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List of PB Users that do not pick-up COD packages

PB Forum :: Scams & Stolen Bikes
List of PB Users that do not pick-up COD packages
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Posted: Mar 7, 2009 at 9:26 Quote
I love using C.O.D. It's almost impossible to be ripped off using COD. The problems I've run into are the idiots out there who do not pickup the C.O.D. package you have sent them. So I've started this forum simply so you can post/see who has been screwing us out of our hard-earned money we paid to ship it to them.

Cheers, Chris

Usernames So Far.


Posted: Mar 7, 2009 at 9:28 Quote
for starters, pb user "blinkdk" did not pick up a frame I sent him a while ago, I'll find the rest of the people who have ignored the parts they've ordered from me

Posted: Mar 17, 2009 at 7:57 Quote
Sticker099 did not pick up my frame i sent to him, he said he would but he never did, so dont sell or buy from this guy

Posted: Mar 17, 2009 at 8:01 Quote
Really good idea for a thread. You should update your first post and add a list of all the names people post.

Posted: Mar 17, 2009 at 19:17 Quote
fireman wrote:
Really good idea for a thread. You should update your first post and add a list of all the names people post.

Good call, Doing it right now. Hope it'll pick up a bit faster, I'm sure more people have dicked around

Posted: Mar 27, 2009 at 11:25 Quote
NorcoBikeRider7 did not pick up his package

Conversation "Bars/stem HURRRY" with NorcoBikeRider7

Mar 9, 2009 at 14:15
NorcoBikeRider7 says:
Hey man sold i will buy asap will you ship to peterborough Ontario i will pay shipping if you like

Mar 9, 2009 at 14:40
saturnine says:
sure thing

Mar 9, 2009 at 15:12
NorcoBikeRider7 says:
Okay can u ship it soon like this week

Mar 9, 2009 at 15:25
saturnine says:
i can ship it COD for $12. the COD charge alone is $7 so that's pretty good. $37 total.

Mar 9, 2009 at 17:30
NorcoBikeRider7 says:
yeah i will doo COD

Mar 9, 2009 at 17:31
NorcoBikeRider7 says:
ship wedensday please

Mar 12, 2009 at 13:26
saturnine says:
sent them. will be there by tuesday next week.

Mar 12, 2009 at 16:27
NorcoBikeRider7 says:
umm sorry man you shouldnt of sent it i already got a stem but i will buy it now i guess becuase that is shitty that you sent it soo wait did you ship bars and stem or just stem??

Mar 12, 2009 at 16:34
saturnine says:
i shipped both. you told me to ship them so i did.

Mar 20, 2009 at 13:22
saturnine says:
yo, pick it up

Mar 20, 2009 at 14:14
NorcoBikeRider7 says:
yooo i dont want them, but i willl pay for shipping to have them sent back, you shoulda double checled before you sent them id buy them but i already bought hussefelts and eston vice stem like the day you sent yours out. Also i dont have money for them becuase i ordereed other parts that i have to pay for

Mar 20, 2009 at 15:13
saturnine says:
no, i shouldn't have double checked. you should have cancelled immediately. it's not my fault you plan poorly. it cost me $16 to ship.

Mar 20, 2009 at 23:04
saturnine says:
i'll be putting your name in the scammers thread and i'm going to do my best to make sure you don't make anymore transactions here.

Mar 21, 2009 at 10:56
NorcoBikeRider7 says:
ok you f*cking idiot i said i would pay shippping so go f*ck urself i will post your name as weel

he hasn't paid me back and it doesn't look like he will. i'll rescind my comments if he follows through. don't ship to this clown. he doesn't know how transactions work.

Posted: May 27, 2011 at 16:43 Quote
Sellers do not ship anything COD to this kid "KodRed" his name is Kody bodson from Ottawa.
He is of the 70% of kids that will waste your time and $.

Posted: Aug 10, 2011 at 8:38 Quote
I don't ship COD period. This is the 21st century people... we have paypal which has BUYER PROTECTION ya know... chances are if someone doesn't actually have the money to pay for something in advance then they don't have it to pay the COD either. Not to mention the seller can be stuck with the shipping charges BOTH ways with the deadbeats like on this thread who just don't bother to show up for the COD item.

