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Monster Energy Slopestyle Video

Aug 16, 2010
by Karl Burkat  
The Monster Energy Slopestyle went off yesterday with Zink, Montgomery and Groves taking the top 3. We've got a video compilation of the event, check it out!

Action inside
Slopestyle aka Day 7:
Views: 12,774    Faves: 91    Comments: 18

Videos from each day at Crankworx 2010 from Whistler Creek Productions:

Day 1 - Dual Slalom:
Views: 1,344    Faves: 12    Comments: 0

Day 2 - Monster Energy Garbanzo Downhill:
Views: 1,862    Faves: 20    Comments: 1

Day 3 - Canadian Open Enduro:
Views: 1,136    Faves: 3    Comments: 1

Day 4 - Air DH and SAINT Deep Summer Photo Challenge:
Views: 14,867    Faves: 64    Comments: 6

Day 5 - VW Trick Showdown and the Ultimate Pump track Challenge:
Views: 21,471    Faves: 88    Comments: 11

Day 6 - Giant Giant Slalom and Camelbak Dirt Jump Jam:
Views: 1,201    Faves: 9    Comments: 2

Day 7 - Monster Energy Slopestyle:
Views: 12,774    Faves: 91    Comments: 18

Day 8 - Canadian Open Downhill presented by Kona:
Views: 2,417    Faves: 31    Comments: 9


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Member since Jan 1, 2000
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  • 3 0
 in my opinion this years course was better than anytime. the riders had to push their limits to compete in this kinda event. i was stoked too see that many tricks on those rad to the boner jumps and drops.and i think those top guns like semenuk, darren, yannik, martin and others crashed and got injured because they pushed their limits way beyond their ability. and i think after this event we will see some bangers tricks in red bull rampage. sorry for bad english.
  • 7 0
  • 7 1
 so radd cam deserved a win its been a long time comin!
  • 11 1
 looks like this course was focused on the gnarly aspect....I like it, but damn a lot of good riders going down. I think highland park was the best this year, it was nice and long, good variety of stunts to hit, and it wasn't too gnarly more like focused on having a good trick comp. Just my two cents Wink
  • 6 0
 I liked this course more than any other years in the past because of its gnar factor. It made watching it a lot more entertaining. Those that didn't fall, slayed, because it looks near impossible to ride that course and not shred it hard.
  • 2 5
 That was siiiiiikkkk...My fantasy team WON!!! syke
  • 6 0
 "10 minutes of action inside"

