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Cam Zink Invitational Goes Big Mountain

May 8, 2024 at 10:33
by Izzy Lidsky  

This year's Cam Zink Invitational was met with unusually cold, windy conditions for a desert freeride competition. After a day and a half of waiting for conditions to improve without much luck, many of the riders loaded up and headed about an hour and a half north of Zink's property in search of some big mountain riding. Led by freeride crew In the Hills Gang and big mountain legend Graham Agassiz, twenty or so riders skidded their way through a chute and down the face of a mountain as the wind howled behind them. Following a weekend of not much riding, an excursion to ride big lines in an incredible location was just what riders (and filmers!) needed.

Torseenn Brown skids out of the first chute onto the face.

Adolf Silva putting his brakes to the test.


Malachi Artice and Cody Wilkins after their first line and going back for seconds.

Barb Edwards making it look easy.

Big mountain means hiking a bike a whole lot.

There's not really words for how cool this was to watch.

Vibes were all time.
For the most part...

Asa Howe comfy as ever on big mountain terrain.

Hayden Zablonty, Torsenn Brown, and Ryan McNulty absolutely cooking down this face.

*wipes eyes* Mountain biking is so wholesome.

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izzylidsky avatar

Member since Nov 5, 2020
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1 Comment
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 Those shots are amazing!

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