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The "Stop Smoking" Thread

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The "Stop Smoking" Thread
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Posted: Oct 6, 2007 at 15:18 Quote
floreancig14 wrote:
bigitspizzec wrote:
oooo but it does make you a bad person smokers are giant idiots that destroy the world.

And I guarantee your some 12 year old kid on pinkbike because you havn't even tried it. I may smoke, but I can still do everything I could before. Man you gotta look at the world and realize how many people do it, if your this way with me, your gonna have problems in high school. Not saying people have to smoke or not putting pressure on you to but, everyone tries it.

No need for insults is it? Because im sure you dont want me to start.


im 16

Posted: Oct 7, 2007 at 19:29 Quote
Ok we don't need the insults, as people have said smokers are people too, some good, some bad, just like everyone else. I have never smoked cigarettes, and it's something which I am proud of (so not everyone tries it, in fact more people than ever have never tried smoking, the figure is somewhere around 60% I believe, and youth smoking rates, here in Ontario are at a record low of 15%). I do think that all smokers should make an effort to break their nicotine addiction because being a slave to nicotine or any drug for that matter isn't healthy and in the end it costs us all.

Quitting smoking is not as simple as to stop lighting up, it's a complete life change. Smoking becomes ingrained in what people do, if they smoke when they socialize because their friends smoke and it's something to do, then when they quit, they need to get away from the temptation, and that normally means changing who they hang with, or the person who quits will give into their addiction and they will be back where they started.

I have a very hard time watching people poison themselves through smoking, and I can't stand to watch people smoke around non-smokers because then the smoker is not only harming themselves, but they are harming the people around them. I find it particularly disturbing when a parent smokes around their young children because the children have no way to get away from it.

Posted: Oct 7, 2007 at 19:33 Quote
dirtyjumper wrote:
I like smoking, it makes you look cool. Honestly you tell me clint Eastwood would be just as badass without the cigar. Nope. Thats why I smoke. I smoke cigs, weed, crack, pretty much nything that will burn I'll smoke it. Once I was nicin' so bad i smoked rolled up newspaper. now that burns. I love it.
are u cereal

Posted: Oct 7, 2007 at 19:35 Quote
me1223 wrote:
Ok we don't need the insults, as people have said smokers are people too, some good, some bad, just like everyone else. I have never smoked cigarettes, and it's something which I am proud of (so not everyone tries it, in fact more people than ever have never tried smoking, the figure is somewhere around 60% I believe, and youth smoking rates, here in Ontario are at a record low of 15%). I do think that all smokers should make an effort to break their nicotine addiction because being a slave to nicotine or any drug for that matter isn't healthy and in the end it costs us all.

Quitting smoking is not as simple as to stop lighting up, it's a complete life change. Smoking becomes ingrained in what people do, if they smoke when they socialize because their friends smoke and it's something to do, then when they quit, they need to get away from the temptation, and that normally means changing who they hang with, or the person who quits will give into their addiction and they will be back where they started.

I have a very hard time watching people poison themselves through smoking, and I can't stand to watch people smoke around non-smokers because then the smoker is not only harming themselves, but they are harming the people around them. I find it particularly disturbing when a parent smokes around their young children because the children have no way to get away from it.

yea really wtf kind of parenting is that

Posted: Oct 7, 2007 at 19:38 Quote
i quit just over 2 months ago, and i was smoking 3 or 4 times a day, and alot more when i went out drinking and what not. it took me three tries to quit, and it wasnt easy. i was really on edge and shit, and i had cravings for about 2 weeks straight. i still get cravings sometimes, but i'd say the best way to quit is to have friends who heckle you for smoking to the point where you accually feel retarded for ever smoking in the first place.
my friends are the reason/tool i used to quit.

Posted: Oct 7, 2007 at 19:38 Quote
gregarious wrote:
dirtyjumper wrote:
I like smoking, it makes you look cool. Honestly you tell me clint Eastwood would be just as badass without the cigar. Nope. Thats why I smoke. I smoke cigs, weed, crack, pretty much nything that will burn I'll smoke it. Once I was nicin' so bad i smoked rolled up newspaper. now that burns. I love it.
are u cereal

wow dirtyjumper not gregarious ur a fukin looser that has got to be the worst reason to smoke. i smoke weed but not cuz everyone does it or it makes me look cool. i smoke because it makes me feel good not to be a follower like you retard
and i know we said we werent gna diss ppl but i couldnt resist this one Big Grin

Posted: Oct 7, 2007 at 19:44 Quote
I think quitting depends on how your body reacts to adverse changes. I have a few friends who quit with no problem at all- cold turkey. But then it's common knowledge that most aren't this way.
In my opinion, smoking is one of the least harmful to a teenagers (or older even)- immediate future. You can't fry your brain on cigarettes, you can't 'have too many' and drive your car into the side of a stocked school bus. Cigarettes are legal everywhere, except where it's posted in smoke-free environments.

Being a slave to anything is generally accepted as unhealthy, unless of course you're getting kinky with your woman on some sultry summer night.

If you guys want a battle, battle things like heroin, marijiuana and alcohol. These things are easily the most immediately detrimental to a human body. Big-league drugs are, of course, not as widely-accepted as cigarettes, but these things are far more harmful and I'm hearing more and more talk of some of its legalization. I can walk through my own city and pick up just about everything- that's what needs to stop. Kids need to grow up in clean environments.

Every week I hear, in my own classes, who's got the 'stuff' for this weekend? I used to stereotype certain people as the druggies and addicts. But these guys asking these questions are the same ones who are going up against one of our biggest yearly rivals in football.

