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  • 5 0
 Fuck you Swansea council.
  • 1 0
 Ah well lol its not the council who we got a problem with it 2 local residents
  • 13 0
 Burn down some houses and be done with it.

It's shitty, but almost every trail on public land has a whiny little bitch that huffs and puffs until the jumps get blown down. It's weird because wasn't the council down to give you diggers and shit in the summer, now two f*ckheads bitch and cry and you guys are shut down? That is absolute bullshit. Your trails were an inspiration to me as a builder and I am pretty pissed off about this despite it not directly affecting me. You need me to come over there and get arson steeze on those bitches?
  • 1 0
 unfortunately that cant be counted reck, ans you didn't end on: "rant over"

but yes it is shitty, hopefully all will be good for next season
  • 1 0
 You love to argue. No, that is not a good thing.
  • 1 0
 it was a joke, sorry if that wasnt clear
  • 5 0
 It can't be counted, you didn't end on "j/k"

Jokes are usually funny bro.
  • 1 0
 i genuinely dont understand if you are being serious or not? Dan and all the other builders at moos are missing out on all the work they put into the trails, so you suggest burning peoples houses down, then get pissy when i make a joke reply
  • 2 0

I just figured it out. You don't even read entire posts, you just reply an argument before you even understand the post you just 1/2 "read".
  • 1 0
 what the f*ck? am i missing something? please dont just faceplam in reply
  • 1 0
 Yeh it sucks but we still got a good chance of getting the planning permission as its clearly in the public interest to keep the trails
  • 3 0
 Best of luck Dan. Moos is incredible and it would be a damn shame if it ceases to exist. At the very least, I am sorry you lost your trails for the summer. That is also shit.
  • 5 0
 thanks man, summer has been shit, what is life without trails!
  • 3 0
 you should have come down south, so many trails, and so many builders i am sure would be happy to have you Smile
  • 1 0
 yeh we always say we'll do a road trip but it never happens, not riden enough this year I dont know whether id be able to hit any decent sized trails anymore such a pussy these days.
  • 1 0
 I feel the same. our scene died for just long enough for me to fall out of it completely. that combined with a few decent crashes has put me in a situation where i can fully sympathies
  • 3 0
 There is a huge difference between riding trails you build and maintain vs. showing up at something new and just riding a big set of jumps. My trails are so much easier for me to ride because I built it all and know exactly how it flows. New jumps are always a scary experience.
  • 1 0
 no doubt, but riding new trails is a whole new thing, and has its own advantages. i mean within a 20 mile radius of my house i have over 10 world class spots, and my locals have been called the best in the world on may occasions. I am super lucky for that, but that sort of localization of trails justify a 3 hour drive in my opinion. I mean we get a lot of people coming to chertsey just to be there and experience the atmosphere of the place, and with every other spot having there own atmosphere. anyway that was a lot of rambling to say it is worth visiting trails now and again as it is special in its own right, and the souths many spots for a drive that isnt too long makes it that much more worth it on a side note can everyone ignore anything that seems to come across badly, i mean it in a good way but seem top be wording things very poorly at the moment
  • 1 0
 yeh around london has a ridiculous amount of trails
  • 1 0
 funny as it doesnt have that much land to build on
  • 1 0
 shame most of them are kept secret Frown
  • 1 0
 its not a shame, get to know the right people by putting in some shovel work and you learn a lot of places
  • 2 0
 Not secret to everyone just those lazy people who turn up rape the place, leave litter everywhere and then fck off. I've been invited to plenty of spots, if you have your own trails then other places are much more likely to let you visit.
  • 2 0
 couldn't have put it better myself
  • 2 0
 problem is i dont have my own trails or space to build (tryed 3 times all destroyed) and i cant find anyone building trails to help dig
  • 2 0
 yeh it sucks, just keep trying you will find somewhere, I use google maps to look for woods to build in. Or just go on some of the trails sites and ask nicely if you can visit, worth a try. If you get invited then offer to dig and respect the trails and I'm sure you'll be allowed to visit again, then you get to know some people and they will hook you up with other spots, thats how it works. But you got to make the effort can't expect people to come looking for you!
  • 5 0
 unlucky mate but good luck with it all
  • 1 0
 So out of interest what progress has been made so far?

and how are the jumps holding up under the tarps?
  • 2 0
 Not alot of progress yet, we want to see what happens to the other planning application for the dh trails in the park before we submit the moos application so this is holding stuff up. We been getting 3d plans done for the whole spot, moving dirt away from all the tree stumps, and I have to write up loads of stuff on how there built and how they are maintained and all that stuff so I working on that. I went up today to check on stuff as there's a storm forecast for sunday and its all good only one tarp had half blown of and nothings collapsed. Under the tarps everything is perfect, and all the wet weather has made the moss grow like crazy. I'm going to upload some pics from today
  • 1 0
 hope it reopens mate as i would really like to ride there Smile
  • 1 0
 daang bro that sucks, good luck with the planning.
  • 1 0
 Good luck. Hope it gets sorted.

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