Local Mountain Bike Flow Trail Demolished 旭ヶ丘フロートレイル 取り壊し

Jan 16, 2017 at 22:44
by Andy Meadows  

On Sept 24th, 2016, the Asahigaoka Flow Trail opened for inspection. Built into the hillside beneath Kutchan’s disused ski jump, the development was the result of efforts from local volunteers who worked alongside Allegra Tourism, a trail building company from Switzerland hired by the Kutchan Tourism Association. The project was a triumph for many reasons. Mostly because the local council was heeding the demands of the population, who had lobbied hard, promoting mountain biking as a potential for summer tourism dollars while also being a fantastic, healthy outdoor activity. Also, the building of community mountain biking trails is relatively new in Japan, so it was an almost unprecedented venture.

2016年9月24日、旭ヶ丘フロートレイル実証コースの体験会が開催されました。倶知安町旭ケ丘公園スキー場の夏季未使用斜面を活用し、倶知安町観光協会によって依頼されたスイスのAllegra Tourism 社の設計を用いたヨーロピアンデザインのフロートレイルは、町内外からのボランティアのかたも含め多くの方々の努力によって作り上げられました。 マウンテンバイクが健康的なアウトドアアクティビティとしてだけではなく、夏場の誘客促進に大きな可能性があると熱心に活動していた住民の声に倶知安町議会が耳を傾けた事、またマウンテンバイクトレイルのコミュニティが日本ではまだ比較的新しく、このプロジェクトが前例のないベンチャーであった事が成功要因として挙げられます。

Under the summer sun, digging and scraping, helping to carve the run into the hillside.

The build itself took 20 days, but the lead up to the opening was a lot longer than that. Yoshi Tanaka, a Kutchan councillor and keen mountain bike rider, visited Kutchan’s sister city of St Moritz in Switzerland and came across Allegra Tourism, a company that develops mountain bike trails across Europe. He petitioned his fellow council members who saw the value in the project and invited Allegra Tourism to come and gauge the area’s potential as a site for mountain bike tourism. It was agreed that the trail would be built and opened on a trial basis to measure its popularity and its impact on the environment. Analysis of this data would determine the future of the trail and potentially lead to expanding the project.

フロートレイルの造成自体には約20日間を要しましたが、実際の体験会開催日までにはそれ以上の時間を必要としました。倶知安町議会議員の田中よしひと氏は、倶知安町の姉妹都市であるスイスのサンモリッツを訪れた際、ヨーロッパで多くのフロートレイル設計をてがけるAllegra Tourismを訪問し、地元ガイドと共にサンモリッツスキー場を視察、フロートレイルを体験されました。田中氏は他の町議会議員へ夏季のスキー場の利活用、特にMTBツーリズムの発展性をよびかけ、Allegra Tourismを倶知安町に招待し、滞在中にニセコグランヒラフとアンヌプリの両スキー場と「旭ヶ丘スキー場」を歩き、フロートレイルコースのデザインを依頼しました。その結果、マウンテンバイクトレイルの夏季観光誘致への貢献と、自然環境への影響を計測するための事業として、フロートレイルの試験的造成・オープンが決まり、実走行実験・アンケート調査終了後に今後の継続と事業拡大について協議される事となりました。

It was designed to be used by everyone, from ten-year-olds to first timers and advanced riders.

The build was an arduous task. Those who volunteered their time sweated under the summer sun, digging and scraping, helping to carve the run into the hillside. Eventually a 1.3km trail took shape, twisting down the ski hill in a series of perfect s-bends, berms, and rolling jumps. It was designed to be used by everyone, from ten-year-olds to first timers and advanced riders. But mostly the trail was a chance for the community to come together and enjoy the exhilaration of downhill mountain biking.

フロートレイルの造成は7月21日から始まり8月中頃までかけ、町内外からのボランティアのかたも含め多くの方々の協力により進められ、最終的に約1.3kmのコースが造成されました。 子供や女性、初心者の方でも楽しめるよう設計されたコースは、マウンテンバイクを楽しむ人々のコミュニティの場として今後の展開にも大きな期待が寄せられました。


The first test day was a huge success and feedback was overwhelmingly positive. The trail itself was deemed ‘perfect’. Over the next 12 days, 800 riders from all over Hokkaido and even some from Honshu made their way down its twists and turns. The popularity of mountain biking in the Niseko area was confirmed without a doubt and the future was looking bright.




Fast forward to 1st December 2016 and, astonishingly, the Asahigoaka Flow Trail was demolished by those in charge of getting the ski hill ready for winter operations. The mountain biking community was understandably devastated. Aside from the fact that the trail had cost well into the millions of yen, it was the disregard for the emotional and physical investment made by volunteers that people found most affronting. Many riders felt let down by the local establishments, mystified as to how the demolition could be allowed to happen. No one understood why the flow trail and the ski runs couldn’t coexist like they do in Whistler, Canada or Thredbo, Australia or any of the other ski resorts around the world that offer mountain biking as a summer activity.


The Kutchan Tourism Association has since given a statement expressing their outrage at the removal of the flow trail. They have apologised and asked for patience while they look into the situation. The local paper has also run a story, reporting that the trail was dismantled with permission from the town Mayor due to the ‘contract period’ coming to an end. This was contrary to the riding community’s understanding, who were under the impression the trail would be a permanent structure. It also makes very little sense from an economical perspective considering it reportedly cost 2.8 million yen per kilometre to construct. At the end of the day, this situation is the result of poor communication between the authorities and the locals, and also between the different departments of Kutchan town’s governing bodies. On the upside, the article also notes that the Kutchan Mayor is considering rebuilding the trail next year.


Photo credit: Yasu

Moving forward, while the Asahigaoka Flow Trail is gone, the community spirit that it embodied certainly isn’t. This is not the last of mountain biking in Niseko. People here are too passionate and productive to let that happen. The local Government will be lobbied and plans will again be set in motion, but this time they have the advantage of a proven method, backed by solid data. The countryside might be buried under a blanket of white right now but you can bet that, at the first sign of summer sassa, the locals will stop shovelling snow and start moving dirt. Skis and snowboards will disappear and bikes will be wheeled out because, no matter what the season, there’s no better privilege than riding the mountains of Niseko.


MENTIONS: @andymeadows

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andymeadows avatar

Member since Oct 26, 2010
1 articles

  • 3 0
  • 3 0
 This is a result of having a bunch of out of touch old farts in charge who are unwilling to change. This is a typical problem all over Japan and the reason why there aren't very many good trails here.
  • 1 0

good park
  • 1 0
 残念ながら、money talks, bullshit walks.

  • 1 0
 WTF... just give me that money... i gonna solve the problem...

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