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Camp of Champions Camp C Highlights and Video

Jul 18, 2010 at 18:08
by Ken Ach  
It was a great week at The Camp of Champions last week. With Kelly McGarry and Brett Tippie dropping in for a week of coaching with all the campers, it was a fast week. Between Cho Cho/Xavier Raventos, Kelly, Brett and the rest of our coaches, campers were going so much faster by the end of the week it was nuts. Having Ian Hylands, one of the best bike photographers come by to shoot and hang out was amazing. It was also cool how much fun everyone had with the coaches. My favorite line from the session was... "Man, Tippie makes just walking fun"
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Camp C Video

Kelly McGarry

Eighth In The World and Coaching At COC.
Having Kelly in for his first week of coaching with The Camp of Champions was awesome. A solid 8th place in the World Cup DH rankings means Kelly has an action packed summer. It was so great that he could squeeze a week into his busy schedule. Thanks Kelly, It was an amazing good time having you here. Can't wait for next summer already!

Felix's Good Week Bad Week
One of the campers that was progressing crazy fast was Felix. He was listening to his coaches, practicing what he'd he'd been told to work on, and having a great time. He was so stoked to get an invitation to the Crankworx Junior DH that he almost couldn't talk. Unfortunately on the last day he could barely talk because he crashed and broke his arm on the last run of the week. It wasn't pain, just bitterness to be missing Crankworx. It really sucks and were all hoping he gets well as fast as he learned to go fast. It was fun having you here, Felix, we all can't wait to ride with you next year.
Felix on Blue Velvet

Gareth Dyer

One of my favorite things about camp is seeing coaches that are new to COC get stoked on how much fun it is to coach people and learn about themselves at the same time. I think it's a great addition to someone's skill set as a sponsored rider to have a coaching background added to their resume.
Alan Hepburn on Dirt Merchant
I also really get a great laugh out of it when pro riders and industry veterans like Ian Hylands come up to the camp and see "How we do it". Watching their minds get blown by the amount of fun we have and the scale of COC compared to anything else they've experienced is such a great thing to watch. The proverbial line... "I had NO IDEA!" from Tippie was all time. That's what makes camp fun for me.

Eric Ghaleb on Blue Velvet
Alan Hepburn on Dirt Merchant

Here's our videos from Camps A and B. If you weren't here this summer you missed it. Before you get too depressed about it, next year will be even better!
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Camp A Video
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Camp B Video


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Member since May 23, 2006
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  • 1 0
 It looks hella fun, Looks like the riders are enjoying the air bag, and I have no Doubt that Ken has been working his ass off for all the loot everyone gets aha! Shame I didnt get to intern :p
  • 2 0
 now i really want to go to this camp, but it cost more that i can afford, oh well..
  • 1 0
 i wish i ccould be theird too bad it is that far away Frown
  • 1 3

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