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Sep 9, 2014 at 23:35
by Ian Chu  
TV day

for some it was a brutal day of broken bikes and broken body parts.

Manon Carpenter holding the stripe and empty champagne bottle high up for her first time.

The Calm before the storm.

Norway s own Isak Leivsson suffered a brutal crash on track here last year breaking his femur in the rocks. A 37th finish and some of the raddest shapes all weekend show he s got no demons.
去年挪威當地車手Isak Levisson在這嚴重摔車,在亂石上摔斷了大腿骨。今年整場賽事都處最佳狀態,以第37名完賽,克服了心中的惡魔。

Gee Atherton absolutely stoked through and through to join the rainbow striped two-timer club here in Hafjell.
Gee Atherton二度拿下金牌想必興奮異常,歡迎加入多金俱樂部。

今年賽季異常艱辛,我知道這個週末不是全贏就是全輸,我是用all in的態度去跑。對於Bryceland的意外覺得很可惜,因為他今年跑得很好,大家都在後面追趕他。感覺起來這個週末好像應該也是那樣,但你知道下坡賽…這顯示出這項比賽現在變得有多困難,每個人拼得多兇。要贏一次世界冠軍很困難,然後嘗到滋味後,每年每年都想再嚐一次,就像上了癮一樣。我知道我辦的到。世界錦標賽冠軍跟世界盃總積分冠軍很不一樣,我自己還是不知道哪個比較重要,但是現在我能告訴你,成為世界冠軍得感覺有多爽。- Gee Atherton – Atherton Racing

Gee Atherton committed through the rocks.

Ratty gives her the ol parking lot bounce test pre race.

Taking the high line. Rat Boy s riding has been electric this season but one huck to flat on the finish line jump ended his chance of earning the rainbow stripes. The most recent update is as follows- Following his accident at the end of his run during the DHI Men Elite Finals this afternoon British downhiller Josh Bryceland has been ferried to hospital. He will pass a scan and will undergo surgery for metatarsal fracture or multiple fractures and dislocation
整場都走外線…鼠男孩今年賽季真是脫胎換骨,但是今天在終點前那個直直種在平面的落地,將可能穿在他身上的彩虹衫奪去。最新的消息是「今天在世界錦標賽男子菁英下坡賽的意外之後,英國籍車手Josh Bryceland隨即送往醫院。他將接受掃描診斷,進行蹠骨骨折或是多重骨折與錯位手術。」

Tegan Molloy backed up her Jr World Cup title with a World Championship title here in Norway.
Tegan Molloy拿下世界盃積分總冠軍後,又在挪威奪下世界錦標賽冠軍。

Jr. Women s Podium.

who would have guessed that a Jr. medal would go to a rider from Ireland.

After qualifying on a clean run back in 22nd Connor Hamilton smashed his way to 5th place in the finals. The kiwi junior is on the rise... Here s hoping he gets the necessary sponsorship to make more of the World Cups next year.
在排位賽第22名成績之後,Connor Hamilton決賽時拿下第五。這位紐西蘭年輕人大有可為…希望他明年能獲得更多贊助出賽更多世界盃賽事。

Aussie junior Max Warshawsky pinning the outside berm option on his way to a 4th place finish on Norwiegen dirt.
澳洲青年組車手Max Warshawsky,在邊坡上壓車狂飆,拿下第四佳績。

What a ride for Trek World Racing young gun Laurie Greenland. Greenland finished second and will be a force in 2015.
來自Trek World Racing的年輕好手Laurie Greenland拿下銀牌,2015年值得期待。

Luca Shaw was up at the first split and on the run of his life but the track proved treacherous and ended the young American s World Champ dreams... for now.
Luca Shaw第一份段領先,跑的非常理想,但是這條危險的賽道終結了他的世界錦標賽之夢。

The track at Hafjell was loose and dusty today and everyone was giving it all they had. Sometimes all was just too much.

Crashes were the name of the game for the the top Jr. qualifiers.

Loris didn t rack under pressure and backed up his top spot in seeding with the fastest time of the day.

Jr. Men s podium

Congrats Loris Vergier.
恭喜Loris Vergier成為青年組冠軍。

Gwin getting a final race prep from John Hall.
神祕車手Aaron Gwin在賽前John正在為他準備比賽用車。

Everyone was prepared for the official end to the season.

