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nac nac / Pic from mobile made by Mały
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nac nac / Pic from mobile made by Mały
  • 1 0
 Awesome nac mate!! Youre progressing so quick and going huge! Any tips on how to learn the nac nac, do u spot your pedal or just focus on the landing, are you pushing with your left foot etc??? Any how to would be much appreciated!
  • 2 0
 Thanks bro.
If you have right leg In front and you know how to whip the bike look on it.

-First you must find chill jump the best dirt jump.

-Put your right leg behind your bike and add some whip the best if you will look somewhere in right side.

-You should just try put big Nac Nac at first time.
For sure you will not back it and you will have problems with landing but don’t give up.
After few jumps your nac nac will be better and your leg will star coming back on pedal each time.

-Crashes are chill if something will go wrong you don’t have to putting your leg back on the pedal and try land, you can just land beside your bike on your foots and run from landing.

-It would be the best if front of your bike will stay little bit higher then rear.
Thanks for this crank will stay in normal position.

After some time your nac nac become bigger and bigger and you will know what tod do with it.
This pic was make after hour of training and my nac nac isn’t the best but after each jump I lern something new and it getting better and better.
  • 2 0
 Oh and I forgot about one, please greet Amber from me Wink
  • 1 0
 Thanks so much for taking the time to reply in such detail mate, really appreciate it. I'll give it a go. Have done perfect one's into a foam pit, bike sideways, foot behind me and landed it, but the minute it's onto dirt I panic. Can no footer and one footer, but I worry about the angle of the bike when I come into land.

Does the bike go straight when you come to land and put your foot back on, or do you need to push the bike straight for landing?

Thanks again and Amber says hello! Smile
  • 1 0
 If you will do normal whip while nac nac bike will go back. Thats why you must turn your head in right side like you would do normal whip but also you must let go right leg. For sure at first time you will not back it but later you will learn how to do it. Also when you will do it first time whip don't will be so big so you dont have to worry about the angle. As you can see my NAC NAC still isn't so big like for example NAC of Dylan Sherarrd's.
  • 1 0
 Sweet, thanks again mate! Yeah I can whip so that's cool and it's my right leg forward so that's the one i'd take off, same as you. Do you have a photo of the jump you're doing it off? Is it more of a sender than a DJ kicker? I guess you need some good air time for a jump like this? I think I need to find the right jump to learn off, something with air time and less upward kick. Thanks again for all your advice mate, awesome watching your photos and vids of you progressing!!
  • 1 0
 In my opinion it is harder to lern on big jumps.
Safe dirt jumps are the best and you dont have to worry about crash.
I had pic with lip but I cant find it.

This trick is very difficoult because you mas add one trick to another.
Sometimes I think that it would be better to star learn "no foot cancan" then this because it would be easier
  • 1 0
 Thanks again mate, really appreciate it! If you do happen to find a pic of the jump you were trying this on it would be really useful (even if it's just of the jump without you riding it) just to see if I can find one the same near me. I've been looking at no foot can as well, seems easier but I'm having problems getting my right leg over the top tube, but will keep working on it!

Sweet riding dude, keep it up, it's sick to see!! Smile
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 No one said that it will be easy. But if you will start do good nacnac you will get a lot of satysfaction from it. I will look for some pics of this jump.
  • 1 0
 I found pic of this jump :
  • 1 0
 Sweet, thanks mate I appreciate it! Smile Cool, gives a great idea of the kind of jump to build confidence! Smile
  • 1 0
 I was putting nac nac on some bigger jump but it was much more difficoult and I think that small dirt jump with sharp lip is much better to learn.
  • 1 0
 Thanks mate. I'll find the perfect jump, get my whips dialled over it and then get that foot off and back! Smile Nacs here we come!
  • 1 0
 I think that you shouldn't care about this whip so much it would be the best if you would just put this leg behind the bike at first time and add big whip and dont come back. Even if you will crash your body will remember how it is like fly with leg behind bike. Thanks for this nac nac will be easier to learn.
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 No no, widze ze bogdan nie próżnuje w łapaniu skilla Smile Czuje sie jak emeryt..
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 heheh musisz przejśc na rente razem z mojżeszem i śledziem Smile
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 Nie dam sie tak łatwo ;p
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 trzymam cie za słowo Razz
  • 1 0
 ale jeszcze cos nie to ;p
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 Jak już wspominałem dzisiaj dopiero zacząłem.
Ale spoko loko niedługo będzie wielki.
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 NIce to see your progression... youre getting better on every pics.
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 heh thanks but this pic was make by mobile so quality isn't the best
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 I meant YOU are getting better...
  • 1 0
 Marvelous! This is an awesome trick! RideOn!
  • 1 0
 Yes but very dififcoult and still isn't super big
  • 1 0
 tu lepiej Wink

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