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Whistler Stories

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Whistler Stories
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Posted: Jan 6, 2008 at 12:45 Quote
bears are scary if youre up close. i've seen some every time i've been up to whistler. once in the village they had to close the part by starbucks down cause there was a family of them just lying there Confused any more BIKING stories?

Posted: Jan 6, 2008 at 19:57 Quote
stever wrote:
zaidmac wrote:
Ok I actually have a pretty good story. This past season me and my buddy hunter were determined to stay at whistler for crank works. So we headed up from Bellingham Washington With like 200 bucks each and a tent to try and find a place to camp. All the official camping places were full so we just drove around for an hour or so until we found found a dirt road off lake alta road or something like that. It turned out to be a super sweet place to camp and had a blast riding and watching crankworks. The third and final night we were telling scary stories and heard a snap in the woods so we ran into my car and hid. Hunters a sissy and I kept telling him there was a chupacabra out their and he wanted to sleep in the car eventually I was like whatever Im going to sleep on the rocks in the tent (why is whistler so damn rocky?). So went from the car to the tent and left some food outside on accident. We slept well until That morning when Hunter was like Zaid I think someones outside our tent. I was like whatever still asleep then I heard rustling like right next to us so I peaked outside and there was a bear like five feet from me with its head in a bag of potato chips. It was cute and scary at the same time. So after like two hours the bear has worked its way into our plastic container with all our food in it, and its like 10:30 and the mountain is open. We had gotten sick of this stupid bear after that long so Hunter and I are whispering in the tent about who's going to run to the car and honk the horn to scare the bear. I guess it came down to me doing it. So I booked it to the car and scared the crap out of the bear. I didn't know they could run so fast I didn't know i could run so fast.
We got to the mountain and rode like half a day. And we were shredding the mountain, that what happens after four days of whistler. And on like the third run from freight train down on a line I went squirmy off the smallest jump on aline and ran into the dirt wall on the side of the trail and had a root go into my leg and rip my quad muscle in half it also left a 6 inch gash. And that was my trip to whistler last year and I hope to make another one this year.


This was the bear Its kind of hard to see but look close

I know we're not supposed to flame, but holy crap are you retarded. First of all, you write like you speak, "like, whatever". Second of all, you guys are lucky you didn't get mauled and killed by the bear. You don't camp in an area known to have bears, and leave food out to attract the wildlife. Not only could it get you killed, but it can lead to the death of the bear as well (ie. if it attacks someone, wildlife officials might have to kill the bear). Whip Seriously, maybe next time you should consider staying in Washington, I don't think Canada wants you here. Madder

wow dude if you havent noticed there isent a place in whistler that isent known for having bears. so no matter where you stay your gonna see a bear. so take a chill pill and injoy the story

Posted: Jan 6, 2008 at 20:02 Quote
so i wrote this thing for my english class and it fit pretty well with the post so ya here it is.