Loic Bruni was looking hopeful after team mate Loris Vergier took the win in the juniors.
Loic Bruni看見同是法國籍隊友Loris Vergier拿下冠軍後,顯出自信滿滿的表情。

 This sandwich is pretty damn good huh mmmmhmmmmmgggg

It was a bit chilly to begin the women s race and many opted to warm up in the pits before heading up the lift. Quiet time and focus for Manon.

Kinter hits the slab n slide option and gets ready to nail the rock garden coming out fifth on the other side.

Husband amp Wife Team owners and best friends. Bryn Atkinson congratulates Jill Kintner after her run.
是夫妻,是隊友,也是最好的朋友。Bryn Atkinson在賽後恭喜Jill Kintner。

Germany s Steffi Marth of Trek Gravity Girls is the only rider to compete in both 4X and downhill World Championships for 2014. A bronze 4X medal in Leogang and 16th at her first DH champs is no bad year on two wheels
Trek Gravity Girl車隊的德國籍選手Steffi Marth是2014年,唯一參加4X與下坡賽兩項的選手。在Leogang拿下4X銅牌,挪威拿下第十六,今年表現不俗。

Tahnee Seagrave is the first riders since Sam Hill in 2004 to back up a Jr World title with a medal in Sr Worlds the following year.
Tahnee Seagrave是在Sam Hill 2004年之後,第一個前一年拿下青年組冠軍,後一年接著再次奪下前三名的車手。

Tahnee Seagrave rounded out the women s podium making it a GB one two and three.

Myriam looked incredible coming back from her broken hand and based on her TT yesterday was a genuine title contender...

Pom Pon was on a scorcher of a run but a crash kept her off the podium and she ended up in eighth.
Pom Pn正賽跑得火熱,但是摔車讓他跌出頒獎台之外,第八名完賽。

The dirt on the goggles tells it all for Myriam Nicole.

Tracey Hannah took the safer but slower outside line through the rock garden. This and perhaps one other safe option somewhere else on track could have cost her a medal as she was just 3 seconds of Seagrave s bronze. Then again plenty of riders threw down all their chips and paid the price this weekend. Fourth s no bad deal

Tracey Hannah looked fast in practice all week but the look on her face as she crossed the line confirms her race run didn t go to plan.
整周練習看下來,Tracey Hannah看起來速度很快,但是從他過終點後的表情就知道,他並未跑出預期的成績。在亂石區,他走了比較穩當,但是速度較慢的外側走線,可能加上其他段安全的走線,讓他損失了幾秒鐘,這讓他僅僅以三秒之差,落後銅牌的Tahnee Seagrave。比賽當天有更多車手冒險大膽嘗試,但是付出了更大的代價…第四不算太差的收穫。

Manon Carpenter diving into the main rock garden holding her line right through the belly of the beast.
Manon Carpenter衝入進亂石區中央,就這麼直直切過了這頭猛獸的肚子。

Manon Carpenter got on the gas today and edged out fellow Brit Rachel Atherton.
Manon今天火力全開,擠下了企圖衛冕的Rachel Athreton,在最後分段以微乎其微的秒數領先。

Rachel Atherton.
這週末Rachel Atherton練習的相當完美,這讓許多人相信,他能保住彩虹衫。

Up at the first two splits it came down to the wire for Rachel but she would lose all time gained over the last minute of the track.

Manon Carpenter s reaction to Rachel Atherton s 2nd split on the left and her finish time on the right.
左邊是Manon Carpenter看見Rachel Atherton第一分段計時時的表情,右邊是看見Rachel通過終點後的表情。

Your 2014 World Champion. Well done Manon.

這實在太瘋狂了!我完全沒想到會這樣。我想要盡全力跑,我知道大家都很快。我只想盡全力跑出一場沒有後悔,感到滿意的比賽,我用了110%的力氣去跑。在終點區,我告訴自己「如果Rachel贏了,我也服氣了,因為他跑的真的很棒。」成績實在太接近了!他經過最後木橋時,我知道離終點大概還有十秒,從那邊開始我覺得沒希望了…然後計時器上顯示紅色,我贏了。後來五分鐘做的訪問,我像是這樣「我拿到彩虹了,明年跟以後我通通都可以用它裝飾…這真不錯!我沒想到能在這裡拿到冠軍,覺得非常高興。我等不及下週穿著彩虹衫回到英國比賽,這周英國隊表現的真是太好了… Gee、Josh,還有青年組的Laury Greenland,太棒了!」 -Manon Carpenter – Madison Saracen車隊

Carpenter taking a well deserved victory lap.
今年女子冠軍Manon Carpenter。冠軍是他優異的表現應得的結果。

Women s podium

Rainbow glory

Three Britts on the podium mens there was much to celebrate.

