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Trail Conditions for Calgarians

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Trail Conditions for Calgarians
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Posted: Oct 25, 2007 at 9:27 Quote
had plans for a big ride day with my day off tomorrow.. was thinking some xc and some shuttles at moose.. looks like those plans are out the window with that little storm yesterday..


Posted: Oct 25, 2007 at 17:38 Quote
Powderface Short Loop, October 23

Nightride. Mud here and there on the first section from the parking lot to the link.
Bulldozer has been busy, they have plowed all the way to the last climb...including flattening the short steep section.

It would appear "they" (Satan and his minions) are not going to stop plowing until the entire trail is torched.

Posted: Oct 25, 2007 at 20:54 Quote
Al, yep, I was riding my (silver) Heckler on the 23rd. My other main ride is a DeKerf Team hardtail, in "electric grape".
Around 7 cm's of snow fell overnight on the 24th, in the foothills SW of Bragg Creek. It was melting fast in really exposed areas, lingering everywhere else, by late afternoon on the 25th. Seems likely that the trails will be a mess for a couple of days at least.

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 7:34 Quote
When does the paving start?

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 7:39 Quote
ibisrox wrote:
Will JP Ridge/Cox Hill be next?


Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 7:46 Quote
Hello Vonrock!
Are you positive of this? Do you know something I don't? I sure hope not!

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 8:43 Quote
No, I'm not in the know. I've got a call into the guy that does know, thanks Big Steve, but he's out of the office until the end of the month.

But think about it. Why would they stop at where they are now? Somebody is handing out money for trial maintenance, and somebody is making that money. As long as there is a big budget, and the person in charge seems to be irresponsible as far as supervising the situation, they will continue to waste taxpayer's money and destroy these trails. They will milk it for every dollar that they can, and this means "maintaining" the trails with the same, slow, expensive, and brutal methods that they are currently using.

aka-bigsteve wrote:
Pisses me off too, how trail "maintenance" has become using a trackhoe to clear out a swath like that.
This came up on the old forum, in the spring, and I did contact K-Countrys trail guy, at the time he told me that this kind of destruction was not the way they usually worked!
Shoot him an e-mail:
(403) 678-5505

I'm trying to find out how to bid on the contract for trail maintenance in this area. I'm serious. I'm a surveyor in oil and gas exploration, and usually only work winters (but not this one, thanks Premier Ed for your incredulous timing on royalty reviews that killed a winter's worth of work and my lively hood). I have the backing of a good company behind me, amongst other private interests. I really don't think that they are widening these trails to get logging equipment access, but you never know. A little digging should reveal if there is a connection between the current trail maintenance contractor and Spray Lakes Sawmills. It's a long shot, but at least worth checking.

I really can't see them stopping what they are doing until they've done every trail that they can, unless someone intervenes.

P.s. I'm looking for meaningful employment, if anyone has a line.

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 8:51 Quote
Vonrock - was there any consultation with user groups that you know of...this seems pretty bad.

Nose Hill process was a gong show but at least they gave everyone the opportunity to say "don't pave" before they paved.

This is going to turn into an anarchy thing in no time.

Please keep posting updates - especially if they plan to log this part of the park.

I for one would love to see the trails maintained by someone who is a mountain biker.

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 8:57 Quote
my little two cents: i agree with ibisrox - build our own. let then pave some of the multi-use - we all sat by as sulphur and powderface got plowed and there isn't a thing we can do about that now. why can't we build great natural technical xc trails on our own like canmore or fernie. the freeriders have their shit together out in moose mountain; why can't xc riders do the same? and yes, the irony of me saying this on a public forum is kinda stupid, but meh...

edit: i still think joining up to the friends of k-country is a good idea, at least to be involved and to have a voice over the multi-use as well...

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 9:10 Quote
xcolin wrote:
why can't we build great natural technical xc trails on our own

Because we already had/have some great trails. I'd rather be riding. We just need to stop the backhoe work. Once again, this is a make work project because there is a bunch of cash floating around this province. If they do not spend their ENTIRE budget each year, they get less the next year. Why should we make whole new (illegal) trails when we already have great trails? We just need them to stop maintaining them with a back hoe.

Have you ALL fired off an email to don yet? Ask to see the future plans for this type of trail maintenance. Demand. Your tax dollars pay his salary. He works for you and me. If he can't tell you, ask to speak with his boss.

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 10:52 Quote
ok, fair enough vonrock - just trying to stir up some debate

a lot of great mtb meccas start with building first then asking permission later...i realize we live in an amazing spot to bike in already, but it never hurts having a few more trails to choose from...just sayin'

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 13:38 Quote
xcolin wrote:
ok, fair enough vonrock - just trying to stir up some debate

a lot of great mtb meccas start with building first then asking permission later...i realize we live in an amazing spot to bike in already, but it never hurts having a few more trails to choose from...just sayin'

Technical trails that run beside larger ones would be great. Think of an all single track Elbow Loop.

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 15:31 Quote
Maybe you guys are onto something here.

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 15:39 Quote
ibisrox wrote:
When does the paving start?
Will JP Ridge/Cox Hill be next?
At least the senior citizens will be able to walk, or ride their frikkin power scooters there, when they finish! That's the spin that I was fed, for them ruining one of the best after work/evening rides! The seniors have a hard time kiking a trail if there are roots & rocks on it!
It IS so they can get the logging equipment in there so they can save the forest from the evil pine beetle!
Kill all the trees so they can save the forest!???

I will have the memories of cleaning the last climb from the bottom steep section the last time I was in there!

Maybe some of you trail builders should go in there and make us a sweet secret singletrack to replace it!

Maybe you should volunteer to help the trail builders build you "sweet single track".

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 at 21:12 Quote
I sent off an e-mail yesterday to Don Cockerton, voicing concerns about the work on Prairie Creek. Auto reply "out of office until Oct. 30". A reminder- keep it civil, directing your frustrations at him personally will not help.
I believe that the long term solution is dedicated mountain bike trails in K-country, built with riders in mind, and with our input, both in design and construction. K-country seems reluctant to do this, due in large part no doubt to limited budgets for things that really matter to users, like trails, as opposed to paving parking lots and extravagant signage.
Maybe it is time for us xc types to follow the freeriders lead, and create our own trails. The excellent trail network at Rossland is an example of what could be accomplished.
I 've had this idea for rerouting around a dirt road section on one of our more popular local trails, floating around in the back of my mind. I did suggest it to K-Country a couple of years ago, maybe next season I'll act on it myself. For now though, I'll just keep quiet.


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