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random enduro thoughts

Mar 20, 2014 at 0:03
by Dimitris Sepkas  
Enduro, enduro, enduro... enduro this, enduro that, is this enduro? is this enduro enough?
What seems to be a new category in mountain biking is in fact some of the oldest disciplines.
You cannot have mountain biking without ups and downs allright? And that's a fact since you always have to get up so that you'll be able to get down.


What we've got here now is lighter and faster bikes, long travel ones, which came through the bike industry's evolution.
Owners of these bikes are starting to think: -Am I old enough to keep riding downhill bikes or should I just focus myself in another discipline:the ALL-MOUNTAIN category of bikes? But wheres the funof this?I like racing!!!! and YES, i like doing it with my buddies too!
So in conclusion some of these lead us to Enduro racing, which basically is an old discipline with new features: lighter and stiffer carbon frames, top-end parts, flashy clothing -which i can show around - and stopwatches!


We make fun while racing, right? So no pressure climbing for the guys! You can still have your beer diet till the previous night and still have enough time to complete the race the other day, while detoxicating yourself during the climb. Imho, yes, that's a fun way of racing. Having a 5 hour period to complete the stages and only count the totals descending? That's a total "YES"!
But what happens with the other disciplines? Nothing! And thats the magic of it.


People move from xc racing to enduro, also from dh racing to enduro and also from enduro to xc and dh also!(nobody can deny the excitement of going minimum body protection...)
A guy that can't handle downdhill racing anymore will move downwards the speed/risk scale and a guy that didn't realise "he had it in him" will move upwards from xc racing to more risky riding habbits!
Who doesn't enjoy riding downhill?C'mon are you serious? The whole sport started from amateur dh races in California some decades ago...
That's it! We found the missing link: all-mountain riding! We reinvented it! Yeah we've put a lot of expensive bike parts in, threw some stopwatches too, some of the most expensive clothing and yes everybody loved it.

It's the elite of equipment wrapped up nicely and given back to bored riders. We made the wheels of bike industry, turning a little more by adding inertia (enduro) and that's a true success story my friends, not the Greek kind off.

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Member since Dec 14, 2009
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