The Whistler Tragedy

As I awoke from my deep slumber I felt the poke of rocks on my hip, pushing against the bone as if there were no skin there. I could hear the same bird crowing the same crowing it had done all night preventing me from sleep I so desperately needed. I could hear the trees creek in the wind and the traffic on the road drive swiftly by. I could feel the sun rays protruding through the tent and my sleeping bag. Then I heard a sound not accustom to the woods. The sound of a bag of chips rustling out side. Zaid must have gotten up already. I rolled over to free my hip from the rocks and found my self looking at Zaid sleeping. Immediately my brain began to wake up and realize what was really going on. A bear. My hands shot at Zaid and shook him till he awoke. We could hear the deep breaths and the crouching of the sun chips we had left out after another bear scare the night before.
After an hour or so of waiting for the creature to finish its free breakfast I poked my head out of the tent like a gofer would poke its head out of a hole to check for predators. A large brown bear was lying at the edge of an open plastic container with its massive head laid over the side munching on our munchies. The sun shooting through the trees was ricocheting of the bears long curved claws. I only had two thoughts at that moment, I hope I don’t see those any closer and I hope he didn’t eat the trail mix. Then a scared Zaid crawled half way out of our tent that felt more like a safety blanket and made a desperate dash for the car. The “all clear” came and so did a sigh of relief, relief that I could finally stretch my soar legs and get ready for another awesome day a whistler mountain bike park.
People curved back and forth around the barriers waiting for the next chair, four by four people plopped onto the chairs not thinking twice that they are hanging forty feet in the air on a bench connected to a rope.
Our first few runs went quick. Up and down we went. The trails smooth and silky, some of the best riding of the year. The trees went flying past as we threw ourselves in the air not thinking of what dangers could be on the side of the trails. We were dare devils of our own kind.
The day was by far the best of the trip. We were at the top of our game, our minds were set on that day ever mountain biker dreams of, good trails, good style and most important no crashes.
We deliberated over the next trail we would ride. Like to presidential candidates we argued about which trail would be best to ride. The decision was made and we dropped into A-line. I chased Zaid down the trail. At the time I felt more like a wolf hunting down it’s pray. We flew of a large jump underneath the chair lift. Zaid lifted his feet over his frame then kicked them to the left and then brought them back safely to his pedals. Almost automatically I began to hoop and holler at this perfectly executed Arial maneuver. From this high of highs came a low of lows. The next jump proved more difficult. Although it was ten feet smaller Zaid lost control. His legs flew out to each side of his bike as he went straight for the side of the narrowing trail, his fingers grabbed onto the brake levers as if they were the edge of a cliff. I could see his right leg impact against what I thought was a rock. I giggled a little as I rode by him, overtaking my pray. I stopped soon after to make sure he was ok. I then heard the sound that changed the whole trip. Worse then the crow of a bird that would not let me sleep worse then the traffic keeping me from breaking away from the city and worse the munching of a hungry bear. I heard the scream of a friend in pain.
My legs were moving, my heart was pounding and I still didn’t know what was going on. He was leaning against his bike holding his leg still groaning and screaming. He removed a part of his cut jeans to reveal a whole. There was no skin to be found only blood and muscle. I forced him to sit down and to stop struggling. I couldn’t believe it was really happing. I couldn’t help but think I was on the show scared. A strange accident and terrible bloody mess and a screaming kid, it all seemed to fit. I looked to find what he had hit and I found something I didn’t expect. A root was sticking out from the side of the hill which had been cut of at the end. I still don’t know what was hanging from it but I knew it came from my friend’s leg. I made the call for help and they arrived soon afterward. By then Zaid had calmed down. The pain was gone because the nerves we cut clean. The gash was soon reveled at its fullest. Most of his right thigh was missing. Replacing it was his muscle and blood but even the muscle was ripped at the end. Aided by the emergency workers we carried Zaid back to there vehicle to transport him to the Whistler Clinic. The man asked me if I was ok to ride back down. I hastily said yes.
It took me some time to actually find the clinic. Located in the back corner of the village I found my friend sitting with other boys who had suffered the same fait as him. They sat and discussed there injures and what had happened as if they were all good friends sitting around a camp fire telling stories. At that moment I knew he would be fine and we would make it home. Even though blood was still seeping through that bandages and the fate of his leg was still a mystery I knew we would get through it.
The next morning Zaid’s parents were there to pick us up and take us home. With a drugged Zaid in the back sit, a empty stomach, a nagging parent and a 90 minute border wait time the trip felt like a week rather then a few hours. When I was finally able to lay in a bed and rest I found I could not sleep. The sight of my friend, like a instant reply clip, was replaying in my mind. I found myself staring at the ceiling for the better part of the night, thinking that there goes the rest of the summer for me and my friend

Posted: Jan 6, 2008 at 20:18 Quote
^^ wow that was pretty well written. good story to. So what happened to his leg? did he need surgery?

