What do you say to telemarketers?

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What do you say to telemarketers?
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Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 17:33 Quote
thought it would be interesting to see some of the things u say to telemaarketers Smile

hi is (name here) there
yes, hes in a meeting, would you like to shcedual an appointment?
yes i would
ok, and how would you like to pay for that?
oh, sorry, ill call back later
ok, thank you, so, how do yoiu accept to pay for those (x amount) of minutes ?
sorry? bye


hello is (name) there?





Keep doing this in various tones and they will eventually hang up


get them to say there story, say, oh you want ( family member)


(repeat story)

oh, im sorry, you want (different name)

(new person)hello?


sorry, wrong person, you want (different name)

repeat with as many people as possible


hello, is (name) there?
no, can i get your number to egt him to call you back?
(at this point, they should either say" no, or yes. if they say "why not? do you not want total strangers calling you at od hours of the night? or if they say "yes" then in the morning/ night, block your number and call them


hello is (name) there?
no, im sorry, could i speak to your supervisor, then could you call me back

if they say yes, then ask him for his number so u can call him after your meeting. then. when they call back, say, ohhh, you want ( supervisors name) heres his number. then you give her/him there number, so , they will then start callign there supervisor, unaware that its him, and they know his name, and then they start to explain there story to their own supervisor!


get a couple friend ready
hello? is (name) there
no, oh one sec
(in back ground)
wowwowowow what are you doing....you said i didnt have to have the money till later?what...what are tyou doing with that gun?
(phone drops to floor)
(get pre-recorded gunshot sounds then play them, then hang up)
so, if they cal lthe cops, then they can get charged with hoax or whatever, or, they might be ass holes and then just hang up and call the next person
lol...those are some of the ones i can thing ok

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 17:36 Quote
haha, i love it... i just harass them soooo much. just random thought to. just talk to them. see how their doing, then eventually make fun of it.

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 17:41 Quote
i did this once when my friend was over. (she's a girl just so ya know)

the caller I.D. let me know it was a telemarketer so i hit the speaker button. we both instantly started making noises like we were having sex.....loudly. i said, "hold on a sec honey, hello?" he was like "uhhhh...." and started to give me the pitch. we then continued to make noises and waited for him to hang up. it didn't take that long.

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 17:43 Quote
oh, i forgot to mention that we were rocking the couch against the wall in rythem with the noises and screaming. you know, just for that added effect of reality.

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 17:44 Quote
hahaha. that sounds funny. imagine when he got off the phone telling people what just happened. or going home to his family and them asking how his day was and him telling them the storylol (if he has a family)

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 18:36 Quote
Ask them if they got good news or money.

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 20:16 Quote
tm- Hi, are you interested in..
me-Um, sry im kinda busy can you give me your number so i can call you back
tm- Uhm sorry were not aloud to do that
me-oh so you dont like people calling you?..well thanks ill remember that

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 21:24 Quote
Try to convince them that I am a lesbian (i have a deepish voice) and that I am into bestiality. Basically just screw with them as much as possible. Today we had one call about the paper, they were offering me the paper delivered to my house everyday, with TV times, and this weekly magazine, for $21. Needless to say I was outraged, at the fact that the paper was $21 and I managed to bargain her down to $9.95 a month for the paper. Then she was like, do you live in a house? Nope. Apartment? Nope. Where do you live? Under the 10th street bridge in a series of boxes and shopping carts connected into a massive hobo condo. Then all I hear is Click!

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 21:55 Quote
telemarketers left a message on my machine, so I called thier number on my cell phone, and played thier own message back at them through my cell phone lol

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 22:20 Quote
I got this one from a local frame biulder. When they call the shop I work at I let them talk for a minute. Then I explain that this is a bike shop and that we pay rent and the phone bill to sell bikes, then I ask if they ride bikes. If i get a no response I respond "what are you a fat lazy slob?"

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 22:59 Quote
nip-peterson wrote:
that is so funny

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 23:02 Quote
If its a realy long thing that the telamarketer is saying I normaly wait unlill there finaly done and then ask the to repeat what thay said. half way throgh I say I missed that last part ect. soon they get pretty angry.

Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 23:09 Quote
Some of us paid for our bikes with money made telemarketing. For some people it's the only available job. I was lucky with my job as a telemarketer. I did not have to stay on the phone. I quickly moved up the telemarketing ranks and became a supervisor of two teams and 40 agents. Therefore I am not harsh with telemarketers. I handle it similar to this clip... This is how to handle a telemarketer...!


Posted: Feb 15, 2008 at 23:23 Quote
That video was funny.

I like prank calls. When I used to work at a small sports store we would call Canadian Tire and Sport Chek. We would ask them if they had left handed baseball bats. It would usually take them half and hr to an hr, with like 4 different staff to figure it out. WHen they finally figure out that there is no such thing, they will tell you, then you just go "NOOOOOOOOOOOO its a blue easton, I saw it there last week!"

Also, we used to call play it again sport and ask for used jock straps that will fit my junk. Then we would just be like "Yea we need something in like...a medium waistband...but like...a HUGE cup". Its usually just hold for like 10min before they come back and studder that they dont sell jock straps used.

Telemarketers is just, caller ID...telemarketer. Phone on.. Phone off.

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