more like an hour Razz
  • 4 0
 Wow, congrats to Cam on both the win and being a mountain biker who give an intelligent speech. It almost sounds like he (gasp) actually went to school. So many "what ifs" in this comp, but in the end he laid down a tidy run and deserved the win.
  • 1 0
 what happened to lacondeguy?
  • 1 0
 Haha yeah. When you compare him to Sam Pilgrim...
  • 1 1
 what happened to the originall video that was up for the slopestyle? was much better
  • 2 0
 The videos above are the official Crankworx videos. My video was sponsored by Rockstar and was designed to focus on Rockstar athletes at the event. Unfortunately the powers that be did not like the fact a Rockstar sponsored video become the main video for an event sponsored by another energy drink company and I can understand that. I did however give monster multiple opportunities to get involved. They were not interested. Thanks to Rockstar for supporting me bringing you into the festival the way i see it.
  • 2 0
 Yea Cam Zink! After overcoming all those injuries he deserves it. Casey Groves works hard and is be coming very savy, he is going to have some staying power in this game. Mike competing on a hardtail is sick, that says alot about his prowess.
  • 2 0
 oh gee sorry i thought crankworx was about mountain bikes on a mountain bike course not a bmx course. OBVIOUSLY THE STUNTS ARE GONNA BE GNARLY AND HUGE!! SICK COURSE!! HELL YEAH CASEY!!!
  • 1 0
 montgomery is an animal ! he killed that coarse ! and for somereason this year i had a feeling zink was gonna pull it through, congrats to all the riders and sam dueck ! you killed it amazing !
  • 3 0
 this was the best course yet. slopestyle is meant to be big. The guys all still killed it.
  • 4 0
 Simply an amazing event! Can't wait to see what happens next year!!!!
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 thanks mate, its epicmountainvideo.com though Smile
  • 1 0
 ahhh sorry about that, but the edits were awesome!
  • 1 0
 glad you liked them mate, im gonna have a nap and then finish the Giant Slalom and Downhill videos , check out the best trick video, somehow got missed by pinkbike community , www.pinkbike.com/video/153944
  • 3 1
 10 minutes of footage? i think you mean 4.5 minutes of footage with 5.5 of crappy interviews
  • 1 0
 "I said I like having sex but I wanna see some flips!" ha that's just awesome
  • 1 0
 I picked Zink as a sleeper pick..I dont know why i just felt that he was going to just wake up and dominate.
  • 1 0
 haha, my team SUCKED! i had brandon, yannick, andreu, jack, Greg, and t-mac
  • 1 0
 yea so did i... i had andreu bass zink semenuk and watts
  • 1 0
 Casey and Sam killed it so hard! Way to be gnarly guys, props!! Sick video Peter.
  • 10 0
 what about mike he just killed the course.. on a hard tail!!
  • 2 0
 Mike killed it too! Just pumped for my team mates/young guns too. Everyone was getting crazy.
  • 1 0
 @ryfri66: are you kidding me? he murdered that course, brought it back to life, raped it and murdered it again!
  • 3 6
 I was kind of dissapointed in this years slopestyle course, and what ended up happening. So many talented riders crashed, and they would have brought new things to the table that no one else was doing. I feel like the course designers (is it john cowan still?) should consider how many people crashed this year and build a more suitable course next year, and there were really only 2-3 obstacles that really sketched riders out, but it made the difference. I think that zink and montgomery deserved their spots, but some of the younger guys werent doing anything new, or expanding the horizons of the sport. In past years, this event has really pushed riders to push their limits, and I felt like this one had to many crashes to let them do that.
TL;DR Course was bad, wish better athletes made it into the finals so they could throw down.
  • 3 0
 well this is mountain bikings.. injuries will happen sometimes. but i do agree, this course was a bit sketch(at the lack of a better word) at some points.
  • 11 0
 people still threw down. just because it wasn't the guys you thought that should have won, the winners still deserved it and didn't make the course bad. to say this years didn't push people to their limits is kind of a dumb statement seeing how tail whips/360s were done off a 20ft drop, flip whips among other tech tricks done and not to forget the massive front flip. i don't know about you but a new trick is just as impressive as someone doing a not-so-new maneuver on a huge feature. remember this is mtb, not bmx. the bigger the bikes leave less room for intense progression.
  • 2 0
 technical trick wise
  • 2 1
 i felt that deuck/mcgarry didnt really deserve their spots because they kept there scores from their first run, which were high because the judges were throwing around points right at the beginning.
  • 1 0
 greg's first run was better than any of mcgarry's runs for sure but thats just how these things play out.
  • 1 0
 ^ exactly, the guys that crashed did so because they were pushing harder and faster, but there IS a limit to how far you can go on these courses without pushing too far, so the guys who scored well deserved it IMHO. Good to see McGazza up there with them this year. People will crash, that's how they learn Smile
  • 10 0
 pinkbike comunities reaction to slopestyle course:
last year: "whaaa the course is to small"
*course is made bigger*
this year "whhaaa its to big"

you guys are tough to please
  • 2 1
 the course last year was perfect! but still the people who won this year definetly deserved to win. they kept it togother on a massive course and threw down sick moves
  • 1 1
 What was that trick that claw did? A 360 suicide no hander? Dayummm.
  • 1 0
 i missed fogel's run. how'd he do?
  • 2 0
 did lacondeguy ride?
  • 2 0
 "Lacondeguy was a pussy and wasn't happy with the course and hung out in the bar and watched....he said it didn't have big enough jumps?!?!? It was a man's course and he chickened out..." as quoted from the whistler thread.
  • 1 0
 very nice,2010 is sick..every year they make another trick..
  • 1 0
 blood sugar sex magic
  • 1 2
 the huge monster drop in my opinion was a waste of time they couldn't do anything off it except for 3's and tail-whip's
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