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Broken Collar Bone Recovery Time

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Broken Collar Bone Recovery Time
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Posted: Jul 19, 2022 at 20:10 Quote
three timer here. Plus I snapped a plate and had to get a new, heavier duty plate put in, Its still there.

I would not recommend moving to a horse ranch mere weeks after having a plate put in. It didn’t work out for me so well. Those hay bales wouldn’t stack themselves though.

I’m considering investing in a ti 3D printer to replace any future bones I might break. That might last me until the pluripotent stem cell treatments are approved by the FDA. People say it will feel similar to being a lizard- grow your own collarbone. Submit a cell sample, a drone delivers an injectable stem cell treatment that grows any part you need as indicated by your online doctor’s review of your latest diagnostic sync to your cloud hosted digital twin library.

Posted: Jul 19, 2022 at 21:33 Quote
Hey everyone, so feel a little left out in this chat, didn't break my collar bone, just separated it after a sexy OTB first week of June. Landed head/shoulder but right side took the brunt of it 7 weeks ago. Dr and physio have classified it as a level 3 AC joint separation but no surgery required. Had a sling for about 2.5 weeks before getting rid of it.

Mobility is slowly coming along but not pushing it. Can do a push up or two just to test how it's coming along which physio says is pretty good considering time frame but still hurts with almost any weighted movement.

Wondering if anyone has any similar experience and insight into the recovery phase(s)?? Hoping to get back in the gym to moderate workouts with weights by end of August as well as golfing and light/moderate rides (single track, small jumps/drops) and then shortly after back to DH.

Hope everyone is heeling up!


Posted: Jul 20, 2022 at 6:53 Quote
Broke mine into 5 distinct pieces several years sgo. It took about 3 weeks of VERY conscious no movement. I always wore the figure 8, slept on my back with a rolled up towel lined up down my spine ( lets your shoulders drop back to help align the bone ends) and kept my arm in a sling tied to my chest. I could start riding gently after the 3 weeks, gradually more aggressive until about 6. After that, back to normal. I still have a pretty good pop when moving that shoulder over head but otherwise good to go. Basically, take it really easy on the front end and the rest is much better

Posted: Jul 21, 2022 at 6:51 Quote
broke my collarbone from fall. car got in front of me to turn left, i slammed on my breaks sent me flying, and fell on my shoulder. I went too the ER and was sent home on a sling. it has been 2 and a half weeks since my fracture i have sum mobility however I am still in quit a bit of pain with certain movements. i have stopped using my sling however i am considering using it again. doctor said no surgery needed however I feel as if my bone is not recovering as fast, it might just be me being impatient. has anyone had a break like mine? i dont know how to post the photo on this message however i think it is in my profile if anyone can check it out and give me their opinion on how long i could be out for that would be great. i am scheduled to meet with my doctor in 3 weeks. I also cannot afford to be out from work for longer that a month and a half more.

Posted: Aug 23, 2022 at 10:20 Quote
willf24 wrote:
Hey everyone, so feel a little left out in this chat, didn't break my collar bone, just separated it after a sexy OTB first week of June. Landed head/shoulder but right side took the brunt of it 7 weeks ago. Dr and physio have classified it as a level 3 AC joint separation but no surgery required. Had a sling for about 2.5 weeks before getting rid of it.

Mobility is slowly coming along but not pushing it. Can do a push up or two just to test how it's coming along which physio says is pretty good considering time frame but still hurts with almost any weighted movement.

Wondering if anyone has any similar experience and insight into the recovery phase(s)?? Hoping to get back in the gym to moderate workouts with weights by end of August as well as golfing and light/moderate rides (single track, small jumps/drops) and then shortly after back to DH.

Hope everyone is heeling up!


So you tore your AC joint, which is typically NOT repaired. I know many mountain bikers that have done that. Takes a while to feel "normal"

Posted: Aug 29, 2022 at 23:44 Quote
mine would not heal on its own at 59, they had to do a cluster plate. Was riding in 2 weeks again but very very limited and was not riding full time. Took about a year to regain range of motion and strength. 150lbs on the bench 20 times which is my typical riding level.

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 at 16:44 Quote
Hello! I found some solace in reading people's experiences on this forum.
I am 4 months post collarbone surgery and still having major drawbacks since my accident for something people were telling me I healed in 6 weeks.
I got my share of down days thinking I will have these problems forever but reading and speaking with others about their experience helped me, so here is my right collarbone brake adventure:

I am 48 years old, I broke my collarbone in the middle on the 9th of August on the asphalt, nothing glorious, if only:


4 days later on the 13th, I got plated:


Now 4 months later I still have a good share of discomfort:

From day one I have a bit of pain/ inching at the sternum joint, still, to this day it doesn't feel right, I have some pain when doing active things but I think it is SLOWLY getting better.
I also have burning/itching all around the plate area, and on the shoulder, I am somewhat skinny and I think the plate itself is giving me a hard time, those sensations are kind of amplified with clothes on, I also get some sting feeling on the skin plate area when opening my mouth wide.


