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The Streets Thread

PB Forum :: BMX (20")
The Streets Thread
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Posted: Sep 2, 2008 at 19:13 Quote
justin99 wrote:
kean99 wrote:
justin99 wrote:

I hope you're not serious.....
yes i was mr pinkbike.
Mr.Pinkbike? I thought, along with practically everybody that has watched it, that his part was amazing. The guy is a madman and will drop/spin off anything and grind the sketchiest of rails. He does what most mountain bikers can't even do but on a BMX.

awesome...thats all people can say about Sean Burns and that is why he is the only rider on metal bikes team with a pro frame...plus he runs a dinner plate of a sprocket

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 11:59 Quote
justin99 wrote:
kean99 wrote:
justin99 wrote:

I hope you're not serious.....
yes i was mr pinkbike.
Mr.Pinkbike? I thought, along with practically everybody that has watched it, that his part was amazing. The guy is a madman and will drop/spin off anything and grind the sketchiest of rails. He does what most mountain bikers can't even do but on a BMX.
i thought it was boring because its all been done before...

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 13:56 Quote
kean99 wrote:
justin99 wrote:
kean99 wrote:
yes i was mr pinkbike.
Mr.Pinkbike? I thought, along with practically everybody that has watched it, that his part was amazing. The guy is a madman and will drop/spin off anything and grind the sketchiest of rails. He does what most mountain bikers can't even do but on a BMX.
i thought it was boring because its all been done before...

Almost everything has been done before in BMX. It's pretty hard to do something new unless you get really creative with flatland or do some sort of huge trick off a massive jump. BMX is just the same thing recycled in different spots. You can't say sean burns clip is boring, when 90% of street vids are the same tricks filmed in different spots.

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 13:57 Quote
Since this is the street thread i had an idea for a trick a couple of days ago. I would like to see someone bar-spin to wall ride down a 5-10 set. By wall-ride i mean flat wall no banks no nothing.

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 14:00 Quote
broski wrote:
street riding is so dumb, its all about the chair lift

Oh shut up, and get out of the thread if you dislike it that much.

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 14:00 Quote
broski wrote:
street riding is so dumb, its all about the chair lift
why do you have to come here and jack peoples thread's if we do street is because we enjoy it and many of us don't have access to a hill or don't feel like expending that much money.

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 14:01 Quote
broski wrote:
street riding is so dumb, its all about the chair lift

you sir are a dummy cause this is a bmx thread not DH

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 14:11 Quote
broski wrote:
street riding is so dumb, its all about the chair lift
chair lifts are for old out of shape fat asses

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 14:36 Quote
anybody had any crazy hobo encounters?

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 20:51 Quote
broski wrote:
street riding is so dumb, its all about the chair lift
f*ckin homo

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 20:55 Quote
Don't feed the trolls.

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 22:08 Quote
Dont feed the trolls, ban them! I love mod powers....

And i havnt had any hobo encounters, but i did have some crazy touretts guys scream at me and my friend, it was crazy funny.

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 22:28 Quote
Here's the latest from my streets, smith to nose manual gone wrong...
Views: 863    Faves: 1    Comments: 12

wear your helmets kids...

Posted: Sep 3, 2008 at 23:53 Quote
Unsecure image, only https images allowed: http://file044b.bebo.com/15/large/2008/09/04/06/4454833176a8803857045l.jpgStreet Enough? Big Grin


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