Posted: Sep 9, 2011 at 8:46 Quote
deeeight wrote:
I don't ship COD period. This is the 21st century people... we have paypal which has BUYER PROTECTION ya know... chances are if someone doesn't actually have the money to pay for something in advance then they don't have it to pay the COD either. Not to mention the seller can be stuck with the shipping charges BOTH ways with the deadbeats like on this thread who just don't bother to show up for the COD item.
cant wait till you get ripped off like the other idiots who pay first and dont get shit lol.

Posted: Sep 9, 2011 at 14:11 Quote
How would I be ripped off? Grow up kid. This is how e-commerce works. You see something you like online, you pay for it, it comes in the mail. If you don't have the money, you don't commit to buying it. What? You can't understand the concept? Well gee... never heard of EBAY? Because millions of people every day manage to understand the concept but apparently not the children on pinkbike.

Posted: Sep 9, 2011 at 17:20 Quote
deeeight wrote:
How would I be ripped off? Grow up kid. This is how e-commerce works. You see something you like online, you pay for it, it comes in the mail. If you don't have the money, you don't commit to buying it. What? You can't understand the concept? Well gee... never heard of EBAY? Because millions of people every day manage to understand the concept but apparently not the children on pinkbike.

e-commerce works very well with legitimate businesses. believe it or not, all we have to go by on this site is a stranger's word. your faith in paypal is pretty high.

Posted: Sep 9, 2011 at 17:41 Quote
That's probably because I've been doing e-commerce for longer than paypal, or ebay have existed. I had the very SECOND mail-order bike store on the world wide web, over 17 years ago (the first was started by a friend of mine a few months earlier). As such I know very well how useless and pointless COD is, and how easy it is to get scammed/lose out that way. For starters, it is against every postal/courier company's rules to turn over the package without payment, and if its a shipment of scrap metal instead of a bike when you open it, they're not going to just give you your payment back because its not what you expected in the box. They're also not allowed to let you open the box before paying. For the seller, besides the point of this thread...people who never actually pick up the package leaving you on the hook for all the shipping charges, you're left waiting for the post office/courier service to send you the payment for it, and there's no guarantee the payment will actually be good. Courier companies if its a driver coming to your door, take the payment and immediately stick it in an envelope that's pre-addressed/labeled to send to the shipper, but they have no way of knowing if the check is good/bogus, or if the cash they're handed might be counterfeit.

For that matter, pinkbike's own FAQ on buying/selling tells people to use paypal.


Posted: Sep 20, 2011 at 14:00 Quote
deeeight wrote:
That's probably because I've been doing e-commerce for longer than paypal, or ebay have existed. I had the very SECOND mail-order bike store on the world wide web, over 17 years ago (the first was started by a friend of mine a few months earlier). As such I know very well how useless and pointless COD is, and how easy it is to get scammed/lose out that way. For starters, it is against every postal/courier company's rules to turn over the package without payment, and if its a shipment of scrap metal instead of a bike when you open it, they're not going to just give you your payment back because its not what you expected in the box. They're also not allowed to let you open the box before paying. For the seller, besides the point of this thread...people who never actually pick up the package leaving you on the hook for all the shipping charges, you're left waiting for the post office/courier service to send you the payment for it, and there's no guarantee the payment will actually be good. Courier companies if its a driver coming to your door, take the payment and immediately stick it in an envelope that's pre-addressed/labeled to send to the shipper, but they have no way of knowing if the check is good/bogus, or if the cash they're handed might be counterfeit.

For that matter, pinkbike's own FAQ on buying/selling tells people to use paypal.

your definately more likely to get ripped off paying for an item first through paypal. I have had a dispute with paypal when I was in the right and they did nothing for me. I would never get bike parts from someone without going COD. Its not 100% safe, but much better than paying someone and hope they ship you your parts.

Posted: Sep 20, 2011 at 15:29 Quote
Then don't ever try and order from jenson or chain reaction or any other real bike shop that sells online, OR ever bid on ebay, because there's no such thing as COD with them at all. You're obviously too innocent for the internet and e-commerce altogether. You should support your local bike shops and leave the 'net to us adults.

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