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The Kingdom Vendetta X3 Reverse Build

Dec 28, 2022 at 3:03
by Lee Hawden  
The Vendetta X3 Reverse Build

Why Reverse?

Since taking ownership of Kingdom bikes we have wanted to offer full builds, we have some amazing accounts but the custom full built bikes often come with a hefty price tag. When a company brings a full bike to market they often get a load of their own "home brand" components made in bulk to use, often just rebranded generic components and this saves money and helps with margins but those parts are not often the best quality.

Not having the capital and not wanting to end up with a bunch of excess random junk in the warehouse we decided that we need a partner, we need someone who has been around a while, local, knows their stuff and orders can be made over a cup of coffee.
Enter FLI distribution, they have supported me for years in my racing career, a throwback to racing Solid mission 9s with Reverse Fli xxl bars in muddy fields in Wales, ah the nostalgia. On top of this, they are just down the road and are a great bunch of guys to work with.
The components are top notch, and not only are they great quality, the range of options is truly mind blowing, their catalogue looks like the yellow pages.

Whats the point?

While we all yern for the best and the shiniest bike on the hill for a lot of people, and especially with the current climate (sorry I had to mention it) its not reasonable, spending 6K on a bike for most is just a waste of money, the best bike in the world is the one you are on right. So we wanted to spec a bike that had our frame at its heart, a truly beautiful titanium work of art, with components that don't cost the earth, don't leave you wondering how you will explain to your SO the need to replace a £300 bike part they have never heard of.
We specced stuff we have ridden before, and paid particular attention to the important stuff.

Who is it for?

The full build is for someone who wants a full build Vendetta X3, but is still unsure about how their bike will look next year, they are after a solid place to start without breaking the bank and this build leaves room for upgrades in the future as things wear or as preferences change.

Why it is great and how can you make it better in the future!

Lets start with the frame. A Kingdom Vendetta X3, 29" with raw welds and perfected geometry. Check the website below for full specs and details. I'll let the pictures do the talking.





The drive chain was an easy choice, SRAM NX is a cheap and hardwearing workhorse, it doesn't break the bank, spares are easy to find and SRAM have a reputation for pretty good customer support.


The forks were thought long and hard about, and we went with the Rockshox 35, which seems like an odd choice but hear me out. On a budget fork you are only going to get so much for your money, so lets put all the high/low rebound and compression to one side and only worry about a couple of things. A forks chassis needs to be stiff, the forces need to be transferred to the spring, so chassis stiffness was a priority and lighter forks just don't do this job well they wobble around under heavy braking and twist in the corners, this is not a lot of fun. We are hoping that your Vendetta will be at home wherever it is, a bmx track, a trail center, Champery (maybe), so having a lockout was a must and decent rebound control. Again, as it is Rockshox, warranty is good, you can upgrade the damper, you can stick a coil spring in, you can fettle til your heart is content, and when the time is right, something new.


The brakes, again, a compromise. The SRAM Level TL brakes are pretty good performers, not the best, but pretty good, so to add more control and power, we stuck some good sized rotors on them from Reverse, 200mm front and 180mm rear will add to that stopping power that you are going to need on the steep stuff. But brakes are nothing without good rubber, its all about friction right. So we specced good rubber from the get go, Continental Kryptotal!





The finishing kit is also really important to us, it plays a large part in the feel of the bike, its your contact points, and your room to move, the parts you see the most when you are riding. This is where we didn't cut back. Hand build and finished wheels, that will allow you to change the driver if you wished to swap to Shimano, tubeless from the get go. Proper, colour matched bars, stem, topcap, brake mounts and spacers all from Reverse. A proper good saddle, also from reverse as we know, the best looking objects are not always the best for sitting on!

No dropper post though, and I'll tell you why. We will of course install one for you at the drop of a hat for a few extra quid, but if you are a large, do you want a 130mm drop or a 150mm drop, or maybe you are a daddy long legs, 180mm drop. Seems wasteful to spec a post that you very well may need to swap out anyhow. It is also one of the first things I change when I get a new bike, or usually just keep my nackered old one! This bit is down to the customer and we will work with you to sort you out here. And this applies to all the components, each Vendetta Reverse build is custom, so each build is customizable!




So those are our thoughts and feelings about the Vendetta X3 Reverse build, let us know what you think in the comments below and we hope you all had a bloody good Holiday!


Kingdom bike

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Member since Aug 3, 2022
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