When I move my arm up close to my head I feel like the plate is cutting/getting into my neck, I lost a bit of movement range in that area.
I also have some nerve pain/numbness in my arm and hand depending on my positions, the physio tells me it's probably the Ulnar / Median nerve and to keep doing rehabs.

One last thing that is plaguing me since the accident is some stiffness/heaviness that creeps in my back neck and shoulder after being in one position for a bit of time, I wonder if this is related to the length/position of my clavicula that has changed.

I am strongly thinking of having the plate removed the earliest possible...
It sure helped my bone heal but I think now it's becoming more of a hindrance than a good thing.
I have read of many having great improvements in their problems after plate removal but I am curious if some have seen a worsening of their condition, you know just to scare me more of making the bad choice.

If anyone here has similar experience/ideas/comments/ longer recovery time, I would appreciate it.
FULL HEALTH, cheers!

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 at 17:39 Quote
I’m a 3 timer plated collarbone surgery contestant. Have surgery set for this Friday for a plate that was put in at the beginning of the pandemic. Some plate can stay in. All of mine have come out. My left shoulder has lots of surgical nerve damage. It will feel weird but will function.

My next break, hoping to have a 3D printed replacement clavicle. Or just grow one from stem cells. Whichever is in stock.

Btw, im 58. You’ll recover quicker than I will

Posted: Nov 17, 2022 at 8:00 Quote
I got my plate out 2 months ago. The nerve damage is worse but overall it feels way better now. Mine was with me for just over 2 years.

Damn Squawker. That's hardcore. or bad luck?

Posted: Nov 17, 2022 at 11:42 Quote
GBangShredder wrote:

Damn Squawker. That's hardcore. or bad luck?

1st time - Turn 1 at the Streets of Willow on a Ducati 900 SS
2nd time - Pack of 50 roadies went down (the NOW ride) on the PCH. Was fine until another rider collided with me when I was on the ground
3rd time - Crashed a hardtail on the road doing a 25+ mph wheelie down a hill over a speed hump

None of these would have happened if I wasn't hardcore enough to be out there in the first place. The last crash had me questioning if I needed to slow down or not. Healing from crash damage gets harder and harder. I'm still progressing though, so I've taken up Pilates to strengthen myself in prep for future crashes. Joseph Pilates create it in the 1930s to rehab injured dancers (ballet, modern etc). Dancers brutalize their bodies and suffer high injury rates. If it works for them...

Posted: Nov 17, 2022 at 20:43 Quote
Nice man! Something to aspire to (but maybe not the collarbone part).

Posted: Sep 6, 2023 at 9:38 Quote
YanL wrote:
Hello! I found some solace in reading people's experiences on this forum.
I am 4 months post collarbone surgery and still having major drawbacks since my accident for something people were telling me I healed in 6 weeks.
I got my share of down days thinking I will have these problems forever but reading and speaking with others about their experience helped me, so here is my right collarbone brake adventure:

I am 48 years old, I broke my collarbone in the middle on the 9th of August on the asphalt, nothing glorious, if only:


4 days later on the 13th, I got plated:


Now 4 months later I still have a good share of discomfort:

From day one I have a bit of pain/ inching at the sternum joint, still, to this day it doesn't feel right, I have some pain when doing active things but I think it is SLOWLY getting better.
I also have burning/itching all around the plate area, and on the shoulder, I am somewhat skinny and I think the plate itself is giving me a hard time, those sensations are kind of amplified with clothes on, I also get some sting feeling on the skin plate area when opening my mouth wide.


When I move my arm up close to my head I feel like the plate is cutting/getting into my neck, I lost a bit of movement range in that area.
I also have some nerve pain/numbness in my arm and hand depending on my positions, the physio tells me it's probably the Ulnar / Median nerve and to keep doing rehabs.

One last thing that is plaguing me since the accident is some stiffness/heaviness that creeps in my back neck and shoulder after being in one position for a bit of time, I wonder if this is related to the length/position of my clavicula that has changed.

I am strongly thinking of having the plate removed the earliest possible...
It sure helped my bone heal but I think now it's becoming more of a hindrance than a good thing.
I have read of many having great improvements in their problems after plate removal but I am curious if some have seen a worsening of their condition, you know just to scare me more of making the bad choice.

If anyone here has similar experience/ideas/comments/ longer recovery time, I would appreciate it.
FULL HEALTH, cheers!