Well done Manon Carpenter well done indeed.

Watching the live feed has never been a good way to judge a track. Rest assured Hafjell World Cup track ranks pretty high up there on the brutality and speed scales combined. Only the very best riders in the World are able to make it look easy and find flow while all other mortals put their bikes and bodies through all kinds of punishment.

Death grip it and rip it

As the men s race kicked off the crowds began to gather in the finish arena

Different line options through the rocks kept riders on their toes.

Healing vibes out to Connor Fearon after suffering a brutal crash in these rocks just moments after this frame as he cornered out of the rocks. Broken cheek nose concussion and a lot of stitches in his face. Hope to never see a crash like that again in my career.
就在這張下片的快門之後,Connoe Fearon嚴重摔車,希望他能快速康復。後果包括臉頰鼻樑骨折、腦震盪,臉上還逢了幾針,這都是他戴著全罩頭盔下的意外。你應該去看看他在Instagram裡的自拍照…好好休息吧Connor,我們等不及下個賽季再看見你狂飆。

Bryn Atkinson put down some full bore Aussie speed hitting over 82kph in the trap.
Bryn Atkinson展現了澳洲式的高速風格,以時速82公里拿下前二十強。

One giant S for Slovenia...

Steve Peat always corners with perfect style and it s no surprise Josh does the same.
Steve Peat總是做出完美的過彎姿態,Josh當然也是如此。

Remi Thirion put down a heater of a run World Champs were announced today to be held in Andorra where he won last year and a very good chance he could again in 2015.
Remi Thirion在下午跑出了亮眼的成績。今天宣佈了2015年世界錦標賽將在安道爾舉行,他在這裡拿過分站冠軍,明年將是奪冠的大熱門。

Remi Thirion was the first rider down to get the crowd excited by boosting into the rocks.

Brook Macdonald would have been on the podium had this been a WC amp Danny Hart managed to bee 2nd at the top split before hitting the dirt.
Brook Macdonald很有機會站上班講台。Danny Hart在摔車之前,在第二分段做出第二快成績。

The Bulldog was charging hard today and took fifth place.

No chain from the top of the track and riding like a man possessed Neko Mullally managed to finish 4rth today. Just 1.5secoff out of the medals and just 2 sec away from the win. What could have been.
從頭到尾都沒鏈條,像是有著魔力的騎乘,Neko Mullarlly拿下第四名。只跟銅牌差了1.5秒,跟金牌差了2秒。真是太不可思議了。

Neko Mullaly won the chainless Worlds race.
Neko Mullally是非官方無鏈條下坡賽冠軍。

The run everyone will be talking about for some time to come. Mullaly takes fourth chainless from the first pedal stroke.

Across the line and into the hot seat yet few up on the hill had even realized that the whole run had been done without a chain.

Neko Mulally only 2 seconds off Gee without a chain. Would have smoked the field with a little more pedal power.

Instant legend status. No Chain no problem. Gnarly Mullaly now knows just what he is capable of.

No one could be more proud of this guy than his Mom.

The second fastest Aussie of the day after Troy was Bergamont-Hayes shredder Jack Moir. Looking solid in practice the 20 year old was able to claim his best ever result of tenth place in the final. Well played no.33
今天排在Troy Brosnan之後,第二快的澳洲車手是Bergamont-Hayes車隊的Jack Moir。練時時就表現很好,這位20歲的澳洲車手決賽拿下第十名。好樣的33號!

Sam Hill was looking unstoppable here and would end the day with the fastest top 2 splits but sadly things came undone for same on the last rock garden.

This is what happens when you get a few inches off line at Sam Hill speed.
Sam Hill在挪威看起來無人能擋,在頭兩段計時都是最短時間,但是這一切都在最後一段亂時區上破滅了。

This was one of the gnarliest crashes I have witnessed in recent memory.

