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TrailTrophy - Flims Laax 2016

Aug 9, 2016 at 0:59
by n8tive bike  
TrailTrophy - Flims Laax 2016 (Homerace)

Finally it happened and the fourth TrailTrophy came to Flims Laax right in front of the doorstep of our teammembers Laura and Kai. A 3 days race with 13 stages and one nightstage had to be overcome.

Friday 07/29/2016

After the whole team had arrived on Thursday, we started in the afternoon in the Flims forest for the first three stages. Here a variety of roots, sprints and uphill lines were to face. Passing the two most beautiful lakes in the country we finished the first part of the race. But that wasn’t all! On top of that all riders met again at about 9 pm at rocksresort hotel equipped with lamps to challenge the last special stage of that day – the nightride.

Saturday, 07/30/2016

With best weather conditions the riders pedaled up to the glacier. Up on 2800 meters it was pleasantly cold but the air became rare. The trails downwards left no wishes unfulfilled . Take a look at the pictures of stage 7 and it will be hard stopping you from driving to Laax right now (promise!). Sadly Maik took a side-slip and broke his collarbone (again).


Sunday, 07/31/2016

On sunday the weather acted up a bit crazy with a lot of rain and fog, so the organizers were in doubt if the favored stages were passable for all. However, the storm moved on quickly and the first riders were brought to the Never End Trail with the cable car gondola in Laax. Another three stages of high alpine terrain and downhill lines required all the skills and power of the riders.
Laura and Kai have done a great race and prevail best against the others with great results in Pro Class. Here are the awesome results:

Laura Konikowski 1st place of the women Pro Class
Kai Wendschuh 2nd place of the men Pro Class


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Member since Jun 9, 2016
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