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Camp of Champions Introduces Cooper Saver

May 17, 2010 at 17:37
by Ken Ach  
Last summer I realized that trying to write the camp blog on Pinkbike, as well as making sure that Mike Crane's insane camp photos and Eric Peterson's Camp videos saw the light of day, that it was time to get someone to help out so I could ride more. Into the fray/office walked Cooper Saver who we had been hanging out at the dirt jumps with. Once we saw that he could use all 26 letters, knew a bit about punctuation and was stoked on keeping the world up to date with all the goings on at Camp of Champions we knew we had our man/boy. Here's a bit about Cooper...
Cooper Saver was born in raised in Los Angeles, California, his parents had no idea he’d end up in Whistler. Putting the "X" into LAX, he split town for Whistler as soon as he could. Maybe Cooper's parents shouldn't have taken young Coop on vacation to Whistler for so many years in a row. They might not have known, but Cooper knew, that the day he was done school, he'd be in Whistler riding and writing. He's been shredding bikes of most genres for over 4 years.
Now that he's 17, COC is helping him with his goal of trying to merge writing and an interest in the media with a bent towards the mountain-bike lifestyle. Poor bastard. Doesn't he know "writer" is one of the most under paid, over abused jobs in the world? Oh well. He'll learn. We'll abuse and under pay him to break him in for the real world. Part of COC's "Mission Statement" as they say in Business School, (I never went, I've just heard vague rumors of the place) is to help campers, coaches and camp staff get to where they want to be in the world. Our job at camp is to help them all achieve the dream of living their dreams. Be it our filmer Eric Peterson who makes the banger camp segments but dreams of making a full bike movie, or the camp photographer, Mike Crane, that rides pow all winter shooting snowboarding and skiing who rides all summer and wants to show the world how amazing biking is, the coach that wants to change the sport with their riding, the camper that wants to go pro, or the writer that wants to give people a window into the world that we are lucky enough to be in.

This summer when you check out the camp blog and see the 26 letters of the English language arranged into words and sentences that form a resemblance of the good times that camp is, thank Cooper and be thankful it's not me. My bad jokes are always free.

Ken Achenbach
Camp Owner/Director

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Member since May 23, 2006
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  • 2 0
 heyyy saw him opening day at whistler
  • 2 0
 Passed or passing?
  • 2 0
 ?what do you mean? i saw him Saturday i think
  • 2 0
 Was he passing you or were you passing him. Ken
  • 2 0
 i saw him at the base...dont think i ran into him on the moutain
  • 2 0
 one of the best man/boys around!
  • 2 0
 Yeaaaaaaaah Cooper
  • 2 0
 Coop sav is famous lol
  • 3 2
 yeah coop
  • 5 0
 So Stoked on Cooper! Good job budday and great choice by COC!
  • 2 0
 grats cooper.
  • 2 0
 Holy s**t Coop's going pro. hahah. Congrats man.
  • 1 0
 haha yyeah cooper!

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