Posted: Jan 7, 2008 at 8:04 Quote
xtremerider33 wrote:
^^ wow that was pretty well written. good story to. So what happened to his leg? did he need surgery?

at first the doc said that he was going to have to fly to vancover to get surgery. but it ended up that he just needed it cleaned and stiched up. he now has a Z scar right above his knee. his name is zaid so we want him to get a tatto that says aid next to it.

Posted: Jan 14, 2008 at 19:37 Quote
mtbswift wrote:
stever wrote:
zaidmac wrote:
Ok I actually have a pretty good story. This past season me and my buddy hunter were determined to stay at whistler for crank works. So we headed up from Bellingham Washington With like 200 bucks each and a tent to try and find a place to camp. All the official camping places were full so we just drove around for an hour or so until we found found a dirt road off lake alta road or something like that. It turned out to be a super sweet place to camp and had a blast riding and watching crankworks. The third and final night we were telling scary stories and heard a snap in the woods so we ran into my car and hid. Hunters a sissy and I kept telling him there was a chupacabra out their and he wanted to sleep in the car eventually I was like whatever Im going to sleep on the rocks in the tent (why is whistler so damn rocky?). So went from the car to the tent and left some food outside on accident. We slept well until That morning when Hunter was like Zaid I think someones outside our tent. I was like whatever still asleep then I heard rustling like right next to us so I peaked outside and there was a bear like five feet from me with its head in a bag of potato chips. It was cute and scary at the same time. So after like two hours the bear has worked its way into our plastic container with all our food in it, and its like 10:30 and the mountain is open. We had gotten sick of this stupid bear after that long so Hunter and I are whispering in the tent about who's going to run to the car and honk the horn to scare the bear. I guess it came down to me doing it. So I booked it to the car and scared the crap out of the bear. I didn't know they could run so fast I didn't know i could run so fast.
We got to the mountain and rode like half a day. And we were shredding the mountain, that what happens after four days of whistler. And on like the third run from freight train down on a line I went squirmy off the smallest jump on aline and ran into the dirt wall on the side of the trail and had a root go into my leg and rip my quad muscle in half it also left a 6 inch gash. And that was my trip to whistler last year and I hope to make another one this year.


This was the bear Its kind of hard to see but look close

I know we're not supposed to flame, but holy crap are you retarded. First of all, you write like you speak, "like, whatever". Second of all, you guys are lucky you didn't get mauled and killed by the bear. You don't camp in an area known to have bears, and leave food out to attract the wildlife. Not only could it get you killed, but it can lead to the death of the bear as well (ie. if it attacks someone, wildlife officials might have to kill the bear). Whip Seriously, maybe next time you should consider staying in Washington, I don't think Canada wants you here. Madder

wow dude if you havent noticed there isent a place in whistler that isent known for having bears. so no matter where you stay your gonna see a bear. so take a chill pill and injoy the story

You camped out in Blueberry trail I'm pretty sure. I live in Whistler, and that photo looks like an area off by alta lake, which is where you mentioned.

NEVER camp in there again, all I can say. You'd get in trouble if you got caught doing that.

Bears in the bike park are extremely common here, I have a buddy who ran into one at full speed on the shale slop on a-line. He smacked right into it and he got a concussion. The bear just ran off.

Posted: Jan 14, 2008 at 19:42 Quote
ummm i was riding a-line 2 years ago and overgapped the last hip on the trail by 10 feet and came down on my nose and knocked myslef out. Seperating my ac joint. Then i got to go 4x4'in in a truck back down the boneyard. It was great and i will have my injury for the rest of my life. also short term memory lossThumbs Down

Posted: Jan 14, 2008 at 19:49 Quote
p1-BIG-HIT wrote:
ummm i was riding a-line 2 years ago and overgapped the last hip on the trail by 10 feet and came down on my nose and knocked myslef out. Seperating my ac joint. Then i got to go 4x4'in in a truck back down the boneyard. It was great and i will have my injury for the rest of my life. also short term memory lossThumbs Down

I had the exact same injury, acs are fun injuries arnt they? punctured a lung in that crash too that was pretty fun. I got knocked right out too, for 30 minutes apparently. no long lasting effects though.