Makes me sick, yet I marvel at how easily people seem to throw health out the window.

I'm getting really off-track, so I'll clamp it... but either way,

I'm already scared for my own children and I've yet to have them.

Posted: Oct 7, 2007 at 19:50 Quote
Im not a fan of smoking. I used to think it was cool, because most of my friends did it, and it seem'd like a "cool" thing to do. i never smoked a cigerette but i have smoked weed and cigars.For a while i thought it was cool, and shunned those who were against it. But i had a bad experience with the stuff, which has left a lasting impression and made me come to realize what i was actually doing to myself and other people. And now that i have made up my mind, and finally made my own decision and not going by the majority of others. I Am against it, but now im stuck with this group that thinks its cool and labeled by others as one of them, meanwhile im trying to get out of all that. I regret even trying the stuff, i wish i would of come to my sense before. I see people blow all there money on drugs and things, and i see people who used to be really into biking and snowboarding and such now just sit around and smoke. i see parents who smoke around there kids, and how they don't see that as bad parents and iv herd stories of hypocritical parents who punish there kids for smoking weed, and yet they smoke them selfs. i don't see how everyone is into something that can only harm you. thats my opinion on smoking, i don't like it, and don't advise of it.

Posted: Oct 7, 2007 at 20:43 Quote
beef5030 wrote:
Im not a fan of smoking. I used to think it was cool, because most of my friends did it, and it seem'd like a "cool" thing to do. i never smoked a cigerette but i have smoked weed and cigars.For a while i thought it was cool, and shunned those who were against it. But i had a bad experience with the stuff, which has left a lasting impression and made me come to realize what i was actually doing to myself and other people. And now that i have made up my mind, and finally made my own decision and not going by the majority of others. I Am against it, but now im stuck with this group that thinks its cool and labeled by others as one of them, meanwhile im trying to get out of all that. I regret even trying the stuff, i wish i would of come to my sense before. I see people blow all there money on drugs and things, and i see people who used to be really into biking and snowboarding and such now just sit around and smoke. i see parents who smoke around there kids, and how they don't see that as bad parents and iv herd stories of hypocritical parents who punish there kids for smoking weed, and yet they smoke them selfs. i don't see how everyone is into something that can only harm you. thats my opinion on smoking, i don't like it, and don't advise of it.

i respect that even tho i smoke tup

Posted: Oct 8, 2007 at 10:51 Quote
Thanks for finally taking it serious (well the people that did anyway)... Keep Posting Ideas! Book

Posted: Oct 8, 2007 at 17:40 Quote
metallica909 wrote:
Thanks for finally taking it serious (well the people that did anyway)... Keep Posting Ideas! Book

People are not taking this seriously, because this topic is too touchy to want to take serious. There is no need for another one of these threads. This is an immature thread, and I just don't understand the need for this, I don't see a smoker coming on here asking for advice, and I think a lot of your comments and posts are very immature and rather ignorant. Something you said in a different page about me not reading your other addicting habits idea, I read the whole thing, but you shouldn't advise people to have an unhealthy sex and drinking life. Anyways, have a good night.

Posted: Oct 8, 2007 at 17:53 Quote
unicorn-bob wrote:
I don't see a smoker coming on here asking for advice

Then you missed BlackDiamondKid's post in the Health and Fitness section before the old pinkbike got canned.

More than a source for ideas on quitting, this thread has turned into ones opinion on it and other subject matter. I don't see much of this thread, though, warranting adjectives like 'ignorant' and 'immature'.

This thread is more like a garden-bed, and in a garden there are bound to be weeds.

And besides, who honestly goes to kids hundreds of miles away for advice on a life-style change? If you're old enough to smoke, you're old enough to know how real change takes place, and where real advice comes from.

Not hating or anything, at all, Bob.

Posted: Oct 8, 2007 at 18:04 Quote
deathstarcasualty wrote:
One of my pet peeves is people that try and force their opinions down other peoples throats. Seriously, it's their decision to smoke or not, so don't try and tell them they should or shouldn't do it. If you choose not to, that's fine, but don't think you're better than someone or have to call down on them or point out their habits just because you don't do something.


yea no... you can say whatever you want to a smoker cause its not like they're keeping smoke to themselves so why should you keep your opinion to yourself. if you could keep the smoke to yourself then i wouldn't care but puffing smoke everywhere is just asking for a reaction.

Posted: Oct 8, 2007 at 19:52 Quote
unicorn-bob wrote:
metallica909 wrote:
Thanks for finally taking it serious (well the people that did anyway)... Keep Posting Ideas! Book

People are not taking this seriously, because this topic is too touchy to want to take serious. There is no need for another one of these threads. This is an immature thread, and I just don't understand the need for this, I don't see a smoker coming on here asking for advice, and I think a lot of your comments and posts are very immature and rather ignorant. Something you said in a different page about me not reading your other addicting habits idea, I read the whole thing, but you shouldn't advise people to have an unhealthy sex and drinking life. Anyways, have a good night.

What is unhealthy about sex?

Sex is actually a healthy, necessary part of human life. It is also a act of pleasure and release of tension/stress. What is wrong with that?

If you're talking about the RISK of sex, such as STD's. Then just be safe. That doesn't mean its unhealthy.

Going by that logic, I could say Mountain biking is unhealthy because there is a RISK that if your not being safe and careful you will fall and break your neck.

Sounds like you might be bringing religion and/or D.A.R.E. style fear-tactics into this conversation, which in my opinion, is alot more immature than having a factual debate about it.


Posted: Oct 8, 2007 at 19:56 Quote
smoking is f*cking bad dont do it!!!!


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