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school drop out anybody?

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school drop out anybody?
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Posted: Jun 5, 2008 at 7:49 Quote
dm-rider wrote:
I'm not going back to college and I'm making $25/hr, sometimes a lot more depending, and I'm loving what I'm doing and I'll be able to do it for the rest of my life. If all goes well, I'll be working full time in less than a year. No school debt to worry about.

But not everyone can get lucky with getting a good job without going to college, so unless you are very good at doing something that can get you a job without a degree, school is the best option.
What do you work as currently?

Posted: Jun 5, 2008 at 17:41 Quote
gabor wrote:
dm-rider wrote:
I'm not going back to college and I'm making $25/hr, sometimes a lot more depending, and I'm loving what I'm doing and I'll be able to do it for the rest of my life. If all goes well, I'll be working full time in less than a year. No school debt to worry about.

But not everyone can get lucky with getting a good job without going to college, so unless you are very good at doing something that can get you a job without a degree, school is the best option.
What do you work as currently?

I work for a production company, I was going to go to school for film but I'm doing very well without the degree and I'm learning more now than I would if I were to go to film school. Commercial production and advertising is one of those things that if you're good at it, employers don't care as much if you have a degree in film. It's all in your abilities and what you know and how well you do your job.

Posted: Jun 5, 2008 at 20:40 Quote
swiftpain wrote:
chads wrote:
You must'nt forget that 20$ an hour is pretty much as high as you'll see in you're life if you done have some sort of college diploma...unless you're insanely lucky.

Its called a trade lol, in a few years you could be making more than that without a diploma

You will be surprised how soon high school diplomas will be necessary even for trades and work. I work around all sorts of different trades and they aren't just a "I cant do math but I can swing a hammer".

Dropping out is stupid in this day and age and there are little to no excuses that are legitimate enough to do it.

Posted: Jun 15, 2008 at 21:52 Quote
gibson19 wrote:
Ya guys... f*ck the system... They can't make us do anything... I don't need the man pushing me down!! We could all just live in Anarchy!

ok i dont totally mean to sound like an ass but you sound like a tool and that system is the only reason you got the f*ckin right to say that. in some other countries you would have like gotten your hand or something chopped off

Posted: Jun 16, 2008 at 5:53 Quote
mtb-crzd47 wrote:
gibson19 wrote:
Ya guys... f*ck the system... They can't make us do anything... I don't need the man pushing me down!! We could all just live in Anarchy!

ok i dont totally mean to sound like an ass but you sound like a tool and that system is the only reason you got the f*ckin right to say that. in some other countries you would have like gotten your hand or something chopped off

Did you noticed the little smiley guy rolling his eyes... It was a joke...

Posted: Jun 16, 2008 at 7:41 Quote
mtb-crzd47 wrote:
gibson19 wrote:
Ya guys... f*ck the system... They can't make us do anything... I don't need the man pushing me down!! We could all just live in Anarchy!

ok i dont totally mean to sound like an ass but you sound like a tool and that system is the only reason you got the f*ckin right to say that. in some other countries you would have like gotten your hand or something chopped off
He was being sarcastic...

Posted: Jun 16, 2008 at 15:20 Quote
To me, school and University are less about getting a job and all that kind of stuff then becoming a person and developing and understanding of things.
For example, I am quite aware that I could go to Community College and come out, after a 2 year piece-of-cake programme, with a well-paying, steady job. I know University is a financial gamble. However, simply growing up, getting a job, living until I'm 80, and dieing is not what I'm interested in. I wish to understand the world, learn about people, and perhaps even leave a mark on it, in whatever amount it is measured.
I think University, which should be a place of learning, has gotten too mixed up with career starting.

Posted: Jun 16, 2008 at 19:29 Quote
marty660 wrote:
To me, school and University are less about getting a job and all that kind of stuff then becoming a person and developing and understanding of things.
For example, I am quite aware that I could go to Community College and come out, after a 2 year piece-of-cake programme, with a well-paying, steady job. I know University is a financial gamble. However, simply growing up, getting a job, living until I'm 80, and dieing is not what I'm interested in. I wish to understand the world, learn about people, and perhaps even leave a mark on it, in whatever amount it is measured.
I think University, which should be a place of learning, has gotten too mixed up with career starting.

Those are all things you can do without giving major amounts of money to an institution.

Travel, talk to people, take things apart, etc. Those are all free, and far more rewarding than learning your opinions from a teacher, who is biased in their own way.

Posted: Jul 17, 2008 at 3:37 Quote
the thing is, you can be on good money when you drop out of college or school and get a job, but your going to be on that money for in some cases the rest of your life, with no chance of ever seeing a promotion or wage increase. drop outs may be earning more than there friends who stayed in school, but eventually the graduates will equal the pay of the drop outs and then probli start earning more, for example i know apprentices that are on less than minimum wage which is probli around $7 an hour, 3 or 4 gbp, but when they qualify they will be earning major money, from trying hard and staying at school. there arent many jobs these days that will take you on without some form of grades, even in trades, in england anyway

Posted: Mar 11, 2012 at 10:17 Quote
zune wrote:
trek2 wrote:
well i can tell you something right now i dont need booze or weed to mantain myself entertained and i certainly dont need people either so i think i llbe just fine
enjoy being alone for the rest of your life.


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