Posted: Jan 14, 2008 at 19:53 Quote
ouch! but its gay i cant like throw or anything cuz it hurts...
Doule wrote:
p1-BIG-HIT wrote:
ummm i was riding a-line 2 years ago and overgapped the last hip on the trail by 10 feet and came down on my nose and knocked myslef out. Seperating my ac joint. Then i got to go 4x4'in in a truck back down the boneyard. It was great and i will have my injury for the rest of my life. also short term memory lossThumbs Down

I had the exact same injury, acs are fun injuries arnt they? punctured a lung in that crash too that was pretty fun. I got knocked right out too, for 30 minutes apparently. no long lasting effects though.

Posted: Jan 14, 2008 at 19:57 Quote
p1-BIG-HIT wrote:
ouch! but its gay i cant like throw or anything cuz it hurts...
Doule wrote:
p1-BIG-HIT wrote:
ummm i was riding a-line 2 years ago and overgapped the last hip on the trail by 10 feet and came down on my nose and knocked myslef out. Seperating my ac joint. Then i got to go 4x4'in in a truck back down the boneyard. It was great and i will have my injury for the rest of my life. also short term memory lossThumbs Down

I had the exact same injury, acs are fun injuries arnt they? punctured a lung in that crash too that was pretty fun. I got knocked right out too, for 30 minutes apparently. no long lasting effects though.

that sucks man, how bad of a seperation did you have?

Mine wasnt too bad,I had to wear a sling for 2 weeks though,still hurts alot some days.

Posted: Jan 14, 2008 at 20:02 Quote
it wasnt too bad i was in a sling for like a month and a half and whent to phizio.i still have to go ocasionaly
Doule wrote:
p1-BIG-HIT wrote:
ouch! but its gay i cant like throw or anything cuz it hurts...
Doule wrote:

I had the exact same injury, acs are fun injuries arnt they? punctured a lung in that crash too that was pretty fun. I got knocked right out too, for 30 minutes apparently. no long lasting effects though.

that sucks man, how bad of a seperation did you have?

Mine wasnt too bad,I had to wear a sling for 2 weeks though,still hurts alot some days.

Posted: Jan 15, 2008 at 17:10 Quote
p1-BIG-HIT wrote:
ummm i was riding a-line 2 years ago and overgapped the last hip on the trail by 10 feet and came down on my nose and knocked myslef out. Seperating my ac joint. Then i got to go 4x4'in in a truck back down the boneyard. It was great and i will have my injury for the rest of my life. also short term memory lossThumbs Down

oh man that would suck, so can you not remember the smooth fun trail of a-line that you rode? haha just kidding, but did you forget stuff that happened or do you keep forgetting stuff like that stupid fish from Finding Nemo lol

Posted: Jan 16, 2008 at 18:16 Quote
well im really bad with numbers..im horible so i moved to essentials math..i can remeber most of the shit just its gay now...
xtremerider33 wrote:
p1-BIG-HIT wrote:
ummm i was riding a-line 2 years ago and overgapped the last hip on the trail by 10 feet and came down on my nose and knocked myslef out. Seperating my ac joint. Then i got to go 4x4'in in a truck back down the boneyard. It was great and i will have my injury for the rest of my life. also short term memory lossThumbs Down

oh man that would suck, so can you not remember the smooth fun trail of a-line that you rode? haha just kidding, but did you forget stuff that happened or do you keep forgetting stuff like that stupid fish from Finding Nemo lol

Posted: Jan 16, 2008 at 18:32 Quote
i would probably have a cool story of an injury that i got in whistler, but i didn't
get to go because i broke my collar bone 2 days before leaving to whistler. it was the third time in 9 months.

Posted: Jan 16, 2008 at 18:49 Quote
i was following one of my friends on aline and he crashed on the 3rd last table and he hit a tree and i couldnt stop and i ran over him and he almost broke his fingers


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