep vs risers and ourys...then i saw him coasting. Thats right, he was riding brakeless freewheel...this individual knew nothing about bikes (i talked to him), knew nothing about anything really and was really rude when i tried to explain that his bike was stupid dangerous and he wasnt actually riding a fixie.

Now that ive tried to clear up some of the hate, I'll make something clear. I am not trying to defend all hipsters or all fixie riders, like all sports and groups of people there are a*sholes, retards and duches. Im also NOT trying to bring hate on any kind of riding or riders. I just want there to be less hate on fixed gear tricks and more love all around.

Now let me lay out some love and some interesting things about tricking on fixed gears. You have complete control of your rear wheels rotation forward and backward. Your cranks are always spinning. There are tricks that you cant do on any other bike because of that.

Here are some videos that are pushing the fixed gear trick scene right now.

Fakie wheelie. Yes, this is real. He is riding backwards doing a wheelie.

Some Americans visit Japan for the BFF and do some tricks. Ones Yu and Tom, the other is an edit from the local trick night. You can see some 360s and 'big' airs for fixed gears on a small ramp.

Wonka in Japan, note the closing line. Forward slider->barspin->180->slider-> hop bar.

A 17 or 18yr old rider from the west coast. Hes got his keos (rear wheel spin) and toe-keos (footplant spins) and wheelies on lock down. It shows you the difference in styles that fixed gear tricks can have when compared to the first few videos. Also note the slider at 1:55, fish and chip slider or g turn slider they are called.

A big drop from japan.

This is not BMX. Tom Mosher. Someone I've been riding with since I started, Hes in alot of full feature fixed movies, he has killer parts in all of them. This was an edit he put out during the summer when there was some heat about bmx tricks on fixed gears. Alot of the tricks in here simply cannot be done on freewheel bikes and that was his point and my point right now...Fixed gears are different, not worse, not better, different.

This is another good example. This rider used to be a trials rider, he picked up fixed gears this summer. He has put out an edit a week showing his progress. He is making amazing progress and you can see his trials influences in his fixed riding.

Gnarcotix Trailer 2

The Revival (falls)

No Cassettes

A look into why I ride fixed:

Hell Track (A fixed gear event in toronto held in october, trick comp, foot down, school loop racing, a great night of fun) This is really why I ride fixed, friends and fun. Try and tell me you dont want to go to a night of biking fun with 50+ of your friends.
Bootleg Sessions 4 via Aloha Fixed (this is just falling lol)


Concluding this mother f*cking post. Fixed gears tricks are cool too. You might not understand them or why people do them but thats not the point. The point is the people riding are having fun and making friends. Sure, there are tonnes of posenger duches around but dont let that spoil your view on the rest of the fixed gear riders. People will continue riding fixed because its as simple as a bike can get, less parts is less to break, besides once you start riding fixed its hard to stop (pun intended).

you are amazing Big Grin Salute

Posted: Nov 25, 2009 at 18:23 Quote
Thanks for including Gnarcotix! I'm very good friends with Taylor, one of the riders, and I've done a lot of work on his bikes.

Posted: Nov 25, 2009 at 18:46 Quote
Thank you Infinity, you totally summed up the whole thing, without offending anybody. You should be an ambassador lol .

Posted: Dec 10, 2009 at 17:49 Quote
I see a lot of coasting in that video. Looks like some freewheel riding going on.

Posted: Dec 11, 2009 at 18:04 Quote
Bryan67 wrote:
I see a lot of coasting in that video. Looks like some freewheel riding going on.

Uh . . . no?

Posted: Dec 13, 2009 at 17:35 Quote
This is the gnarest video to date.

Posted: Dec 18, 2009 at 12:16 Quote
Ive known sam miller(curved wall ride) for like ten years or more. He was always better then everyone when we were younger riding bmx. Then when we got older he was better then everyone on a mountain bike and on hard tail dirt jumpers. Now he chooses to ride fixed and he is probably one of the best in the world at that too. Call him a hispter if you want but he has been riding for a looonnnnggg time and freaking RIPS

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