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I want to see some pictures or stories about your worst wipeout.

PB Forum :: Biking Photos
I want to see some pictures or stories about your worst wipeout.
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Posted: Jun 29, 2008 at 21:45 Quote
Unfortunately didn't get a pic when It happened, but this is 4 days after the crash. It's healing up nicely Smile .

Unsecure image, only https images allowed: http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/3869/img1457gg8.jpg
Still have no memory of what happened at all, but my friend said that I nose cased the second last jump on the big line at some nearby dirt jumps and face planted. I got knocked out for a couple of minutes, and the next thing I remember was going to the hospital in the truck.

Posted: Jul 8, 2008 at 19:02 Quote
its not a mtb crash but it was a motocross crash.
I pretty much shattered my ankle. 6 Breaks in total. 12 screws and a huge ass plate.
at the hospital when they took my sock and boot off my foot kinda just sagged off my leg. It was kinda gross.

here are some pics.

















Posted: Aug 16, 2008 at 10:06 Quote
when i was 6 haha my friend ricky had like cement blocks and he put them underneath plywood and he would hit the jumps on our little 12 inch bikes so i go to hit not knowing that theres a block ride infront of the jump just lying there so i hit the jump my front tire hits the ground first and i fly over the handlebars first thing that comes to my head is,alright ill be fine just be cool about it and get up and try again so once i hit the ground i smashed my face on the cement block.i wake up like hours later in my basement on th couch not knowing the the hell happen i had a black eye needed 6 stitches underneath my lip 4 stiches on the chin and like my hole face was scraped up it was pretty rough but i handled it good(for a six year old)

Posted: Aug 16, 2008 at 22:57 Quote
HewDaawg wrote:
i was ridin at our local djs and i deceided to take a big gap jump. so i had a really good run up and thats all i remeber... anyways after that i remeber that i was spittin blood at my bud and at this guy who called the ambulance. well i guess i landed short and my jaw landed on a rock. i had to get major surgury and got stitches in my mouth. i cut 2 nerves and i tore my gums of my teeth and couldent talk or close my mouth for about a week. and to this day i have no feeling in my chin

damn dude i was doin the same i was hitting a jump when i first started biking it was a 18 ft gap and my friend had been teaching me and i had been hitting some 15 footers so i thought id try to go for it well bad choice cause i ended up with my leg getting torn open after it got stuck in the chain , my chin shattered on the pavement and my head hit the headset of the front of it or so wat my buddy tells me cause as soon as i hit the ground i passed out and i woke up in the hospital the next day with 20 sets of stitches in my face.

Posted: Aug 16, 2008 at 23:28 Quote
i was riding back from my friends house on my hard tail, fooling around bunnyhooping and stuff. i went to bunny hop over one of those chains they put in front school parking lots during the summer, i hopped over and my foot slipped off and i scraped my shin on the points on my pedals. they dug in to the bone. needless to say i needed a bunch of stiches

Posted: Aug 17, 2008 at 11:34 Quote
apart from being hit by a car on my bike, id say this is my worst crash. the other day i was at the local dj park trying a few 3's. did a couple pretty smooth ones then went to do another one, and i was bookin too so i wouldnt case or anything. when i came off the lip i like instantly went sideways in the air, bailed off the bike prbly 7 or 8 feet up, came down and pretty much landed on my face.. i layed there for a minute and my friends told me they thought i would of broke my collar bone, the way i landed. i got up walked over to the picnic table and sat down, called my dad to come pick me up. the inside of my lip was bleeding pretty badly and i was spitting out blood for like 10 mins, and i scraped up the side of my face pretty bad too, and slightly bruised my nose. the worst part of all of this thoguh is when i try to eat anything its sooooo hard cuz i scraped right on the side of my mouth so when i open it even like half way it hurts like a bitch.

Posted: Aug 25, 2008 at 5:53 Quote
rialb wrote:
Unfortunately didn't get a pic when It happened, but this is 4 days after the crash. It's healing up nicely Smile .

Unsecure image, only https images allowed: http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/3869/img1457gg8.jpg
Still have no memory of what happened at all, but my friend said that I nose cased the second last jump on the big line at some nearby dirt jumps and face planted. I got knocked out for a couple of minutes, and the next thing I remember was going to the hospital in the truck.

ouch that looks painful! Fullface in future? lol

Posted: Dec 31, 2008 at 13:43 Quote
lilwalters wrote:
broke 3 bones in my left foot with this one last september...
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Razz "dude what happened" , he was there filming it


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