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My first and only dh bike
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My first and only dh bike
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 It sucks, but I love her. Looking for a new set of elixirs
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 id get a new frame first lol
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 My bike has character. I had to save my own money, so stfu
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 i bought mine with my own hard earned money. just saying u might want to get a new frame
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 eventually, I will. for now, I am getting a new spring for my shock, a new bar, and new brakes
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 what brakes u have?
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 hayes 9. yucky
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 thought they were good?
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 whoever told you that was fuckin' with you
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 ok. they suck?
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 yeah, I would say yes
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 they are either braking, or not, they are hard to find pads and stuff for, and they get worse with each run, which may happen with every brake, but its really bad with these
  • 4 0
 get juicys! Hayes 9s blow the biggest cock!
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 as has been stated above, I hate them, elixirs are 169 at my lbs, im gonna get them for this season
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 would your brakes be better then the ones i have because when you get new ones you should like sell them to me
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 I think we have the same brakes, hayes 9. check it, and get back to me
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 u should get jucies cuz they r cheap on pricepoint.com , but also elixir''s are really good brakes i have them , hellll of a lot better then my old hayes hmx-1 mechanical brakes
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 Eh, dont be bashin on 9's! Ahah, there not all that bad if you set em up right and have some good pads and the fluid is all good to go. I've beat the f*ck out of mine and they've actually surprised me and done very well for the past like 3 years. Cheap to buy, cheap shit to replace if anything breaks or wears, easy as hell to find parts for, and you wont be worrying about breaking your like 500 doller brakeset lol:P, but if you REALLY need something better, well then..ya now...get something better.
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 Mine stop shittier than my bb5 that isnt set up
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 lmao, well, something might be wrong there. Bb5's are very good for what they are tho.
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 hmm well set up those bb5's cuase they r good for mechanical , can be mega good once they are set up perfect and broken in..
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 no because dont you have hydraulic i dont i have mechainical and are they good
  • 1 1
 Yeah, I have hydraulic, and they are better than what you have, but arent amazing. they kindof suck
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 ya i did what brand of elixier should i get because there are alot of different brands and i dont know witch one is better.
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 go to a quick question thread for mtb and ask "what brakes should i get for my 2007 kona stinky"
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 @gavkonastinky07 if you want cheap brand new brakes get avid juicies from pricepoint.com like $70 each i think might be lil higher like $90 though.. cant remember, but anyway that website is a good site for cheaper stuff thats new
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 so what ones do you think i should have
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 go to wheel sport and get some elixirs. i think they are 160 per brake. if not, look used on buysell
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 that is why i want some cheper ones because that is alot of money
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 look used then. how much do you want to spend?
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 Avid elixir r. I absolutely love avid. got juicy and elixir
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 dude, i got juicy 5s on my stinky and they are amazing.
  • 1 0
 So why are you pushing me so hard about my Codes if your juicy`s are amazing. LOL
  • 1 0
 cause you can get straitlines for codes
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