Interested to read these posts, even if it is now 2023...42 yo woman.
I went OTB July 7 on steep loose trail. Immediately felt crunch in shoulder/ badness. L clavicle shortened 3 cm, 1.5 cm displaced with x2 fragments. Knew surgery would give best outcome re long term biomechanics with that much shortening. First week post fracture was pretty painful, felt bone grinding with swallow/ turning neck/ breathing..I didn't take any Tylenol/Advil after day 4 post fracture. Second week post fracture was much better pain wise. Finally got surgery at day 14 post fracture, July 21 (because Alberta has a slow health care system)...Surgery itself was painful x3d, then much better (basically did 24 hr a day icing, tylenol/advil). Fracture pain much worse than OR pain... One superior plate with 2 extra screws holding in fragment. Bottom fragment, they couldn't screw because of location, so they put a wire around bone to hold in spot. I started riding stationary bike at day 6 post op (wearing the sling).

Started physio at 2 weeks post op, doing full ROM as tolerated, by 3 weeks post op, had pretty full ROM. The most painful has always been adduction across body and IR/ER stiff. Stopped wearing sling at 3 weeks post op. At 4 weeks, started hiking...At 5 weeks post op, started doing shoulder press and wall pushups and running. At 6w, started swimming (breast stroke ca 25-30min).

I am now almost 7 weeks post op. Pushups I am still doing from 32 inch table and I can only do 10x3 sets... Still discomfort in clavicle with pushups. Essentially full ROM, but shoulder still feels a bit stiff at end ROM. Shoulder press w 7 lb weight/IR/ER/rowing all feel fine and I am increasing weight for the exercises. Crossing arms to pull off bra/ shirt is still discomfort... I feel a non-painful click in shoulder with lowering shoulder from flexion and abduction, I think it is coming from AC joint/ or rotator cuff, but it doesn't hurt.

Saw surgeon today- XR shows all hardwear in place, but inferior fragment still not attached. Surgeon said this was as expected and will redo XR at 12w...She said, dont lift weigh over 10lb above 90, below 90, can lift to 20 lb... She said at 12w, assuming no disaster happens, she would remove all restrictions...

I have major sensory deficit across front shoulder-- like 10cm in every direction from scar. Hasn't changed to date. Initially I felt neck muscles were really limited tightness and I could feel pull across clavicle when I head tilt. This seems to be slowly improving with time, but still not 100%. Neck muscle on left side still look tighter vs right-- caught under the plate?

I had hoped to be riding outdoor bike by 8-10w, but I feel like this isn't really possible given ongoing weakness/ discomfort with pushups--- since biking is essentially pushups... Really don't want o re-injure this or slow healing with the vibrations... I also rock climb, and this will definitely be awhile,,, until I feel arm really strong... So will push a few weeks and continue running/swimming and wahoo Wink .

The plate I feel more and more with time... I really hope that it doesn't cause problem wearing a backpack for skiing etc... Surgeon said earliest they would remove would be 1 year. And I REALLY dont want another surgery and scar destruction and more time in sling and wasted muscles... So will see.


Scar pic is what it looks like at nearly 7 weeks post op

Posted: Sep 6, 2023 at 19:12 Quote
Sounds like a pretty gnarly collar bone injury (aren't they all!). I went OTB pretty heavy beginning of June last year and was lucky to only dislocate it, no breaks and no surgery. I thought the recovery was going to be quick 6-8 week turnaround but I found it was painfully much longer.

I was back to golfing 4-5 weeks after, some light riding around the neighbourhood maybe 6 weeks, no trails or any kind of real riding for 12 weeks which felt like a lifetime. I was also going to physio on a weekly basis and a fair bit of stuff everyday at home.

It's been a bit over a year and I still have issues sleeping on it some nights after about 10-15 minutes and just the other day felt a nice pop in the morning and it was sore for most of the day. Just kind of learning to live with it.

Only thing that still really bothers it is any kind of flat bench press at the gym, just doesn't agree with the shoulder/CB yet.

Good luck with the recovery

Posted: Sep 6, 2023 at 22:22 Quote
@mtnranger sounds a bit unlucky with the healing but that's how it goes. I'm roughly your age and mine had the same tightness. Having the plate and 7 screws removed at 18 months helped that. I found the plate unpleasant but it certainly was nice at first rather than click, click, click.

Posted: Oct 5, 2023 at 7:55 Quote
GBangShredder wrote:
@mtnranger sounds a bit unlucky with the healing but that's how it goes. I'm roughly your age and mine had the same tightness. Having the plate and 7 screws removed at 18 months helped that. I found the plate unpleasant but it certainly was nice at first rather than click, click, click.

Yeah good to know... Now I am at 11 weeks post op. Neck tightness and shoulder much better. I still have an awareness/tightness of the front of the shoulder plate if I do shoulder shrugs or full arm flexion, but generally shoulder feels pretty loose.

Starting riding MTB last weekend at 10 weeks- my physio tested me with pushups and one arm plyo pushes and then said I was good to go. Riding XC trails went well and everything felt pretty normal... I am just going to ride chill stuff until winter. No falling off Wink
But the plate is quite prominent... A bit scared about carrying a ski touring backpack this winter, but also equally reticent to have another! surgery in the future to pull out plate Frown ... But yeah, plate did it's job, so it is what it is...


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