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Le Terrior - Six Days of the Trans Provence

Nov 18, 2014 at 14:28
by ACRE Supply  
The word terroir roughly translates as, "a sense of place," and refers to a distinct set of characteristics that makes a place different from all others. The Trans-Provence is hosted in the South of France by Ash Smith and a small army of regulars supporting no more than 80 riders on this annual six-day race. The topography of Alpes-Maritimes range is known for its height and severity, but the region is tempered by it’s proximity to the sea. The race starts in the rural Sasse Valley and winds through almost 300 Km of terrain to finish in Menton, a resort town on the edge of the Mediterranean. The trails, like the architecture, range from modern to ancient. Some of the routes were made by the Romans, others pass by abandoned bunkers from the second World War. Each factor contributes a piece to the experience that is the Trans-Provence and what can only be described as one of the most unique and challenging mountain races in the world.

The race runs through several villages in between tracks of wilderness. Bringing riders out of the middle of nowhere into places that are centuries old.

ABOVE: Although it appears at first glance to be soft wood this is actually sharp rock. Sections of the terrain in this part of France can be rough on the bike and body.

BELOW: Ash Smith, the founder and director of the Trans-Provence, spends most of the year exploring the entire region for new trails. Ever year the route changes to keep riders on top of their game.

Each night dinner is provided for the riders; stories from the day are swapped, drinks are had, and introductions made between racers from all over the world.

Nightly accommodations are rustic, but comfortable. After the riders are on their way, the entire camp is packed up and moved to the end of the next stage.

Riders have the opportunity to check out the local fare in between stages, mostly in the form of recovery beers and baguettes.

ACRE / Mission Workshop team rider Ty Hathaway walked away as the top American finisher at the 2014 Trans Provence. Below are some images from his experience.

Race results are tallied daily, and a rider's overall ranking changes day-by-day.

As the racers approach the sea, the population density increases and sights of larger towns become more frequent.

Eventually, the finish in Mention comes into view, and the end of six days riding comes to a close right on the Mediterranean.

With only minor mishaps, our rider, Ty Hathaway timed in as the top North American finisher at 16th place for the 2014 race.


ACRE would like to thank:

Sven Martin
Duncan Philpott
Ash Smith
Tyler Morland
Duncan Riffle
Elayna Caldwell
Santa Cruz Bicycles
Scott Turner
Golden Saddle Cyclery

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Trans Provence

Author Info:
ACRE-Supply avatar

Member since Dec 10, 2013
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