Luckily Sam only suffered a broken neck brace and a sore hand.
這就是以Sam Hill的速度之下失誤的結果。這是我們看過他摔最慘的一次。還好他只有摔壞護頸跟手部挫傷。

Sam Hill was on a bombastic run. It all came to an abrupt halt in the lower rock garden.
從樹林亂石區出來後,Sam Hill想必還是全身發抖,但是他繼續加速,這時他心裡應該浮現2008年大摔的景象吧。

Just a herd of photo nerds.

Blenky attacked Hafjell in his signaure balls -to-the wall ragged style but might have gotten slightly too loose this time. Even if safe riding means better results let s hope he never changes

Blenki pinned into the finish for 7th just in front of teammate Loic Bruni.
Blenky衝過終點拿下第七,排在隊友Loic Bruni前面。

Top contenders Loic Bruni and Greg Minnaar were just off the pace today.
Loic Bruni與Greg Minnaar這兩位奪冠熱門,都未能在挪威達成目標。

Greg had problems with his rear wheel early on in his run and lost enough pressure to cause him to hit a tree attempting the creek gap a feature he had totally dialed. We ll never know what Greg could have done here but his TT run of 3.27 was already a top ten time in the race today and in identical conditions. Either way the 3 time defending champ was super unlucky and totally gutted to miss out on a fair defense of his stripes.

Green finish line light in sight Gee smashes the final corner.

Gee Atherton may not have have the best World Cup season but on the one day where a win mattered most - he made it count.

Brosnan in full race tuck on the open grass turns. The young Aussie finished third today. Not a bad way to finish the season.

Troy Brosnan will have some rainbow stripes on his arm in no time..
Troy Brosnan在不久的將來將會奪下彩虹衫。

Ratboy fan club.

Josh was up heading into the finish but a broken left foot on the last jump left him unable to pedal to the line. He would finish just .4 back in 2nd.

Post ankle breaking cruise down into the line.

As soon as Josh crossed the line it was apparent something was terribly wrong.

Josh announces that he s made a real mess of his foot to the horror of team manager Kathy and team mate Peaty.

Greg and Peat carrying Ratty

Greg and Steve carried Josh over to the hotseat so he could receive medical attention. He was in a lot of pain and was rushed straight to the hospital for evaluation.

Ratboy didn t quite expect to be in the hotseat like this.

It was a bit of a strange end to the day with Josh hurt and only Troy and Gee on the podium.

Tears rach n tay

uci medal

With only two guys on the podium it was a Crystal duel at 2 yards.

The Men s podium minus one celebrates in Hafjell.

Taylor Vernon Dan Brown and sister Rachel were the first to congratulate Gee on his second World Championship title.
隊友Taylor Vernon,車隊經理Dan Brown,妹妹Rachel一同祝賀Gee拿下2015年世界冠軍。

Rather than dwelling on what could have beens Troy was pumped to finally get his first senior champs medal after his two junior titles.

我在賽道上盡了全力,跑的幾乎完美,過終點後看見還是0.5秒落後,說實在有點難以接受…當你如此想要拿下錦標賽勝利,看見計分器上顯示紅燈是件很難受的事。除此之外,拿下銅牌還有今年拿下分站冠軍,我知道我能贏得比賽,在這裡即便只拿下銅牌,這已經很棒了。我希望自己能夠一直保持顛峰。今年對我意義重大,我能高興的回家,休息一下,明年再來贏一些比賽。-Troy Brosnan-Specialized Racing

Ratboy was here in spirit thanks to Kathy Sessler. Carted off to the hospital at the finish line one hell of a way to end a race. Most people wouldn t have continued riding after breaking their ankle the way Ratboy did.

The healing vibes are being sent out to Rat Boy from pits far and wide. Heal up quick Ratty we want to see you at your best next season.

It s Miller time. Except not especially if you re from Belgium.

Good way to finish off the season working late every night in Mongo s Condo. We were missing Dave Nate and Matt but Sven Martin Duncan Philpott Maddog Boris The Hoff Parkin Brothers Joe Boweman and Hannah Jonsson held things down proper. World Champs of media.
每天晚上攝影師們都工作到深夜。照片裡是Sven Martin、Duncan Philpott、Maddog Boris、The Hoff、Parking兄弟、Joe Bowman、Hannah Josson,還有Dave、Nate、Matt沒有入鏡。這個賽季就在這一夜結束了。

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claudedore avatar

Member since Oct 11, 2008
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 辛苦了! 感謝解說~~
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 加油 Ratboy~~~
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 Sam 真心惨!!!!!!
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