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On the road to Atomlab's Supersession 3!

Nov 29, 2007
by Tyler Maine  
So how many times do you hear of North American riders doing Cali riding trips in the winter time? Probably a lot because Canada sucks in the off season if you are a biker (which is 8 months of the year), so we are going to make this one a little different.

We are sure you have read about thousands of different hidden trails, jumps, and riding spots, and how amazing they are for the riders that get to go to them; but how often do you get the lifestyle stories? As far as we are concerned that is the most entertaining and interesting so we will be giving you the best of the best, face to face for this entire trip which will be including the Atomlab Supersession 3. I’m not talkin’ about any fluffy stuff, I’m talkin’ about the parties, the people, the drugs, the money, the hustling, prostitutes and more! Haha, maybe I got a bit over exaggerated there but after all we do live like “rock stars” don’t we?As we progress through the cities and states there will be more people joining onto the convoy of this trip, so every time you read an introduction to a person you should picture a montage from a movie like Snake Eye’s.

[intro]Ryan Meyer(the voice): 19 year old Tsawwassen native, born and raised in the reserve of the Vancouver(Canada) ferries. Riding for IDUN Clothing, Marzocchi suspension, Giant bikes, he obviously likes to ride bikes, but in Ryan’s spare time he endures rigorous exercises of mental and physical strength that include many hours of abuse to his two mk1(’75 - ’84) VW’s, selling sweatshirts at Canso clothing (where IDUN Clothing is distributed), and making more “just friends” with women then one Canadian man should ever be cursed with.


Mike Reid, Ryan and Nick Meyer

[intro]Nick Meyer: 20 year old brother to Ryan, Nick also has lived in the smallvillian bubble of Tsawwassen for the majority of his life. He drives a big Ford Ranger with 33” tires and a 6” lift… this means he probably is lacking something in a certain region that we all know about but it is politically/socially unacceptable to publicly write/talk about. OFF TOPIC. Nick is a very skilled mountain biker who has all the tricks on lock down, but after riding for 6 or more years, the most recent and exciting skill he has learned is to corner. Yes, what you are thinking is true, Nick has ridden for over 6 years on a mountain bike and JUST learned that “you just drop your shoulder and don’t brake as much!” –Nick

[intro]Mike Reid: If you do not know who this is you probably will not have to make a note of it because it will soon be as common as reading Harookz, Sterling Lorence, or Ian Hylands in the bottom right corner of any publicized bike photo. Apart from Mike having a bit of skill behind the lens, you may have heard that he is a weird little 19 year old kid, and many stories to accompany that. They are all true and there are so many that involve Mike Reid that once you have heard a couple you won't even remember what the story was about, you will just remember how STUPID Mike was in the story. We will leave it at that and I’m sure you will be hearing of more then one ridiculous night he led.

Day 1:

After spending a long night getting the IDUN clothes ready for guys on the trip I was bloody tired! Nick woke me up at 5am to get my 2 big Dakine gear bags, 2 back packs, laptop bag, and 1 last luggage bag filled with my numerous pairs of shoes into the trailer. After I did that we said the good-byes to the mom and dog and went to the other side of Tsawwassen (one block away) to get Mike. To fill you in on why Mike is in Tsawwassen and not at our house, it is because his brothers play hockey and the high school, South Delta Secondary (in Tsawwassen) is the school with the hockey program… this means that the hockey jocks can be enrolled there, where they slack off to the point of being illiterate and still get better grades then most of us. So anyways, Mike’s brothers got transferred to SDSS and his parents moved out to Tsawwassen, so Mike was at his parents house for once. We picked him up and proceeded to the border, then got there and there was a 1.5 hour line up! It was “Black Friday” yesterday so the Canadians were still frantic to go get the best deal from the Americans. I would like to take this time to remind all you United States residents that us up here in Canada, yes we are the ones that live in the ice houses and have dog sleds, yes, our dollar is worth more then yours! We waited from 6:45am to 8:15am to get to the boarder crossing, and by then I had enough time to right the intro to this story and recite our answers to the borders guards questions with Mike and Nick.

