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Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 19:33 Quote
brandyn16 wrote:
carnell wrote:
so i couldn't take a door off my house and sell it you say?

thats right , you cant take fixed parts of the house off to sell it ...

in that case hundreds of thousands of people are in breach of the law.

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 19:34 Quote
brandyn16 wrote:
DavidMakalaster wrote:
terriflow3-0 wrote:
Is it such a bad thing if we reverted to a more agrarian less technology based society? I mean I enjoy bikes, the internet, driving and being able to go pick up a pizza premade and hot and ready to eat, and healthcare.... but than I look at people I know who are for the most part living off the land and not relying a whole lot on modern technology. They seem pretty healthy and happy even though they work long hard days. But than, without the distractions of modern technology would general family relationships improve - people can't simply zone out their family by turning on the tele or calling their friend and going out for the evening.

I'll enjoy it while we have it, and if our fuel supply ever goes down the tubes - I'm not sure that would be such a horrible thing either unless countries got all dramatic about it and started invading each other for the last drops.

Yes. It is a bad thing. There are a whole lot of people in the world. If they all relied on farmed products for survival then we simply could not feed them all. On top of that the demand on the land itself would be MUCH greater. Also, one little drought or bad season could kill millions.

well , i also think technology is going to far , in the wrong deriction. i dont like the idea of a computer running my life and doing everything for me . computers mallfunction , and nothing can beat a human touch . it should be more dedicated to advances in healthcare and other usefull science . my dad is fairly old ,and he explained to me once an example of what i kinda said . older drivers tend to be better drivers , because they actualy learned how to drive a car , actualy how to drive it . new cars have so much technology, that when something goes wrong , they dont know what to do. they couldnt find there way with a gps , and they couldnt drive in the snow without traction control and such , because they are used to the car doing the driving , not the driver doing the driving . thats an example .

Any statistical proof? i would tend to disagree with that.

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 20:10 Quote
carnell wrote:
brandyn16 wrote:
carnell wrote:
so i couldn't take a door off my house and sell it you say?

thats right , you cant take fixed parts of the house off to sell it ...

in that case hundreds of thousands of people are in breach of the law.
if you are selling your bike , would say your selling a bike , and take the cranks and gears off??? thats not a bike , that is a bunch of parts . unless you and the buyer come to sign the contract , and it states that your taking the solar panels off the hosue when you leave , its illegal , and whos goan buy a house that has no source of power , thats like buying a biem with no cranks or gears

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 20:10 Quote
carnell wrote:
brandyn16 wrote:
DavidMakalaster wrote:

Yes. It is a bad thing. There are a whole lot of people in the world. If they all relied on farmed products for survival then we simply could not feed them all. On top of that the demand on the land itself would be MUCH greater. Also, one little drought or bad season could kill millions.

well , i also think technology is going to far , in the wrong deriction. i dont like the idea of a computer running my life and doing everything for me . computers mallfunction , and nothing can beat a human touch . it should be more dedicated to advances in healthcare and other usefull science . my dad is fairly old ,and he explained to me once an example of what i kinda said . older drivers tend to be better drivers , because they actualy learned how to drive a car , actualy how to drive it . new cars have so much technology, that when something goes wrong , they dont know what to do. they couldnt find there way with a gps , and they couldnt drive in the snow without traction control and such , because they are used to the car doing the driving , not the driver doing the driving . thats an example .

Any statistical proof? i would tend to disagree with that.

proof of what , i said alot there son

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 20:12 Quote
brandyn16 wrote:
proof of what , i said alot there son

The part that he put in big bold print for you.

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 20:24 Quote
oh , i dont know where youd find such facts , but think , theres more good 40 somethin drivers , then there is 20 sumthins . im no expert on this myself , but im talking driving skill . not who drives faster or runs more red lights . im talking who has more skill for driving in abnormal conditions , heavy snow , icy, and such , with out having the car do the driving for them . my dad was a truck driver for many years , his prolly seen a lot of this , and would know what his talking about . and it makes sense . if youve got one guy who learned how to drive a 20 years ago , he owuld have learned more how to drive the car , and what hes doing then a guy who is used to having a computer operate that car for him . im not talking 80 year olds that have no bussiness being in the drivers seat , i menat older people . besides , i used that as an example . the tpic of this thread isnt driving ability , its about how we are all doomed

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 20:46 Quote
brandyn16 wrote:
if you are selling your bike , would say your selling a bike , and take the cranks and gears off??? thats not a bike , that is a bunch of parts . unless you and the buyer come to sign the contract , and it states that your taking the solar panels off the hosue when you leave , its illegal , and whos goan buy a house that has no source of power , thats like buying a biem with no cranks or gears

That's why you get the electrician back in there and have him/her hook your original power source back up.

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 20:48 Quote
brandyn16 wrote:
carnell wrote:
so i couldn't take a door off my house and sell it you say?

thats right , you cant take fixed parts of the house off to sell it ...

I take it you've never bought a house?

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 20:49 Quote
Sorry to say but your buying in to all the crap the media is stuffing down your throat. We aren't running out of power, and yes climates are rising but that is a normal part of the earths cycle. Nothing in our universe is constant so I don't understand why people think just because we can think we hgave a free pass to tell the laws of physics what to do.

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 20:51 Quote
bonzibryan wrote:
Sorry to say but your buying in to all the crap the media is stuffing down your throat. We aren't running out of power, and yes climates are rising but that is a normal part of the earths cycle. Nothing in our universe is constant so I don't understand why people think just because we can think we hgave a free pass to tell the laws of physics what to do.

In a couple thousand years the political catch phrase will be global cooling. Global warming has happened dozens of times already yet we are so arrogant that we think we are responsible and can stop it. Is there an end to human short sightedness?

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 20:55 Quote
My comment was directed to the author of this forum just in case you thought other wise. I agree with you whole heartedly. But I say while the earth is running its cycles why not try to decrease waste and find more efficient means to supply energy?

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 20:57 Quote
bonzibryan wrote:
My comment was directed to the author of this forum just in case you thought other wise. I agree with you whole heartedly. But I say while the earth is running its cycles why not try to decrease waste and find more efficient means to supply energy?

We have a giant free energy source in the sky. There's no reason to consume resources on earth when a little innovative thinking can convert all of that into a useable form.

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 21:01 Quote
Indeed, solar energy is only in its baby stages. Soon with the perfecting of a crystal dome that will catch the rays more efficiently than a flat panel we will see solar energy being used more and more. One of my friends is going into engineering with an emphasis in solar energy.

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 21:10 Quote
bonzibryan wrote:
Indeed, solar energy is only in its baby stages. Soon with the perfecting of a crystal dome that will catch the rays more efficiently than a flat panel we will see solar energy being used more and more. One of my friends is going into engineering with an emphasis in solar energy.

The future is in biofarmed solar energy. Using solar fed microorganisms as a source of energy is MUCH more efficient.

Posted: Aug 21, 2008 at 21:15 Quote
Just read this "174 thousand trillion watts of sunlight hit the Earth every day" Not sure how much is needed but that is a lot of energy just waiting to be tapped into. Also in the world of solar energy a recent break through has been made that uses solar energy to split water molecules and store the energy as hydrogen. Full article here http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/short/321/5892/1072 and here http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080731143345.htm Thats interesting, do you have a link to an article reguarding the biofarmed energy? I am interested in reading it for myself.


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