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Have you ever gotten in a argument with skateboarders at a skatepark, why?

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Have you ever gotten in a argument with skateboarders at a skatepark, why?
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Posted: Oct 16, 2009 at 0:05 Quote
woody-dh wrote:
St. Ives is deadly all together in my opinion. Only ever been there once and got sworn at by a drunk aboriginal. Never seen the skatepark there though..
alot of the lads have been arrested so the afternoon crowd is pretty much gone lol. when did you go down? im usually there every day

Posted: Oct 16, 2009 at 0:08 Quote
It was like in the Christmas holidays. Not sure on the exact date.

Posted: Oct 16, 2009 at 11:14 Quote
tinnacleprojan wrote:
with some guy telling me to stop geting in his way. f*cktard, i have 28 pounds of metal, you have a board with wheels who has priority?

It's called etiquette, people who snake everyone and then act all hood or look for trouble are WHY so many bikers are filed under the same stereotype.

Posted: Oct 16, 2009 at 11:19 Quote
jonlakephoto wrote:
tinnacleprojan wrote:
with some guy telling me to stop geting in his way. f*cktard, i have 28 pounds of metal, you have a board with wheels who has priority?

It's called etiquette, people who snake everyone and then act all hood or look for trouble are WHY so many bikers are filed under the same stereotype.
he got stormy because i rode past hi twice, and i was just coasting.

Posted: Oct 16, 2009 at 11:31 Quote
ive gotten into a thousand fights with skaters. mainly because my hobby is to shout 'NEARLY!' at them every time they miss a landing. and, as 99% of them kick the board away halfway through a trick, i shout it quite a lot.

Posted: Oct 16, 2009 at 11:48 Quote
The bmx'ers who are young and have their diamondbacks are the most annoying. They think there proper hard and speak with the word "ent" and "blud" they don't do anything, but I supposedly give them "beef" because I tell them to speak to me properly. I have many threats for there 21 year old brother to come smash me up and take my camera. Skaters usually help me out.

Posted: Oct 16, 2009 at 22:27 Quote
PNWrider wrote:
well, the bikers usually outnumber the skaters by us so skaters dont really try to start anyshit. so for the most part ppl are chill. but on 4/20 and in the summer when the stoner skaters come out lots of shit starts. but its usually the skaters hackin at other skaters so us bikers just roll our eyes and enjoy what we are doin
True that man, cant we all just get along lol

Posted: Oct 16, 2009 at 22:29 Quote
StrictlyBidness wrote:
PNWrider wrote:
well, the bikers usually outnumber the skaters by us so skaters dont really try to start anyshit. so for the most part ppl are chill. but on 4/20 and in the summer when the stoner skaters come out lots of shit starts. but its usually the skaters hackin at other skaters so us bikers just roll our eyes and enjoy what we are doin
True that man, cant we all just get along lol
as long as theres people that play with wood and people who ride awesome bikes we will never get along becuz skaters dont know what theyre missing lol

Posted: Aug 19, 2010 at 23:03 Quote
Unhallowed wrote:
Was at the Whistler skatepark a while back.
On my singlespeed, brakeless, cro mo, hardtail.
I get yelled at by skateboarders AND BMXers because I am on a "mtb".

I'm putting pegs on the Dob and going back, just to tell them stfu its an oversized cruiser BMX.Ninja
i understand if its busy and a biker comes in why skater would be mad but if it wasnt busy i would not care but f*ck the skaters its a bike park i dont care if there were a million skaters the biker has the right to the BIKE park

Posted: Aug 20, 2010 at 0:13 Quote
We seem to get on just fine Blank Stare

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Posted: Aug 20, 2010 at 1:37 Quote
one skater said you f*cking peice of sh*t biker get out of the skatepark so i challenge him to a fight and ran him over with my big wheel

Posted: Aug 20, 2010 at 2:06 Quote
LOL having arguments with skaters here is like going to sleep. It happens every day. Just yesterday I ran over one, because he like a dumbass that he is entered the pool at the exactly same time as me. At least, he got worse than me. Thank you big wheels Big Grin

Posted: Aug 21, 2010 at 9:48 Quote
me and three of my friends went to a public skatepark that didnt allow bikes and right when we got in some tiny ass kid with a shitty mustache yelled hey no bikes! then my friend dropped in an ran into him. we all kept messing with him cuz he said he was gonna hit us with his skateboard. then about 20 minutes later tons of bikers showed up and he started to get really scared lol

Posted: Aug 21, 2010 at 10:04 Quote
ive gotten into heated arguements and at least 2 fistfights with skaters. this is partly due to the fact that we constantly take the mickey out of them for bailing from a trick as soon as they leave the ground, but mainly because of my habit of dropping small rubber balls into bowls and spines. get one under the trucks and its all over.

most of the skaters around here are ok tho, its just the label whores and fringes I cant stand.

Posted: Aug 21, 2010 at 10:11 Quote
Most skateboarders are cool, and I used to go to a little indoor park and I'm pretty sure I got in the way more than people got in my way lol, but if you are kind to them they'll be kind to you. If you see there skateboard rolling in your direction, with them having to chase after it from the other side of the park, stop it for them, or at least try to, it should get you into their good books. I got more abuse from BMXrs than skateboarders, I was new and Ijust went to the BMXpark on my own for a couple of hours. You could hire bikes there so people could recognise if you had your own bike or not. Some little emo twat started coming up to me and saying shit that I couldn't hear, but I just ignored him. I might of gotten in his way at some point, but if I realised that I had I would of said sorry. He was better on his little bike than I was, but if he decided to sart at the end of the session I would of f*cked him up. Then some tiny kid started saying we was better than me when he wouldn't go inot the bowls or anything, just the little tabletop jump thing (i think it was called a funbox lol), and he was like 6. I ignored him, but if he got in my way would I f*ck use the brake Wink


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