We pulled up to the boarder guard and this is how it went:

BG: What is your purpose of going to the United States?
Nick: We are going to California for a mountain bike tour.
BG: Are you guys like… professional mountain bikers?
All 3 of us: haha, no no… not at all
BG: Oh just armatures eh?
All: Haha.
BG: Who is Mike Reid?!
Mike: Me, that’s me, I’m Mike!
BG: You don’t have a passport Mike? (Obviously Mike doesn’t bring his passport and only brings a sketchy birth certificate and his drivers license.)
Mike: No, not yet. (But he actually does he just left it at home)
BG: Oh. Who’s trailer and car is this?
Nick: It is our Dad’s.
BG: Who’s dads?
Ryan: Our Dad(pointing to Nick and I). We are brothers.
BG: Oh! OK, well have a good trip guys.

None of us could believe it as Nick drove off in the manner that one would if they just found a brief-case of money with unmarked bills in it. We didn’t get searched!? Are you kidding me? We were all so pumped because the majority ruled that we were going to get searched and have to spend an hour inside while the officers rip apart our trailer and SUV. Big utility trailer, big SUV, 3 punk teenagers, packed full of luggage… we were doomed we thought.

Stop #1:
McDonalds. Everyone had egg Mcmuffin meals, supersized of course. Then we got some gas and started driving to Portland where we were going to meet up with Joe and Hacksaw.


Going south

As we were driving to Portland we are all dieing to go to the bathroom (not restroom) so we are eagerly waiting for the next exit to go out, where then we find a Wal-Mart of course and go in there. Reid makes the point of how there is about 12 stores all around us, each with a different purpose, but what is the point of them all when there is a store as glorious as Wal-Mart?

Stop #2:
Wal-Mart: So we end up going to the gun section in side and find ourselves guying the biggest and best air soft guns in the store. Mine is a M16 mock up that shoots 600 rounds a minute! Nick got the ultimate pack with a gnarly shotgun that shoots like 280 feet per second and a dope loader thing and a hand gun that shoots over 200 feet per second as well! Then Reid just got a hand gun that shoots 260 feet per second and we all played with our toys for a sec then left the joint.

Stop# 3:
Portland: Ended up getting directions to these jumps from Hacksaw,

[intro]Jim ‘Hacksaw’ Severt: The man, the myth, and the legend of Reno, Nevada! He is old enough to be your daddy but will take you down in any skate park and IDUN and Atomlab can vouch for that.


We were going to meet him, and he took us to some park that went right down to the river. Pretty cool setting and his trails were dope! It was set on a higher level of land that had set up jumps starting on the top, then dropping down into a big left handed burm and then 3 medium size doubles. When you go to the top there was what I thought was a pump track, it had burms and rollers and everything, so obviously I started riding it and then these dudes that were watching me with their RC cars kinda glared at me… then Hacksaw told me that what I was on was the RC track. WHOOPS! So then I got off and these guys just started jumping the rollers and killing that track with their gas powered RC cars. It was pretty dope except there was a cloud of exhaust fumes surrounding the jumps that we had to breathe in during our sesh.


After that Hacksaw left for a dinner, so Nick, Mike and I went to Burger Village and had a killer dinner. We then sat at the Star Bucks on our laptops like a bunch of chotch, then went to Hacksaw's shop to sleep for the night.

Check back for more updates soon.

Author Info:
brule avatar

Member since Mar 27, 2001
3,581 articles

  • 1 0
 Those jumps are called "Meldrum" and they are so sick............Avoid fast food in the states, think about the quality of food you get for under a buck! YUCK!
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
 If anything- Burgerville!
  • 2 0
 Nice write up, but seriously, "glorious as Walmart" ????
  • 1 1
 more to come guys... day 2 and day 3 are comin up along with WAY more photos my camera died, but I have it up and running
  • 0 0
 no way. . . . . if you are in cali the only food you should eat is "in n out" you wont regret it
  • 2 1
 McDonalds ? Eeek.
  • 0 0
 inn and out burger ya get the 12 patty burger
  • 0 0
 how far south you guys goin?
  • 1 1
 sick photos.
  • 0 0
 that would be awasome

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