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Another Reason to Ride Your Bike (especially to work)

Aug 14, 2017 at 1:37
by John Inman  
A new study published in the BMJ today highlights just why keeping active, whether that be riding your bike or digging your trainers out and going for a walk, can be so beneficial for your health.

Over the course of the study, the 263,450 subjects who were under review had a 41 per cent lower chance of death than those who didn’t.

“Cycle commuters had a 52 per cent lower risk of dying from heart disease and a 40 per cent lower risk of dying from cancer. They also had 46 per cent lower risk of developing heart disease and a 45 per cent lower risk of developing cancer at all”.

DH in Dunedin NZ Roadtrip

Having taken into account the negative affect of cycling too (risks of Road traffic accidents, falls etc), they still found that getting to work under your own steam more than outweighed these risks.

Living in London, it’s great to see more measures taken on the roads to encourage cycling. With more evidence to support the value of keeping active, even if its just 20 minutes a day, let’s hope for further changes in health policy to get people out on two wheels or two legs!

Link to the article here.

Photo Credit Lukas Hartung

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MountainsBikesBones avatar

Member since Aug 1, 2017
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