Do energy shots really work

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Do energy shots really work
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Posted: Nov 14, 2010 at 8:41 Quote
You need more energy because you're either tired, don't eat properly or not 'there' physically.

It's all bullsh*t, or Redbullsh*t if you prefere. If you want energy, sleep well, and eat well. Also, if you want to be tougher, train. That's it. If you party hard, sleep 4 hours and then wake up only to eat 2 white bread cheez whiz toasts and then wonder why you get tired after 3 runs, energy drinks aren't the logical answer.

Drinking energy drinks is like buying a car, doing 100000km without any oil change and wondering why the engine is acting up... so you decide to add a turbo to fix it. While it might go faster initially, it's only going to to break down on you even faster now.

Lots of athletes will tell you that rest and nutrition is usually 80% of the work for physical performance. Energy drink companies are selling you a dream.

There is no quick fix.

Posted: Nov 14, 2010 at 9:00 Quote
I usually don't get any effects from drinks like Red Bull but a friend convinced me to get one of those mini red bull shots.

They taste disgusting, they're way overpriced and they didn't give me any extra energy at all ... they just get you really winded after some very very mellow riding ...
I'd never buy those again. Just stick to Pepsi and candy Smile (which is actually pretty bad too ^^)

Posted: Nov 16, 2010 at 7:46 Quote
I'm a personal trainer. And I would HIGHLY recommend never taking any of these 'energy' drinks anytime before, during, or after a race or recreational ride. #1 they are so bad for you. and #2 they don't help. Eating right is the best way to boost your energy.

I noticed a comment earlier about redbull being all natural... bullshit.

Posted: Feb 9, 2011 at 12:29 Quote
laurencethorpe wrote:
i can drink over 4 litres of enegry drinks in 1 hour and they have very little effect on me Smile
considering your stomach is the size of your fist and your bladder smaller yet, i really don't believe you, because if you drank that much of anything that fast you would be puking and need to be hospitalized

also for those who want high energy, eat some oatmeal in the morning (5am for me), i like those quaker oats instant packs 1 minute with water in the microwave and that stuff keeps me going until at least noon, i find that if i don't have a red bull or energy anything for a long time, as in not everyday, then it actually has a good effect on me no matter what brand or flavour i drink, also decaffeinating from soda helps

Posted: Feb 9, 2011 at 12:34 Quote
clarkestar wrote:
I'm a personal trainer. And I would HIGHLY recommend never taking any of these 'energy' drinks anytime before, during, or after a race or recreational ride. #1 they are so bad for you. and #2 they don't help. Eating right is the best way to boost your energy.

I noticed a comment earlier about redbull being all natural... bullshit.

where did you get your trainer certification, cuz that takes a few years

Posted: Feb 9, 2011 at 12:40 Quote
High carb content = best kind of energy you can get.

All that affects people most is the Caffeine in the drinks, and that wears off within hours anyway.
There good if lets say, you need a quick way to wake up, but coffee would have a much better effect without all the additives either.

Posted: Feb 9, 2011 at 13:16 Quote
Bottom line- Energy drinks are not needed, Not good for you and a waste of money. DONT BUY THEM tup

Posted: Feb 9, 2011 at 19:44 Quote
clarkestar wrote:
I'm a personal trainer. And I would HIGHLY recommend never taking any of these 'energy' drinks anytime before, during, or after a race or recreational ride. #1 they are so bad for you. and #2 they don't help. Eating right is the best way to boost your energy.

I noticed a comment earlier about redbull being all natural... bullshit.

where did you get your trainer certification, cuz that takes a few years

Through CPTN and you're thinking of kinesiology. That is what takes a few years in university. Personal training Certifications don't take long. mine was a couple of months. Can-Fit Pro(worst possible certification) takes a weekend and you learn....nothing.

Posted: Feb 9, 2011 at 20:20 Quote
no, my sister in law was taking personal training at mount royal uni, was supposed to be 2 or 3 years but she decided it wasn't for her, i hate knes students, they think they know everything cuz they've taken a couple biology classes

Posted: Feb 11, 2011 at 8:52 Quote
hahaha that's funny. i'd like to know which certification that was though... sounds interesting.

Posted: Feb 13, 2011 at 8:07 Quote
Energy drinks have little effect on me also, I only drink monster usually because I like the taste. I don't care about all the shit in them, i'm don't really drink enough for it to effect me I believe.

Posted: Mar 2, 2011 at 6:36 Quote
K-Forbes wrote:
ste3le wrote:
They all taste disgusting and had no effect on me. Can't get the 5 hour thing over here. Stick to sweeties and Isotonic.
no iv never heard of them before , and yes redbull ones taste discusting but they worked a bit on me
I think the whole "worked on me" affect is a mental thing. Example. a gitty friend of mine had one sip of a monster and was wired for the entire day. I have had many different kinds of energy shots and drinks and none of them have not noticed any affects.

Posted: Mar 2, 2011 at 6:38 Quote
if you are really tired. eat something healthy and or just take the day off

Posted: Mar 2, 2011 at 6:49 Quote
freeryder51 wrote:
K-Forbes wrote:
ste3le wrote:
They all taste disgusting and had no effect on me. Can't get the 5 hour thing over here. Stick to sweeties and Isotonic.
no iv never heard of them before , and yes redbull ones taste discusting but they worked a bit on me
I think the whole "worked on me" affect is a mental thing. Example. a gitty friend of mine had one sip of a monster and was wired for the entire day. I have had many different kinds of energy shots and drinks and none of them have not noticed any affects.

Mind stimulant more than anything.

Posted: Mar 20, 2011 at 15:36 Quote
green tea, forget those energy drinks and make your self some green tea


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